2022 Colorado Primary

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.DentForHD21.com
Email Address: DentForHD21@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: Small Business Owner
Military Background: Army Veteran
Resident of El Paso County: 15 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Representative that will benefit our state?
Karl O’Brian Dent, Sr., has over 15 years’ experience in security and law enforcement. As the founder of Rocky Mountain Protective Service, a security protection company that works with high-profile individuals, including executives, dignitaries, and celebrities, protects residential and commercial properties., Dent strives to maintain universally high standards of support for all his clients. Dent is currently working on a PH.D. in Public Administration at Liberty University Helm School of Government. He holds a Master’s in law American Legal Study from Liberty University School of Law; a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration from Colorado State University (CSU GLOBAL) and an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Pikes Peak Community College.
What is your vision for being a Colorado State Representative?
My Vision is for Colorado is to rebuild and restore our Oil and Natural Gas Industry by reducing regulation. We need to support our local oil and gas industry so we can keep our economy growing and retain that revenue in the State of Colorado and to make America Energy Independent. I will introduce legislation that will protect the rights of the people, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. I will protect the unborn, abortion should not be used as a form of Birth Control. I will also put forth Legislation to repeal any current law that supports gender modification of our kids. I will fight to make sure that transgender males do not compete with our female athletes.
Election Reform
Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? Should voters in Colorado be required to verify their identity and residential status in the respective counties in which they vote? Are you in favor of a single-day, in-person voting system consisting of all-paper ballots? Why or why not?
I believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently. I believe that we should remove the Dominion voting system from El Paso County and the State of Colorado. Voter ID should be an unwavering requirement. I believe we should not use a mail ballot because they are unsecured and should not be a part of our election system. I believe that we should only use in-person voting and voting should only be conducted on Election Day. I believe that we should start enforcing and prosecuting people who take part in ballot harvesting, and voting with other people’s ballots who have passed away.
What is your position on the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
I support TABOR. As an elected official I will fight to make sure TABOR is protected. I will write Legislation to prevent state and local government from taking away the protections that TABOR gives the taxpayers.
As a State Representative, what will you do to improve the education of our K – 12 students? What is your position on parental authority in education, including school choice?
The Democrats have declared war on our children and are fighting this war through our schools. Our leaders have failed our students and their families, thereby jeopardizing our future. We must defend our children and teach them well, educate them, and not indoctrinate them with ideologies that are antithetical to Colorado and our identity. As HD 21 Representative: I will fight the ideological war in our schools. As HD 21 Representative, I will fight laws that advance progressive socialist indoctrination programs such as Critical Race Theory or Social Emotional Learning. I will not support any legislation that threatens the freedom of homeschool families. I will fight to expand the school choice option Election
Government Authority
Do you believe that the government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body? If so, how?
1. Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, the people of Colorado have witnessed their leaders completely overstep their boundaries to make collective health decisions, such as mask mandates and vaccination requirements, that should always have been up to individuals.
2. I believe each person is responsible for their own personal health and healthcare decisions and that our government should not dictate these private medical decisions. As HD 21 Representative: I will fight to halt the implementation of vaccine mandates here in Colorado. It amazes me how the left continues to use the argument of “my body my choice” to justify abortion, yet, somehow, they believe it is completely ethical to mandate experimental vaccines for a virus with a 99.98 percent recovery rate.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a Representative, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I will Sponsor or CO-Sponsor A Bill to Repeal HB 22-1279 Colorado Abortion Care Law – Reproductive Health Equity Act. I will work to provide additional funding to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, Colorado State Patrol and Local Law Enforcement to fight against Child, Human, Drugs and Sex Trafficking in our State. I will support our Law Enforcement Agencies and our District Attorney’s Office 100 Percent and provide the funding they need to fight against elderly abuse especially in senior assisted living facilities and correction facilities.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Colorado State Representative to protect our 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
I will propose a Bill to protect the 1st Amendment; I will protect our 1st amendment by means of the 14th Amendment, and the 9th and 10th Amendments. Where our rights have been violated I have no problem with suing our government in court for any violation of the constitution and the bill of rights. I will not support any laws under the Colorado Constitution that conflict with the United States Constitution. Any powers not specifically granted to the state and the federal government must remain with the people.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
An armed man is a citizen. A disarmed man is a subject to the government. Self-defense is a natural right endowed by our creator to protect our life, liberty, and property. The first step a communist government takes in reaching power is confiscating guns from their citizens. As HD 21 Representative: I will oppose any legislation that disrupts our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Colorado will be a beacon for gun rights and self-defense for the nation.
Infrastructure Spending
How do you believe that tax revenue in Colorado should be best utilized to improve our infrastructure?
In El Paso County and the State of Colorado we do a poor job maintaining our Infrastructure, for example roads and bridges. We should use our tax dollars to maintain our roads and bridges only if we don’t have to pay a toll after project is complete. I believe there should be transparency in who is awarded contracts. We should make sure our tax dollars are not wasted on corruption, cronyism and nepotism.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.MaryBradfield.com
Email Address: Mary.Bradfield.house@state.co.us
Occupation/Vocation: Retired
Military Background: Spouse of Army Veteran
Resident of El Paso County: 38 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Representative that will benefit our state?
I have been active in politics for many years by helping candidates with their campaigns. Being a volunteer for many events in my district, I have an excellent understanding of the issues that are faced in my district.
What is your vision for being a Colorado State Representative?
My vision is to promote my three priorities for a better life for Coloradoans: public safety, affordable housing, and readily available mental, behavioral, and physical health services.
Election Reform
Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? Should voters in Colorado be required to verify their identity and residential status in the respective counties in which they vote? Are you in favor of a single-day, in-person voting system consisting of all-paper ballots? Why or why not?
I believe all voters should have a photo ID if voting in person or signature verification if voting by mail. Today it is difficult to find enough places to be polling centers to serve all the people. Traditionally, schools and churches have been polling places, but they no longer want to have unknown people entering their building. I am in favor of mail-in ballots.
What is your position on the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
I am in favor of TABOR and have since it was voted into law in 1992. Any increase in taxes should be approved by the voters. Any excess money should be returned to the taxpayers.
As a State Representative, what will you do to improve the education of our K – 12 students? What is your position on parental authority in education, including school choice?
My position on education is to limit the “programs” that do not directly support the teaching of reading writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. I believe parents know best what’s best for their children and schools should be more responsive to this.
Government Authority
Do you believe that the government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body? If so, how?
No, I do not believe that government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a Representative, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As a representative, I have voted for and will continue to vote for protection of the unborn, the trafficked, the disabled, and the elderly. If we do this, we would be promoting assistance to the people of our state that have no way to help themselves.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Colorado State Representative to protect our 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
I will continue to do what I am doing now – voting against any bill that puts restrictions on religion, speech, peaceful assembly, and petitions for grievance redress.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
I believe that gun ownership is a civil right that is supported in the Colorado Constitution. I am against and have voted against red flag laws, capacity bans, and gun storage regulations.
Infrastructure Spending
How do you believe that tax revenue in Colorado should be best utilized to improve our infrastructure?
I believe that we, as a state, should focus on enforcing the laws we have, promote peace and order, and provide economic security and assistance. Limiting the scope of government is very desirable.

Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.