2022 Colorado General
El Paso County Sheriff

Democratic Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.FoleyForSheriff.com
Email Address: FoleyForSheriff@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: Retired Military
Military Background: US Marine enlisted and US ARMY Lt Col, Iraq War veteran
Resident of El Paso County: 11 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Sheriff that will benefit our county?
My experience as an intelligence officer working with the FBI, US Treasury and DEA has directly led to aiding successful counter drug operations. My intelligence team provided groundbreaking information to the DEA and FBI, exposing at the time, the largest drug smuggling network operating on the US east coast. Later, while deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom, I served as Senior Intelligence Officer, 5th Special Forces Group and as Senior Intelligence Officer for a Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force. My skills in counter terrorism operations will be added value to the Sheriff office. On the person side as a NRA firearms instructor, I work with youth groups on the safe handling and use of firearms.
What is your vision for being our county’s Sheriff?
To be Colorado’s premier law enforcement organization; professional, trained, ready to fight crime, and protect the citizens of the community. A proactive Force, responsible to the community, and committed to US Constitution and the American values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Sheriff's Role
What are the roles, rights, and duties of the El Paso County Sheriff? Are their specific ways that have you seen law enforcement agencies abuse their authority that concern you, and how will you prevent that from happening in the El Paso County Sheriff Department?
Elected sheriffs are accountable directly to the citizens of their county, the constitution of their state, and the United States Constitution. Their #1 priority is Public Safety for the people of El Paso County. Sheriff’s office performs many functions to achieve this mission. Rural patrols, criminal investigations, countering drug trafficking, the county detention facility, conceal carry program, support to school security, wildfire and emergency management, crime reduction through education, K9 units, and tactical units. Plus much more. This is a hard job that required tough leadership and a commitment to public service.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Sheriff, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our county, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Safeguarding our senior citizens, is critical and suffering due to personnel shortages within the sheriff’s department. Addressing this shortfall requires a rural revitalization effort, which is currently lacking. Once I fix our personnel shortages, we can increase our senior wellness checks. Since seniors have a higher rate of victimization by online criminals, I will establish a collaborative relationship with the National Cybersecurity Center (NCC), located here in Colorado Springs, and partner to provide a senior citizen awareness campaign to address online threats. Additionally, my background working with Homeland Security, I’m the best qualified sheriff candidate to tackle the issue of Human Trafficking. This is crime that requires a sheriff with experience attacking networks, be they criminal or terrorist networks.
Governmental Overreach
How will you defend and protect the Constitutional rights of the people of El Paso County against any unconstitutional overreach by state or federal government? (For example: “No Knock Raids”, “Red Flag Laws”, and “Health Mandates”.) In addition, how will you defend and protect El Paso County citizens against ANY unlawful act by any individual, governmental agent, foreign/international governmental body, or organization?
As someone who has sworn to uphold the US Constitution for his entire adult life, I hold sacred all 27
amendments to the Constitution. As an ardent Federalist, I will use my experience with the Federal law enforcement, such as the FBI, to investigate and counter all anti-Constitutional entities such as the
Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and others. Although I’m not a big supporter of No-Knock Raids, there are rare and special circumstances that may require its use in a tactical situation, but that will be my call. The current Red-Flag law is already used in EPC. It has been used nearly forty times by local Law Enforcement and my Republican opponent has failed to disclose this fact.
Immediate Challenges
What do you believe will be your most significant challenges as Sheriff of El Paso County? How will you address the overcrowding in the jail, illegal drug issues, and human trafficking in our county?
Recruiting and retention is a significant challenge. The personnel shortages have an exponential and negative impact the department. Deputies are overworked due to manning shortfalls. These shortfalls make ALL missions more difficult by adding more work on the backs of fewer people. This leads to personnel quitting often going to other departments or seek private sector security jobs. As for the jail, it’s the largest mental health facilities in Colorado, and this needs to change. We need to get out of the mental health business and focus on fighting crime like illegal drug networks. I will use my counter terrorism experience to go after the dangerous cartels and drug networks.
Recruitment and Retention
How will you recruit and retain highly qualified talent in the Sheriff’s Office? Do you plan to address the diminished police protection to the rural areas of El Paso County, and if so, how?
Leaders are sensitive to the perceptions, needs, and concern of all their people. Recruitment and retention are fundamentally broken in the sheriff’s department. As a leader, I will use my experience as a senior leader in Army Recruiting to fix this issue. I will design a coherent and robust strategy for recruitment and retention of only the best qualified deputies and officers. This requires a purpose driven strategy with modern recruiting objectives that leverages network centric recruiting. This will include both internal networks, and external networks. I will also use Army market research and advertisement planning techniques tied into a synchronized public affairs program. My experience in Army recruitment over a 12 state area ensures success for our department.
Interdepartmental Cooperation
What will you do to work cooperatively with local Police Departments and other law enforcement agencies within El Paso County to provide better public safety?
The recruitment and retention problems are also plaguing all local law enforcement within El Paso County. As such I will assist the other departments, by including them in our new recruitment drive. By allowing them to tag along or participate on our recruitment effort, we all win. Law enforcement is like a team sport, and if I can help with my expertise and aid other local departments recruit it is an added advantage to the community and the public safety workload. Additionally, I also will seek out any opportunities to use my advance intelligence background and experience in improving police intelligence operations and fight criminal networks. My inter-agency background will greatly assist in making Public Safety a priority.

