2022 Colorado Primary
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.DaveForColorado.com
Email Address: Dave@DaveForColorado.com
Occupation/Vocation: State Representative
Resident of District Represented: 22 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Congressperson that will benefit our state and nation?
As a conservative warrior who’s been fighting in the State House for 6 years now, I’m asking for a chance to earn your vote so I can continue our America-First fight in Congress.
The liberal media call me “a thorn in the side of Democrats” because I’ve fought for election integrity, the unborn, lower taxes and spending, banning CRT, border security, and our Second Amendment.
But Democrats aren’t the only ones to blame. Establishment Republicans like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney are ruining our country too, and sell-out Republicans like Doug Lamborn who help them need to be sent packing. Doug’s RINO voting record and ever-expanding ethics investigation are the proof.
This isn’t personal, this is business – the people’s business.
What is your vision for being our district’s Congressperson?
From fighting against COVID mandates and fighting to protect the rights of fellow Christians like Jack the cake maker, to rolling back out-of-control government spending and stifling regulations on businesses, I go to work every day to take power away from government and give it back to you, where it belongs.
Unlike my opponent, I never campaign one way then vote a different way at the Capitol. With me, what you see is what you get. And just like President Ronald Reagan used to proclaim, I know that more government is not the solution to our problems, more government is the problem.
If you vote for me, I’ll vote for you every day I’m in Congress because we need to take power away from the corrupt politicians and return it to “We the People.”
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As a U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights (as well as that of the other 49 states)?
Our Founding Fathers never intended for the Federal Government to be the most powerful, nor most important, governmental institution in the land.
The Federal Government was only given certain, enumerated powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution that it wasn’t supposed to deviate from. Anything not explicitly detailed for the Federal Government to perform was left for the People and the States to handle as stated in the 10th Amendment.
Power should not be concentrated to any one entity to ensure that proper checks and balances are maintained while protecting individual liberties for all.
As your next Congressman, I will fight hard to reduce the power and influence Washington D.C. has taken by returning it to the People and the States.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
We need to arrest Fauci.
The government has no business forcing citizens to wear masks or take vaccines as a condition of employment, worship, or while engaging in any other legal activity.
As a State Representative, I’ve been fighting tooth and nail to stop the radical Democrats and RINO’s from shutting down our communities.
As your next Congressman, I won’t let the corrupt bureaucrats and establishment politicians exaggerate a crisis to steal money and freedom from people. And unlike Doug Lamborn, I won’t allow “woke” generals to punish military service academy cadets for choosing not to be vaccinated without a fight.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Ronald Reagan said it best, “everybody that is for abortion has already been born.”
As one of the few state representatives that led the historic 24-hour filibuster against the most radical pro-abortion bill in the country, you can count on me to continue the fight to outlaw abortion everywhere.
Unlike my opponent Doug Lamborn, I not only champion pro-life legislation every chance I get, but I also vote to defund abortion and stop tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood.
As our new Congressman, I’ll vote against any spending bill that undermines our pro-life, and pro-family values.
If we want to protect the elderly and stop human trafficking, then we need to ultimately protect life from conception to natural death.
1st Amendment
What will you do as U.S. Congressperson to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
People should be able to freely exercise their faith.
We must not allow liberal extremists, obsessed with censorship, to use the government as a weapon to punish people for living out their values. The government must not be allowed to overstep its role or violate our First Amendment.
As our new Congressman, I’ll fight the radical homosexual movement and woke liberals that want to cancel conservatives or anyone else they disagree with.
Additionally, you can count on me to fight with other conservative warriors to shut down the government when they try to stop free speech or religious freedom. I will be a wrecking ball to the corrupt establishment power brokers who want to steal your money and rights.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
We need to fully support the Second Amendment.
The right to bear arms is fundamental to the defense of the American people from enemies foreign and domestic. The Second Amendment serves as a defense against crime, but also as an ultimate check against government should it become tyrannical.
We need to oppose all gun-control, like unjust “Red-Flag” laws that confiscate firearms from gun owners without due process of law.
Unlike Doug Lamborn who voted for “Red Flag” gun confiscation against members of our military, I’m currently suing Governor Jared Polis to stop Colorado’s unjust “Red Flag” law that Polis is using to take guns away from Coloradans.
