2022 Colorado General




Republican Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.HeidiForGov.com

Email Address:       Heidi@HeidiForGov.com

Occupation/Vocation:       CU Regent, Entrepreneur- Founder Camp Bow Wow, Fight Back Foundation, SheFactor, Heidi’s Colorful Colorado

Resident of Colorado:       44 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

I’m a successful CEO who turned my small business, Camp BowWow, into hundreds of franchises across the U.S. It became a $150 million brand, and hit the Inc. 500/5000 list five years in a row.

As a University of Colorado Regent, I have overseen a $5 billion budget and over 30,000 employees. I have chaired the finance committee, the audit committee, and the search committee for the new President of CU.

I have led Colorado ballot initiatives on important issues, including chairing the fight for TABOR called “No on Prop CC”, and chairing the fight to protect the Electoral College and stop the National Popular Vote.

I am the only Republican elected statewide currently serving in Colorado. I beat Polis’s hand-picked challenger, Alice Madden, and her Colorado Blueprint. In fact, I am the only person in this race for governor who has won as a Republican.



What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

I am a proven leader who will fight for Colorado freedom and to restore our Colorado way of life. I believe in personal responsibility rather than government control and mandates! My priorities are clear: lowering both the cost of living and the soaring crime rate in our state, as well as providing a better future for our kids.

It is also time we respected rural Colorado again. We must prioritize protecting our agriculture and ranching industries, water rights, and getting our energy workers back to work. I will encourage innovation in our energy industry as well as less regulation, which will lead to cleaner and less expensive energy. I will lead with the honesty, ethics, and transparency our current governor’s office is missing.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

As governor, I will trust the people and follow the Constitution. The only thing I will mandate is freedom. I believe in the First Amendment, Second Amendment, state’s rights, free markets, and the rule of law. I will simplify our government by getting rid of Polis’ unsustainable, bloated government and high salaries. By giving people the ability to build their own future, I will peel back on policies and regulations that are hurting Coloradans.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Our current governor has signed more than 500 executive orders. That is an abuse of power that must be stopped. I am against all mandates. The only thing we should mandate is freedom. I will not use emergency powers to override the will of our people like Governor Polis has done with his health emergency orders.

Protecting the Most Vulnerable

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

The proper role of government is to protect your access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As governor, I will fight to reverse the gut wrenching abortion legislation that Governor Polis signed into law. I will never make backroom deals like Polis has that led to the highest nursing home death rate in the country. I will restore law and order and support law enforcement by giving them the resources they say they need to fight trafficking and our drug crisis.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

Our First Amendment rights are paramount. As a CU Regent, I successfully got rid of free speech zones, ensuring the entire campus is free speech, and instituted programs for alternative conservative thought. I will lead the same fight for free speech as governor. I will never implement mandates that preclude churches and businesses from operating.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

I am the daughter of a police officer who learned very young to handle guns. As such, I am an adamant defender of our 2nd Amendment rights. I do not support the majority of gun restrictions that have been put into law recently in our state, including the magazine capacity bans and open carry restrictions at polling places. I do not support proposed requirements on gun storage. I support the will of Coloradans when it comes to gun carry and welcome putting Constitutional Carry to a vote.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

My priority for our state budget is redlining it to eliminate out of control spending. My priorities are funding policies that will decrease crime, support businesses, fix our roads, help our energy industry and address school performance and safety. That does not mean increasing funding for these programs, it means better allocation of resources. And no, I do not agree with running a deficit yearly.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

We must encourage and reward innovation in all of these industries. I’m for an all of the above energy approach that embraces both natural resources and renewable energy. We can support our oil and gas by reducing regulation and permitting red tape. We should not force green energy on people. It should be something we all come to embrace on our own through incentives and appealing technology.


Democratic Candidate Information

Candidate’s staff confirmed receipt of our Questionnaire for the 2022 Primary Elections, and chose not to participate.  We resent our Questionnaire again for the General Elections and there was no confirm receipt, though we sought to contact him multiple times and by various methods.


