2024 General Election



EPC HD15 General Election Candidates

Listed in Ballot Order



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Candidate Information

House District:

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented: 

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?


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Democratic Candidate Information

House District:  15

Campaign Website URL:  www.CommitteeToElectJeffLivingston.com

Email Address:  JeffProfessional124@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  SATCOM/IT

Military Background:  4 years in the Army

Resident of El Paso County and/or the District Represented:  9 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I am a Father, Husband, IT Professional, and Veteran trying to do great things for my community. I am a military brat born in Oklahoma and raised all over the world — both of my parents were military. I learned the importance of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes as I grew up in cultures dramatically different from my own. Working with others is a vital tool in a strong democracy and a skill I will bring to the Colorado state legislature. As an IT professional critical thinking and problem solving determined the future I would build with my co-workers and those under my command when I served in the military.

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

I believe that everything that will not endanger the public should be shared in an easy to understand format for all to see so long as the sharing of that information does not damage the good faith execution of policy to improve the lives of Coloradans. As I currently understand the sunshine law that requires several things including sharing when a meeting will occur and what the meeting will be about is a great way to maintain transparency and accountability.

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

I will simply maintain and expand the protections for people’s rights to all of the above and do my utmost to block measures to infringe on those rights.


2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

As a military veteran who owns a gun, my position on gun legislation is that the laws that currently exist should be better enforced than they are now. Once those laws are uniformly enforced, additional measures should be considered and passed as well. The moment the leading cause of death in children became guns should have been a wake up call that something needed to change in the way guns are regulated, but my goal is to make it harder for bad actors to have access to guns. Speaking specifically on assault weapons bans and the like, those types of measures so long as they are not excessive or penalizing responsible gun owners, should be considered.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

I believe people who voice concerns or outright frustration with the way America as a country is run ebbs and flows with the tides of the winners of elections, choices made by the government not resonating with the people, salaries not rising as quickly as costs of living and locally things like housing not being available or being so prohibitively expensive young people especially don’t even want to try to own a home. To address these issues I would suggest: Not vilifying each other by party lines and refuting based on merit and fact, being more clear about the processes that governments use to come to their decisions and teaching those processes in schools as tools to inform the electorate.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

I would seek to pass laws around making life simpler and less expensive for the working class. For water, I would mandate things like more comprehensive filtration of harmful chemicals and plastics. For energy I would raise incentives for renewables like home based solar and virtual power plants. For other resources like groceries I would push for more locally grown farms and locally sourced products to help bring down costs associated with transport and storage and require that these savings be passed down to the consumer.


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

I would increase transparency and accountability of how funds are spent and what is being taught in schools. That accountability will allow parents to have a better grasp on what their children are learning and how the money that they are paying to public schools through taxes is being allocated. These tools will help us pinpoint things we can do as a community to improve schools for all of Colorado. Besides those things, I would increase teacher pay. This will reduce the turnover rate for teachers in the state and take a lot of stress away from teachers worried about making ends meet.

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

The first thing I would do is increase funding to programs designed to minimize child poverty. Most of the child related problems outlined in this question are often a matter of finance and ability to provide a good life for your child. For instance, one of the most common reasons people seek abortion care is fear that they would not be able to provide for their child. Increasing funding to programs that help struggling new parents and making sure they are widely known would eliminate a vast majority of the cases of abortion. For the issue of trafficking and abuse, giving kids access to better education about the signs to look out for when it comes to traffickers is key.


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime in Colorado as a whole has increased compared to the national average. What I believe will be most effective in reducing this crime is better training and funding of the police force and more transparency and accountability for the reasons behind these increases and decreases in crime rates.


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

I have not personally noticed nor have I spoken to anyone who has noticed any large scale problems or effects of immigration in El Paso county besides the additional strain caused by more people looking for housing. While this does not mean other problems don’t exist, it could mean that the problems are fairly minimal or not wide reaching. I am absolutely willing to speak to law enforcement in the area when I am elected to better understand the situation and what needs to be done.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

No.  When I registered to vote, I had to verify that I was a citizen of the U.S. and that I resided at the address I claimed. Everyone whom I have spoken to regardless of their background said the exact same thing. Requiring proof of citizenship and residency at the ballot box is redundant. Showing a government ID when you vote is a reasonable measure. To increase Coloradan’s confidence, I would simply make the resources available to check ballot counts known and make sure that false claims and information are debunked with evidence.


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Republican Candidate Information

House District:  15

Campaign Website URL:  www.PastorScottForHD15.com

Email Address: Scott@cabag.org

Occupation/Vocation:  Pastor

Military Background (if any):  Navy

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  12 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I have been a pastor for 34 years. I served in the Navy for 8 years. Having served on many boards and leadership groups for many years I know I have the leadership abilities for the office. Most important is this arena is my relationship with God. Children, parents, and morality are under attack. I defend and fight for children and life. The family is still the backbone of this country and I will not let it be destroyed.