You can count on me to continue protecting gun rights in Congress.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation around a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as a U.S. Congressperson to correct them?
America doesn’t have a revenue problem. America has a problem with politicians who are more than happy to overspend your taxpayer dollars. We need to start balancing budgets and cutting out waste, fraud, and abuse.
With the Fed printing more and more money and the government spending our tax dollars like they are drunk on power, it’s inevitable that we are experiencing record inflation and headed toward another recession.
As our next Congressman, I’ll fight for economic security and I’ll never support raising the debt ceiling, tax or fee hikes, or any bill that puts the government ahead of private business job growth.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
American troops should never be sent into a war without Congress first declaring war.
We should be focused on our citizens, not foreigners. “America-First” is not just a good catchphrase, it’s the right governing philosophy for our country.
There’s nothing more egregious to our war fighters and American taxpayers than to see sell-out Republicans like Doug Lamborn voting for Joe Biden’s 40-billion-dollar Ukraine boondoggle that barely harms Russia and does nothing to secure our own border that is being invaded from Mexico.
Lamborn has proven once again he will sell us out to profit his establishment buddies at the expense of our own soldiers and taxpayers.
As our next Congressman, I will fight for our soldiers and their families.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
Power unchecked, and concentrated into the hands of the few, is something to be concerned about, especially when those same powerful people are trying to push our society to the far left.
We must restore power back to the people by taking it out of Washington D.C. where corrupt politicians and powerful special interests cut deals in the shadows to enrich themselves at your expense.
Government should protect free-market capitalism and not write special laws that pick winners and losers in the economy or redistribute your tax dollars in a corporate welfare scheme.
We need to stop laws that only favor a few and end the outrageous debt and inflationary spending that only helps the corrupt and harms the taxpayer.
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.RebeccaKeltie.com
Email Address: Info@RebeccaKeltie.com
Occupation/Vocation: IT / Disaster Recovery Engineer
Military Background: Retired Navy
Resident of District Represented: 7 years (1 intermittent)
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Congressperson that will benefit our state and nation?
I am a 21-year Retired Navy Veteran. My professional experiences include decades working with the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Border Protection, ICE, FBI, local law enforcement, NATO troops, all U.S. military branches as well as various community service agencies. This includes dealing with local and DC politics. I have extensive experience working in Information Technology, Military Logistics and in Atmospheric/Oceanographic Science. Alongside my professional experience, I bring to the table many life experiences including living paycheck to paycheck and raising two boys as a single parent in the public school system. I know what you struggle with on a daily basis and that’s why I can best represent us.
What is your vision for being our district’s Congressperson?
Protecting our God-given rights and upholding our Constitution is paramount. One of my visions is bringing back the strength of Space Force Command to Colorado Springs. Ensuring border security is also at the top of my list. Other important platform items include: secure election integrity, restoring manufacturing to America, taking back our power and becoming the country that other countries depend on for their goods, restoring the civic fundamentals and removing the perversions in our educational system, improving our Veteran health programs and battling the homeless issues that have increased exponentially over the last few years. Additionally, I will take the strongest measures to fight the drug and human trafficking crises that have plagued our nation.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As a U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights (as well as that of the other 49 states)?
The federal government has no business meddling in state affairs. As we know, the federal government makes things far more complicated and difficult than they should be. As your congresswoman, I will work every single day to make sure our rights are upheld by voting NO on bills that strip away at your paycheck, liberties and force you to surrender your freedoms. I will build a team of no- nonsense conservatives that will help research and create bills to serve you, not DC lobbyists. Most importantly, we will finally put American Families first. We will put American Jobs first. We will put American Values first. I will fight to ensure our Constitutional rights are upheld for our children and grandchildren.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process? What are your positions regarding the Federal Mandates issued over the past two-plus years from both the White House and Governmental Agencies regarding COVID-19? Should Congress have done more to regulate such policies through legislation, rather than have them determined by the Executive Branch?
There is no excuse for the federal government to mandate any medication for anyone or restrict their livelihood. America is a nation of freedom and must remain that way. The system of ‘Checks and Balances’ cozied up to the Executive Branch as soon as Biden took office. In Congress, I will ensure the corrupt deep state is not able to control our livelihood, food supply, education, or access to medication. I will make sure our tax dollars fund Americans, not politicians. I will make sure future bills are transparent and easy to comprehend. Lastly, I will work alongside voters to help deregulate our small businesses in times of emergency. It’s time to hire fresh qualified warriors with your vote!