Republican Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.RoybalForSheriff.com
Email Address: Joe@RoybalForSheriff.com
Occupation/Vocation: Undersheriff / Law Enforcement
Military Background: USMC
Resident of El Paso County: 49 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Sheriff that will benefit our county?
I have served the community and the Sheriff’s Office for over 26 years, and I am the Vice President of the Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition, protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. I began my career in 1995, graduating from (P.O.S.T) Peace Officer Standards and Training Academy. I have worked my way through the ranks starting at Sergeant, Lieutenant, Commander, Bureau Chief and Undersheriff. During my 26 years I have served in diverse capacities to include the Jail, Court and Transport, Internal Affairs, Intake and Release, the Special Response Team, Metro, Vice, Narcotics, and Intelligence while working with a Street Impact Team, and Marijuana Regulation, Concealed Handgun Permits, Training, Recruiting, and Budget and Finance.
What is your vision for being our county’s Sheriff?
I will address the mental health crisis in our County both in the community and in the Jail by increasing efforts and programs proven effective. I will provide more protection for the innocent and consequences to offenders (Reduce victims and crime) through systems designed to prevent crime. Finally, I will continue to combat assaults on our constitutional rights and efforts to discredit and hinder our police forces.
Sheriff's Role
What are the roles, rights, and duties of the El Paso County Sheriff? Are their specific ways that have you seen law enforcement agencies abuse their authority that concern you, and how will you prevent that from happening in the El Paso County Sheriff Department?
The duties of Sheriff are to uphold the Constitution, operate the jail, serve civil/criminal warrants, coordinate search/rescue, act as Fire Warden and protect the citizens of El Paso County.
I will take swift action against corruption and abuse of power. I will prevent abuse of power by providing above standard training, clearly defining expectations, and create a culture which promotes transparency, accountability, and ownership of actions.
I will provide the community the opportunity to voice concerns through a solid complaint system. Complaints and misconduct will be investigated thoroughly and in some cases through an investigation conducted by an outside party.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Sheriff, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our county, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
To make the biggest impact for our most vulnerable, we must impact the laws in order to provide statutory protection. I will begin with education and awareness, making the community aware of risks and threats and how to protect themselves. Working with legislators to introduce bills to protect our community will make the biggest and long lasting impact.
Governmental Overreach
How will you defend and protect the Constitutional rights of the people of El Paso County against any unconstitutional overreach by state or federal government? (For example: “No Knock Raids”, “Red Flag Laws”, and “Health Mandates”.) In addition, how will you defend and protect El Paso County citizens against ANY unlawful act by any individual, governmental agent, foreign/international governmental body, or organization?
It is my Constitutional obligation to ensure I uphold the law and hold others to it. It is my intent to honorably meet and maintain this obligation. I will seek to hire individuals with integrity and train them with the same understanding of Constitutional law. I will work with legislators to protect El Paso County from undue governmental encroachment. I will seek community support and input regarding legislation with potential impact to El Paso County. I do not intend to enforce any unlawful mandate or require my sworn staff to do so. I have personally chosen not to adhere to the health mandates recently directed by governmental agencies. This is testament to my beliefs and conviction.
Immediate Challenges
What do you believe will be your most significant challenges as Sheriff of El Paso County? How will you address the overcrowding in the jail, illegal drug issues, and human trafficking in our county?
My most significant challenges are battling legislation, unfunded mandates which adversely impact law enforcement or quality of life in El Paso County and staffing. I am qualified and prepared to address these challenges.
Overcrowding in the jail is a matter of perspective. If someone commits a crime against a citizen of El Paso County, they deserve to be incarcerated despite the Jail population.
Illegal drugs transcend many types of crimes. I will ensure deputies/detectives are well trained/equipped to detect and enforce narcotics related crimes and I will engage at legislative levels. I will be proactive in addressing the growing concern of human trafficking in our community by staying engaged in key, collaborative partnerships.
Recruitment and Retention
How will you recruit and retain highly qualified talent in the Sheriff’s Office? Do you plan to address the diminished police protection to the rural areas of El Paso County, and if so, how?
I will recruit and retain talent by making the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office a desired place to work. This will be accomplished by creating and fostering an environment where people feel valued, appreciated, and have a voice.
I am the candidate developing and implementing a substation to serve the eastern and northern areas of the county.
Interdepartmental Cooperation
What will you do to work cooperatively with local Police Departments and other law enforcement agencies within El Paso County to provide better public safety?
Interdepartmental Cooperation: What will you do to work cooperatively with local Police Departments and other law enforcement agencies within El Paso County to provide better public safety?
Over my 26 years of serving El Paso County, I have fostered relations with all local police and government agencies and leadership. I routinely discuss matters affecting our community with these leaders and work in collaboration to identify solutions.

Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.