Campaign Website URL:           www.PolisForColorado.com

Candidate Email Address:        TMoore@PolisForColorado.com


Unity Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:      www.FiorinoForColorado.com

Email Address:       FiorinoForColorado@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Advocate/Educator/Producer/Director

Military Background:      Son of WWII Veterans / 1972 Draft

Resident of Colorado:     1955, Traveled extensively, Colorado is home


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

Douglas County High School Student Council President, National, State and Local nonprofits association president, Golden Triangle Museum District Emeritus, Colorado Arts Consortium, Ballet Arts Center Theatre, Commissioner for Art, Cultural Affairs and Film, Kennedy Center Imagination Celebration and Alliance for Arts Education, 2006 first Unaffiliated Candidate for Governor, 2010, 2014, 2018. Denver Mayoral candidate 2011, 2015, 2019. District One Congressional 2020 Unity Party, 2016 Senatorial campaign against abolishment of our Endowments, and nemesis for Arts Education. Arts Participation has brought Colorado to prominence as the number one, in the Nation from 50th.[ 1/26/15 Denver Post] Colorado has the leadership in Aerospace, (my Name on chip on Perserverances Mars Rover), Tourism and Hospitality, Cannabis and Hemp, and Sporting and History.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

The best place to live, work, bike and hike. We are taking reservations, and even skiing is doing it. All this Tourism has always been the strongest draw and will continue, filling the coffers from those who choose to come to Colorado. Transportation is key and a rail service still is the answer, however, we keep talking. I see Hyperloop/link, or whatever it will be called, but we stopped trying. Try, try again. Bring Arts and Athletics to  demonstrate the strength of our Audience and Fans, the power of teamwork, fundraising and coming together for our first responders. The Historic Tabor Opera House, Denver Civic Theater [SuTeatro] and other Preservation projects, some lost to development, include Loretto Heights Education Campus.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

1865 Constitutional Convention held up Statehood. The voices of a few, would admonish the Territorial Governor for the Sand Creek Massacre. 1876 brought the Centennial State to fruition. Sisty was one of the few, and may be on a mountain or something else. Federal government took the grievance seriously enough, on behalf of the annihilated Cheyenne and Arapaho, to finally in this century, has apologized, established a Memorial, yet still has not come to terms. The naming of new buildings, called after the annihilator is another abomination, on top of the other. We have taken slavery out and yet the States continue with laws that restrict voting rights and the rights of women to make her own decisions.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Over 400 emergency powers were issued during the Pandemic.  These mandates have as much power as the electorate deems. They concern Public Safety, and Catastrophic events, Climate etc.  A mandate has the opportunity for Federal Agencies to intervene, brings relief, food, medicine or housing etc., Violence has victimize us all, as we see domestic terrorism threats and attacks are senseless. The Public Safety and Health of the Citizens must take priority, always.

Protecting the Most Vulnerable

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

Elderly happens. That being said maintain Social Security benefits, Medicare/Medicaid, Property tax reforms.  We, are the most sought after for scams, deceptive behavior and fraudulent activities, with new ways to steal.  Unborn are in God’s hands and the mother must be responsible for them. A big decision is theirs alone. Colorado. Must continue to provide services to all women and girls, who are taking their lives, more than most. We must provide for them support throughout pregnancy and beyond or the dreaded abortion that scars for life.


Trafficking is disgraceful, disgusting and dangerous for people who are victims and the loved ones in loss. Crossing boundaries without proper papers and youthful runaways, fleeing from family, gangs, and others, need help.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

When Arts are attacked, destroyed or given Executive Orders for abolishment, I see the canary singing. Freedom of expression, speech and religion are sanctamount for democracy and the American way.  Peaceful assembly is very important part of the political process, in the Legislature as well, the Streets. Theocracy and Authoritarianism has no place.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

No guns in schools, but for the children sake, go in and get them. Columbine, Aurora among others is part of our daily life, the families who endure we pray for. Lock them up. Background checks and Red flag is common sense in a society that has many more guns than population. All military style should not be available, but manufacturers have that call. The lobbying is strong, but not stronger than the youths who make a difference.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

Tabo Tax Bill of Rights holds a ceiling and you just reaped the benefit, that will continue into the near years of economic growth. Preservation and Conservation efforts, along with Arts Are ESSENTIAL Education.  Mental health care services, Transparency in spending and a balanced budget. We pay our debts and will.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

Climate science is real. We can lead in Environmental hope, protection and reformations, that will come from the necessity of sustainable Water, a changing of the Workforce and how the Industries need to change with the demands for a greener alternative. It is time.