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I believe in the sanctity of life. Along with several members of my team, I support survivors and pro-life organizations. I will continue to build my team with those who share these values. I will work with local organizations that help new mothers and provide alternatives to abortion. Furthermore, I will seek to audit the citizenship process to make it more efficient and secure for those who enter the country legally. I will also support local law enforcement in cracking down on crime, human trafficking and illegal immigrants, who bring chaos and endanger our community. Finally, I will support legislation to eliminate property taxes for the elderly as well as for our disabled veterans.
1st Amendment
What will you do as U.S. Congressperson to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
I am running for Congress because I am tired of seeing corrupt politicians profit from the grievances of Americans. At the hands of far- left politicians, our country is in grave danger. They have attacked traditional American values in the name of “equality” and “inclusion”. By shutting down free speech, religious freedom, and the right to assemble they have created a dismal future for our children. I will defend our Constitution by voting NO on any legislation that restricts our state government, communities and violates our rights. I will be the voice of my voters and local businesses. I can promise you this: the forgotten families of Colorado’s 5th district will be forgotten no longer. I am America First!
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
The Constitution says it all. We maintain the right to bear arms; that right shall not be infringed. Red flag laws are a clear violation of our Constitution. Unfortunately, in the wake of the recent horrific shootings, many members are proposing stricter gun laws and bans on certain weapons. Restrictive guns laws do not stop criminals; they only leave law abiding citizens defenseless in protecting themselves and their families. It’s been proven that cities with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest crime rates. Clearly, these policies do not work. We need a better approach. I believe we can write legislation that can maintain our rights AND protect our citizens and families.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation around a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as a U.S. Congressperson to correct them?
The Biden administration’s wreckless spending overseas has greatly contributed to record high inflation and major financial difficulties for low and middle class families. We suffer at the banks, grocery stores, and gas pumps. Used car prices are up 38.8%, gasoline prices up 36% and the cost of heating and electricity up 17% over the past year. Sending BILLIONS of dollars overseas and raising taxes on Americans only worsen the problem. Becoming gas and energy independent is critical in solving the problem. We must start by opening our pipelines and bringing manufacturing back to Colorado and our country. In doing so, we bring profit to American companies and American workers. We bring profits back to you! It’s time Americans come first.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
Congress has the authority to declare and fund a war, however the President has the authority over the Military as Commander and Chief. The President has taken us into conflicts but has not technically declared war. Congress’ role is defined in the Constitution and should be adhered to. America should not be considered the police or piggy bank of the world. We have put our sovereignty and safety at risk while other countries sit idly by. It’s past time for other countries to step up and take a more active role in conflicts within their global regions.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.LambornForCongress.org
Email Address: LambornFamily@Comcast.net
Occupation/Vocation: Lawyer
Resident of District Represented: 37 years in Colorado Springs
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Congressperson that will benefit our state and nation?
I have had the honor of representing the good people of Colorado’s 5th Congressional District since 2007. I have never wavered in delivering conservative votes and legislation in Washington, D.C. As a man of faith, I always try to honor God, and our Constitution when voting. My proven conservative record is clear. Susan B. Anthony List A+, 2021; Heritage Action 100%, 2021; National Right to Life 100%, lifetime; Family Research Council Action 96%, lifetime.
What is your vision for being our district’s Congressperson?
As one of the highest ranking Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee, I will continue to fight for those serving in our military and will continue the fight to keep U.S. Space Command in Colorado Springs. To date, I have helped procure over three billion in military construction funding to the Pikes Peak region. More broadly, I will continue to fight for social, fiscal, and national security values. I will hold the line against liberal legislation.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As a U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights (as well as that of the other 49 states)?
Federalism is an essential part of our government and without constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights, all we would have is a very large, very overbearing federal government. I have always advocated for what our founding fathers visualized as a narrow scope of federal government, and a larger scope at the state level of government. My voting record strongly reflects this.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process? What are your positions regarding the Federal Mandates issued over the past two-plus years from both the White House and Governmental Agencies regarding COVID-19? Should Congress have done more to regulate such policies through legislation, rather than have them determined by the Executive Branch?
