Republican:  Colorado



Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Engineer

Military Background:       Air Force Reservist

Resident of Colorado:       26.5 total; worked in New Mexico for 3.5 years from 2016 to 2019


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

I have experience in leadership, management, and individual hard work that I will bring to my potential role of Colorado Governor. I am from a middle-class family and have worked since I was 16 to support myself, giving me the experience that entry-level workers face before earning a degree. I have learned management of small teams in my engineering work, and I have learned leadership skills at the Air Force’s Officer Training School. These skills will transfer well to the Governorship.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

As Governor I hope to put my experience to use. If I win I will likely have to work with a Democratic legislature to achieve whatever policy goals I can while setting the state up for long term success. It will be key to achieve compromises and shared goals whenever possible. I will be steadfast in vetoing partisan legislation that pushes the state in the wrong direction. Other tools available to the Governor are the budget, Executive departments, and the bully pulpit. I will put all of these to use. I will not seek emergency powers or numerous executive orders as we have seen since 2020. I hope to always keep the average citizen in mind while in office.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

In general I believe that state’s rights should be stronger than they currently are, and Federal power should be weaker. As Governor I would protect Colorado’s state rights by pushing back against Federal directives and power when our interests are at odds.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Barring a US mainland war, I do not foresee a circumstance where I would ever use emergency powers or mandates as Governor. I think there should be an additional limitations on emergency powers, and that some measure should be introduced to allow the minority party some ability to cancel these orders.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

As Governor, I would investigate all possible avenues to protect these groups. I would work with lawmakers if possible to craft law that better protects the unborn. I am totally pro-life, and I would veto any bills that decrease protections for the unborn. I would support law enforcement efforts to combat human trafficking. I would investigate how existing or additional state government institutions could better protect the rights and well-being of the elderly.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

As governor I will always protect free speech and will look for ways to push back against governmental and corporate institutions that restrict speech. I would support a law prohibiting employers in the state from firing employees solely for free speech that is (1) legal, (2) made outside of work time, and (3) made while not representing the company or its values. I would similarly seek to prohibit companies in the state from restricting service to citizens on the basis of free speech. These measures are unprecedented, but will effectively end ‘cancel culture’ in the state. If the wrong opinions can cut you off from your job or ability to live freely, is your speech really free?

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

Yes, gun ownership is a natural civil right enumerated by the Second Amendment. I oppose all red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, and legislation that regulates gun storage. I will seek to veto any new restrictive legislation, and roll back older laws if possible. I would support a Constitutional carry law.


State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

As Colorado Governor, myself and the legislature are required by law to pass balanced budgets. I agree with this and think it should always be this way. Running a deficit yearly would be unacceptable and could create financial crises down the road. I would look into the largest budget items – healthcare and education – and see if there is waste or inefficiency. I would prioritize spending on Transportation and the Colorado Division of Housing.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

As Governor I would look to support agriculture, livestock, oil & gas, and sensible innovative energy industries. The best forms of green energy are geothermal and nuclear, but these are often ignored in favor of less efficient and unreliable wind and solar solutions. I would work to drive down energy costs with these new technologies, but also with oil and gas production. If any recent Federal executive orders or Colorado legislation is harming these industries, I would seek all options including new legislation, lawsuits, legal circumvention, and asserting state rights in these matters.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Broker

Resident of Colorado:       42 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

I am currently serving as an Elected Monument Board of Trustee, governing the town for a 4 year term. In addition to professional Trustee duties, I have been appointed to the following additional committees: Monument Representative at the Colorado Municipal League, Board of Adjustments, and the Legislative Bill Committee. In addition to this current Elected position, I operate a small debt free business for over 34 years in the state of Colorado in an executive managerial position. I have comprehensive experience in Commercial, Residential, Land, Investment, Sales and Leasing – with Employing/Selling management services extended to over 95 prior agents.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

My vision is to see Colorado return to its constitutional foundation. I have a Colorado First – Colorado Strong Policy Platform that includes: Restoring health freedoms to all citizens; Returning Parental authority for all health, school and curriculum choices; Rescinding all “take the jab or lose your job” policies; Regaining Energy Independence; Reallocating water use for Colorado’s needs First; Protecting our business industries with deregulation and reducing taxes; ; Budgetary remediation: Banning Critical Race Theory; Removing Dominion voting systems that are manipulatable; Restoring our Election Integrity; Stopping Child Sex trafficking and Pedophilia; Closing our borders to drug trafficking; Removing unconstitutional authority illegally given to the Public Health and Safety Division.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