American Constitution Candidate Information

Candidate answered our Questionnaire when she ran as a Republican candidate in the 2022 Primary Election for Governor.   She changed parties for the General Election, and so we resent our Questionnaire but she did not confirm receipt, though we sought to contact her multiple times and by various methods.


Campaign Website URL:           www.DanielleForCO.com

Candidate Email Address:        Danielle.Neuschwanger@gmail.com



Libertarian Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:      www.Kevin4Colorado.com

Email Address:       Kevin4Colorado22@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Teacher

Resident of Colorado:       35 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

As a teacher of 21 years, I bring a wide range of educational, administrative, and executive experience to the table. Being a teacher is like being a governor of the classroom—you must always be efficiently planning, administering, and reflecting to ensure the needs of the students are being met and their voices are being heard. I see the need for so much change in Colorado’s government! My experience as a Social Studies teacher has given me a deep understanding of and appreciation for American history and the Constitution. It would be my honor as Governor to be of utmost service to the great state of Colorado and its incredible people whom I profoundly love and deeply respect.



What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

My goals are rooted in education, stewardship, and protection of Colorado’s citizens and resources. I want a state that is financially stable, energy independent, and that has an educational system that prepares our children to thrive in the 21st century. My vision to more efficiently use Colorado’s resources includes trimming excess spending and prioritizing the success of the next generation. I will lead with humility and love. I will protect those who can’t protect themselves. I will implement a direct democracy to ensure every voice is heard by providing new avenues for Coloradans to express their thoughts, concerns, opinions, and ideas about new legislation and other governmental initiatives.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

I believe if we asked any Founding Father whether the balance of government power today represents their original intent they would all give different answers. What matters more is what the people of today want from their governments. The Constitution provides guiding principles for how our national and state governments are to care for their people. I will help my fellow Coloradans exercise their right to choose how their government will protect their rights and improve education for citizens of all ages to help them make informed choices.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Emergency powers should be restricted because the government must trust its constituents to do the right thing for themselves and for their communities. I will determine whether emergency powers and mandates are necessary based on facts and real-time data rather than emotions or hysteria that are often by-products of involvement from the federal government, media, and major parties with their own agendas.

Protecting the Most Vulnerable

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

Resource allocation and educational support will provide a strong foundation for protecting and preserving our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. As a firm supporter of religious freedom and limited government involvement, I would keep the matter of abortion between the mother, father, their beliefs, and their doctors. No single religious belief should dictate laws for everyone.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

The first amendment, above all others, provides the keystone principles for what makes America a uniquely free and sovereign land. I will staunchly protect our First Amendment rights by vetoing any bills that infringe on those rights and by only appointing public servants who are equally passionate about defending those rights.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

Gun deaths in Colorado have increased over 30% in the last decade and I will do everything in my power to reverse that trend. Our Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment in a starkly different society than we live in today. The root of gun safety issues in society today isn’t necessarily unregulated gun ownership but rather mental health treatment and education. I will strive to improve education on mental health and safe gun ownership. By starting there, we can more safely uphold the second amendment by reducing the likelihood of gun violence and danger. We need more education, not more laws.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

My budget priorities and reasons are as follows: education (to secure a stable foundation for current and future generations to thrive), public safety (to provide peace in every community), transportation (to allow everyone easy access to all Colorado has to offer), agriculture (to support our farmers and promote resource independence), voter rights (to ensure each citizen’s voice is heard equally), and environmental protection (to keep Colorado beautiful and safe for many years to come). I disagree with running yearly deficits as they are fiscally irresponsible and only steal money from our future.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

The state government can support these industries simultaneously by being a referee, not a player, in the business sector. We need to allow true free-market capitalist principles to guide these industries in unity toward a common cause. I will push for an alliance between green energy and the oil and gas industries so we can safely transition to more reliable and sustainable energy sources to preserve Colorado’s future.


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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.