Since day one of the COVID 19 pandemic, I advocated for state and local government to have authority on emergency powers, mask mandates, and vaccines, rather than the federal government. But even state governors got carried away. I believe that business owners know best how to care for the customers and communities they serve. I believe the local school districts are closer to the people than state or federal governments.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As your Congressman, and prior as a state representative and state senator, I have fought to protect life, from conception to natural death. I have introduced and sponsored legislation that is 100% pro- life during my entire career as an elected official. Respected national groups, such as National Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony List, that rank pro-life votes, have always given me their highest possible ranking.
1st Amendment
What will you do as U.S. Congressperson to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
I have always fought to protect the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens. This includes fighting alongside members of our military, Jack at Masterpiece Cake Shoppe, and most recently, the owner of 303 Creative. I have been co-chairman of the Values Action Team which takes the lead in Congress on religious liberty and many other related issues.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
When it comes to defending the timeless principles of our nation’s founding- the 2nd Amendment, I have not and will not waiver. I have never voted for legislation that would limit an American citizen’s right to keep and bear arms. I have a “A” lifetime rating from the NRA and Gun Owners of America gave me an “A” rating in 2021.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation around a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as a U.S. Congressperson to correct them?
I will continue voting against the reckless spending packages and Washington pork-filled legislation. I continually support a balance budget, which we need desperately. When it comes to voting, I always ask ‘where is the money coming from?’ If it’s from the pockets of my grandchildren through more debt, I am a NO vote. Citizens Against Government Waste as well as Americans for Prosperity have ranked me at 95% lifetime.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
I do not believe the U.S. should play world policeman. However, I do believe that we should help our allies and partners defend themselves against unwarranted attacks. Strong partnerships such as NATO are vital. Russia and China are adversaries of the U.S., and it is in our best interest to assist those they are attacking, when possible. As Reagan said, “Peace through strength.”
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
I am concerned that Big Business is becoming more “woke.” I am especially concerned with social media companies, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, when they cancel or censor conservative thought. Being big is not wrong in and of itself, but using monopoly power to stifle competition must be addressed. I support a free market and less regulation, except when protecting safety and health, and enforcing contracts. The federal government should let the free market operate.
It is messy sometimes, but when government intervenes the resulting distortions create more problems than they solve. Lower taxes and less regulation make for more freedom and greater prosperity.
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.HeatonForCongress.com
Email Address: Andrew.Heaton@HeatonForCongress.com
Occupation/Vocation: Businessman/CEO
Resident of District Represented: Owned businesses in the district for 10+ years, and currently live in Douglas County to be close to my father.
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Congressperson that will benefit our state and nation?
I have spent my entire adult life in business. As CEO, I have witnessed firsthand how public policy can both facilitate economic development, or destroy it. Thanks to my own ventures across five continents, I’ve become quite adept at dealing with international economics and diplomacy. As a result, I’m intimately familiar with the extent of the financial turbulence across the globe. In my consulting work, I try to give governments and policy makers the civic and market tools they need to foster a stable and productive economy and provide environmentally sound methods of resource extraction. Now, I think our own country’s politicians could benefit from that advice, and cannot stand by as their poor decisions continue to destroy our economy.
What is your vision for being our district’s Congressperson?
My vision is simple, although I am aware of how difficult it is to implement in the D.C. culture. I want a return to a rational foreign policy where we cease our endless wars and constant foreign meddling. Instead, we should trade freely with everyone and be prepared to utterly devastate anyone who threatens us or our allies—without lengthy commitments to occupations.
I want to ensure our veterans are properly taken care of after their service and given the support they need to reintegrate into civilian life, especially regarding mental healthcare, which we have badly neglected.
I’d also like to rein in the profligate spending and loose monetary policy currently fueling inflation and lowering our standard of living.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As a U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights (as well as that of the other 49 states)?
The federal government has massively overreached, but mostly due to bloated federal agencies. To remedy this, Congress should require that any new administrative regulation must expire unless ratified by the next session of Congress following its agency adoption.
A professor friend also provided the following rubric to evaluate new law:
- Is it constitutional and properly federal?
- Does it address an issue of dangerous instability?
- Is it narrowly tailored to address only that issue while maximally preserving liberty otherwise?