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

My relationship with Jesus Christ is the beginning and ending of everything for me. I am a person of integrity and biblical moral values that will never be compromised under any circumstances. I stand for transparency in government and my personal life. I have, and will continue, to fight the governor and the democrats as they try to destroy our electoral process, the caucus process and TABOR. They are coming after everything that represents our freedoms and I will continue to RESIST.

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

I have fought for hours on end to defend our 1st Amendment in the House of Representatives. The marxists in the Colorado government cannot let us speak freely. When we do it reveals their evil intent. They hate truth and prefer darkness. I have been attacked by the democrats for speaking truth but nothing will stop me or shut me up. Everyone must exercise their 1st amendment rights daily.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

The reason they are coming for your guns is they are coming for your freedoms. The 2nd amendment right to bear arms is the only thing standing in the way of this present government from putting all of their opponents and enemies in jail. This is no longer a conspiracy theory, this is happening from the inquisition of President Trump to parents trying to speak out at school board meetings. I have, and will continue to fight this Marxist attempt to take out 2nd amendment right to defend ourselves against the government.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

Anti-semitism has been around for thousands of years. The Jews were chosen by God in scripture as His children and Satan has hated them since. Satan uses the evil and hate inherent in the hearts of humanity to attack the Jews. The Jews are the race that everyone is allowed to hate and get away with it. We see this strongly across America right now. This is not new it was just quiet until the right time. The Jews are the most persecuted people in history and “the river to the sea” is the continuation of this evil hate. The anti-Americanism is some of the same.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

I strongly believe in local control. That has also been under attack. The governor wants everything to be under state control. The local housing and economy is under attack. This is a much bigger subject because it has to do with Marxist control of all things. Water and energy are being pulled into state control. I stand strongly against the ever increasing taxation. The governor controls the House and the Senate in Colorado. There is supposed to be separation of powers but the governor is pushing to keep taxes high and raise them more. TABOR is a thorn in the side of the democrats. They do not want you to keep your own money. All of this is to control everything.


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Parental rights are under direct attack by many laws passed the last few years in Colorado. One democrat representative said many time, “they are not your children, they belong to the state,” this last year. That is abhorrent. God gives us our children to rear them in Him and guide their lives. Our children DO NOT belong to the state or to the public school system, they belong to the parents. Parents have the right and the responsibility to put their children in the school they deem best or home school or any other decision they deem best. The governments responsibility is to support the decisions of the parents. The state and the public school systems has become far to overreaching and needs to be pushed back.

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I stand for LIFE and for children. I have defended the right of the unborn to life the same as a born person. Life begins at conception and abortion is murder. Everyone that partakes in that murder should be held accountable. If all mothers stopped having abortions there would be no abortions. This must stop. This lack of respect of life is the factor behind human trafficking. Humans are trafficked because they are not important. This is an evil mentality. Eugenics is strong in our country right now because of this ideology. We just passed a new law this year in CO that makes it much easier for older people and people with terminal illnesses to commit suicide.


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

We must empower our police force and elect strong District Attorneys. We have become so weak on crime. Many democrats have voiced the opinion that all jails should be done away with and the we also do not need police. This is craziness and this is how the streets are ruled by the criminals. We need stronger enforcement of laws and the penal system needs to be reassessed also. Recidivism is a serious issue because the sentences are to lenient and the system favors the criminal not the victims We are getting worse in CO right now. CO leads the nation in many statistics on crime. CO was just recently rated the 3rd most dangerous state to live in.


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Illegal immigration is the biggest problem we have in the US right now. Open borders are leading to higher crime rates and growing violent crimes. Illegal immigration has exponentially increased human trafficking. The growing anti-semitism on college campuses has been fueled by illegal immigration and funding from groups WITHIN our own country that are trying to tear to our country. This has directly affected CO and specifically El Paso county. We are seeing illegals being bussed and flown into our state and also to Colorado Springs. I have followed the busses and see the illegals myself. Then our government officials lie to us about this. We must close our borders and send illegals back to their countries.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Our elections are broken, corrupt and manipulated by both parties. This has been proven many times over. Now people all over the US are being put in prison for corrupting the election process. CO has led the way with this from the moment we introduced Dominion voting machines to the state. We were the testing ground for these machines. Our Secretary of State keeps saying CO is the gold standard of voting. This is a blatant lie. We are corrupt and we need to reject the system and build a new one. NO machines. NO internet involved. NO direct control from the SOS. We are looking like a third world country with our present voting.


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Stay informed on the election and other news.

Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.