Caucus FAQs
Caucus FAQs
Disclaimer: All of the information in these FAQs has been compiled from various sources and is for personal use and informational purposes only. We believe it is factual, but there may be errors, so please source elsewhere if this information is of critical importance. If you believe that any of this information is incorrect, please contact us at: so that we can make any necessary corrections. Thank you!
What is a Precinct Caucus?
In the simplest terms, in Colorado Caucus is…
The very first step in the legal procedure through which Colorado voters select candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties.
A meeting of the local members of either the Republican or Democratic party to select delegates to county and state assemblies, where those delegates will then vote for candidates of that party to be placed on the primary election ballot. Caucuses are held in locations across Colorado and are open to the public.
The most local form of representative government. In each electoral precinct, neighbors vote for neighbors to represent them at the party assemblies. Each precinct is comprised of approximately 1000 homes.
As elected officials, delegates cannot be ignored by anyone, including the political party leadership. Only 13 US states have some form of Caucus system, and Colorado has a “pure caucus”, probably the best in the nation. We can thank God and the Colorado Legislative Assembly of 1910 for giving us such a wonderful electoral system where all citizens can truly be represented from the very first stage of candidate elections.
In 2022, Caucus will be held statewide on March 1st for the Republican Party (in person), March 5th for the Democratic Party (in person and virtual), local neighborhood Caucus locations for each party are still being finalized. County Assemblies will be held on March 19th, and the Republican State Assembly will be on April 9th. (Democratic State Assembly TBD)
Think about how much a Delegate’s vote counts: Not only are they one voter of just thousands (not millions), but they actually choose who everyone else gets to vote for in the primaries and beyond!
Who should attend Caucus?
Every registered Republican or Democratic who lives within the Precinct boundaries is eligible. Try and recruit like-minded people in your precinct to attend your caucus to fill the leader and delegate positions.
Who can vote in a Precinct Caucus?
- A resident of the precinct for at least 22 days;
- Registered to vote no later than 22 days before the caucus; and
- Affiliated with the party holding the caucus for at least 22 days before the caucus.
Therefore, the deadline in 2022 to be registered with the Republican or Democratic party in order to eligible to vote in Caucus was February 7. So, if you are registered, then you can attend and vote. If you are not registered, then you can still attend and observe.
Can unaffiliated voters participate in Precinct Caucuses?
No. Although unaffiliated voters may vote in primary elections, they cannot participate in party Precinct Caucuses.
What will be my time commitment if I participate in Caucus?
Well, that depends…
1. You could just attend Caucus as an observer, as it is open to the public. In that case, your time commitment is just to show up at your caucus and observe.
2. You could come to vote for delegates and alternates at Caucus, but not run to be a delegate or alternate yourself. In that case, it would still be good to get Caucus training ahead of time (but not crucial), and it would also be good to spend some time recruiting friends to also come to Caucus with you to vote, or possibly to run for delegate themselves. For that, it would be best if you make sure to get some level of Caucus training ahead of time.
3. If you run at Caucus to be a delegate or alternate, then you will be adding the commitment to attend your County Assembly on the day it is held (El Paso County’s will be on March 19th, and every county chooses when to hold theirs). Also, as you will be helping to choose which candidates will get on the primary election ballot, it would be good to do some research on those candidates ahead of time by going to their websites, etc.
4. Out of the pool of those who are elected as delegates and alternates from your precinct to attend County Assembly, there will also be a vote at Caucus to determine who will be the delegates and alternates representing your precinct at the State Assembly. So, if you are elected to go to County Assembly, and decide to run for being a delegate or alternate for State Assembly, then you will be committing to attend State Assembly (April 8/9 in Colorado Springs for Republicans, April 9th location TBD for the Democratics)
Thank you for investing any amount of time in service to our nation!
What is my electoral Precinct?
Visit the Secretary of State website, click on “Elections & Voting”, then click on “Voters”, then click on “Find My Registration” and provide your information.
Or simply go to:
Once in your record, click the “County & District” tab to get your specific Precinct number.
When are Precinct Caucuses held?
Where are Precinct Caucuses located?
What happens at a Precinct Caucus?
Caucus attendees elect officers who will be responsible for organizing political activities within the precinct. Caucus attendees also elect delegates and alternates to represent the precinct at the political party’s county or district assembly, as well as for the state assembly.
When are county assemblies, district assemblies, and state assemblies held?
The county assembly is held no later than 25 days after the Precinct Caucuses.
What happens at a county assembly, district assembly and state assembly?
What will be the roles of delegates and alternates at the various assemblies?
County Delegates — These delegates will attend their county party assembly to elect primary election candidates for the following races in their party (if being held in their county in 2022): Sheriff, Clerk & Recorder, Treasurer, Assessor, Coroner, Surveyor and County Commissioners, and State Legislature offices including House District Reps and State Senators.
State Delegates* — These delegates will attend their Colorado party assembly to elect primary candidates for the following races in their party: Federal Senator, Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General.
Congressional Delegates* — These delegates will attend their Colorado party assembly to elect primary candidates for the following races in their party: Federal Congressman
Judicial Delegates* — These delegates will attend their Colorado party assembly to elect primary candidates for the following races: District Attorney
* Note: State, Congressional, and Judicial delegates & alternates are only elected from those first elected to County Assembly.
How can I become a trained and certified election judge or poll watcher?
Check out Caucus Training Page for the most up to date info:
Where do I Caucus if I moved within 22 days before my party’s Caucus?
In this instance, you may only participate in your party’s Caucus at your old address. However, you will not be eligible to be elected as a delegate or committee person.
Can I participate if I turned 18 or became a citizen less than 22 days before my party’s Caucus?
Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)
![Biblically Correct](
Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.
Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.
![Proverb 29 2](
Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.