- Is it enforceable without being arbitrary or capricious?
- Does it advance my core principles of individual liberty, private property and free markets, equal protection and the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, and the proper role of government?
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process? What are your positions regarding the Federal Mandates issued over the past two-plus years from both the White House and Governmental Agencies regarding COVID-19? Should Congress have done more to regulate such policies through legislation, rather than have them determined by the Executive Branch?
The COVID-19 mandates were a constitutional disaster the courts are still trying to resolve. Unfortunately, our republic is deliberative, and not equipped for dealing with emergencies like a pandemic. Although I believe the COVID mandates issued by many governors and the feds were unwarranted and unconstitutional, they exposed the need for some protocol during emergencies. Executives may need to act swiftly during emergencies but, unless they do so backed by explicit legislation, any lower level government should be able to override such a mandate if, in their judgement, it does not serve the best interest of their local community. In this way, we allow for necessary emergency action, as well flexibility at local levels which know their communities best.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As U.S. Congressperson, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As the Supreme Court looks to be deciding, the lives of the unborn must be protected at the state level. However, the Congress can certainly ensure that federal funds are not used for abortions.
At the federal level, we can also greatly reduce both human and drug trafficking by securing our borders. Our current open border policy is the single biggest cause for the increase in drug and human trafficking in the U.S.
Finally, for the elderly at the federal level, we can focus our law enforcement efforts on fraud and deceptive practices. So much of federal crime represents regulatory issues benefiting tax collection, but doing little to protect the people. Redirecting our efforts in this way would help.
1st Amendment
What will you do as U.S. Congressperson to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
No rights are more fundamental to the American character and republic than those enshrined in the 1st Amendment. While it is primarily the role of the judicial branch to safeguard these rights, I will never support any effort to curtail the 1st Amendment in any way, and will work diligently to oppose or repeal any restriction on our 1st Amendment rights, no matter how well-intended. In our current controversy with social media, if the tech giants want to continue censoring our citizens, then I would vote to strip them of the legal protections that shield them from responsibility for all their content and treat them as any other publisher.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
Gun ownership is indeed a civil right as defined by the 2nd Amendment and explained by the Supreme Court in the Heller case. In that case, the Supreme Court already made clear that gun storage bills are unconstitutional. I oppose magazine capacity bans because they have no connection whatsoever to reducing gun violence. I also oppose red flag laws because they lack the evidentiary requirements needed to deprive someone of a fundamental right and are prone to severe and malicious abuse. I believe the courts will eventually overturn such laws as unconstitutional as well. Finally, Colorado has been an open carry state for as long as I can recall, and I rather like living here.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation around a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as a U.S. Congressperson to correct them?
If you include unfunded liabilities, total U.S. debt actually exceeds $169 trillion. We are effectively insolvent. The problem is easy to see: we spend entirely too much. The solution is also easy, but much harder to achieve: we must stop. We must also publicly review the activities of the Federal Reserve, which continues to facilitate this atrocity as it quietly destroys our middle class and our standard of living. While I cannot do this alone, I pledge to use my position to expose these practices wherever I find them. Only daylight will
expose these issues to the public, and only the public will be able to force Congress to rein in its spending.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
We cannot afford to be the global police. Congress needs to stop funding endless foreign interventions. The $40 billion Congress just authorized typifies this problem. Unlike the incumbent, I would have voted no. At a time when Americans are suffering from rampant inflation and hardship, it is irresponsible to spend money we do not have financing an undeclared proxy war where we have no legitimate national interest. I will never vote to entangle us in any engagement that is not in the direct interest of the U.S. and its allies. While I am appalled at Russia’s actions, this conflict is not in our interest. It offers only severe risk to both our security and the value of the dollar.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
These problems did not arise because of the free market, but due to the federal government’s corruption of the free market. Our subsidies in the agricultural industry has created near monopolies. Our banks are so tied to the Fed and the government that they are more corporatist that capitalist. Our social media giants benefits from special government protections, while our big tech and pharma operate under such extensive regulations as to present incredible barriers to entry and competition. Such special favor is not the proper role of government. Although this is too vast to cover in 120 words, we could go a long ways to solving this problem by stopping our subsidies, special exemptions, bailouts, and other special benefits.
Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)
Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.
Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.
Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.