An Independent, prosperous Colorado is the first step to preventing federal or foreign entity government overreach. Peace thru strength with a well-armed citizenry is necessary with 2A rights. Constitutional Sheriffs in every municipality cements our freedoms. Local Control should be restored. Financial independence is positionally freeing. The Constitution clearly states that We the People are the Sovereign authority over the government we established. We the people formed a Republic form of governance, giving specific tasks within a limited scope of authority. We the people consent to be governed by an elected body who are is tasked within the boundaries of law and order. We have deviated tremendously from our founding father’s intentions.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Emergency powers are restricted. Compliance with the laws (constitutionally restored) is what is necessary. A majority vote does not supersede our inalienable God given rights and freedoms. I would exercise those emergency powers in any time of war and/or nuclear threat or physical attack from foreign sources. Not all issues are submitted to the legislative body.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

It is a commonly known scientific fact that life begins at conception. A person has life which is defined by the time of conception to the time of natural passing. Our Constitution states that “Every Person has the RIGHT to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” A Governor’s oath is to protect and defend every person’s rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, including the pre-born and the just born. I am a strong adherent to this position and defend the constitutional right to life for every person. .The Sanctity of life is scientifically defined from moment of conception to natural passing.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

Returning Colorado to its Constitutional foundation will restore all amendments and bill of rights and freedoms back to every person in this state. The protections all found in the constitution will once more become the law of the land.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

Restoring our Second amendment rights is critical to having and establishing peace through strength. A well armed citizenry is a protected population. My position will be to remove any law, ordinance, proclamation, resolution or amendment that conflicts with our Constitution, through our due process of law.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

The state budget is fraught with waste. Many allocations are not relevant to the governance necessary to provide citizen services. No deficit is necessary nor should it be entertained or entered into. Financial independence means Colorado should not be in a deficit position. In fact, there is 2.6 Billion dollars in surplus tax payer dollars that should be refunded to the people in accordance with Tabor, right now. Operating from a debt free position is the constitutional process set in place by our founding fathers. I would reduce the budget, streamline government services and restore the state’s coffers to be in the black every year. I believe in less government – not more.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

It is not within the government’s limited scope of authority to decide which business will flourish and which business will not. The government is expressly told in the constitution not to interfere. I would renegotiate clean coal, oil and gas services with long term contracts, deregulation and incentives. Services such as roads, utilities, flow of traffic, park maintenance, pipes, electrical grids, water flows and delivery, etc. would be highly improved. Tabor funds would be returned. In a free market environment new green energy sources and alternate foods will compete within the constraints of supply and demand – and either fail or succeed on their own.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       Facebook: Jack Dillender for Colorado Governor

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Healer

Resident of the Colorado:       3 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?




Historical perspective

Insight into our current environment.

Enough strength and energy for all citizens in the state of Colorado.

Love of State, country, freedom and the Constitution.



God has equipped me fully for the battle ahead, on all fronts; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

My vision for Colorado is to create our Government around families and to put God back into government.

By focusing on families we will have a firm model to help guide us and to provide protection for that which we value most. I believe without this focus we become a state with out a mission causing a toxic environment. Likewise without God as our standard we lose our ethics and stands by which to operate. God is the truth the light and the way.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

Currently with federal government over reach, due to excessive use of executive orders, states rights have proven to be essential to save our nation, as I believe our founders once envisioned. Strategically it keeps our country from attacks from within our country much like the constitution has protected us from foreign attacks.

I believe we are currently under attack. It is imperative we use every tool available to stop this attack at the state level. I believe we need to form a task force to block these efforts on every level to protect all of our constitutional rights and preserve our way of live. Communism and socialism are Godless and this untruth causing dis fiction and disease among our people.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

I do believe in use of executive powers to be used with restraint. However, I believe we are in a war and dangerously close to being taken over by globalists. I believe with a watchful eye we need to counter these attacks and this can only be done, at this point, at the state level. We need to use executive orders to protect our rights and freedom but never use them to take our rights and freedoms.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

I seek to protect our most vulnerable by making the most vulnerable our focus our core for which all government actions are derived from. It is our human nature and essential to our souls good, to protect vulnerable populations because it is who we are and only by being who we are will we function as a society and create a world that is true and just and free.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

I would fight to end the protection of social media companies. Allow citizens the right to be heard in a court of law, any violations of our constitutional rights. I believe red flag laws should be challenged especially in the environment of deception we are currently in. There is a clear difference from what city people deem as important or essential and rural areas. Perhaps we could consider different laws for diarrhea’s of the state, even possibly considering an electoral college type voting system. Rural people depend and are reliant for survival, those things which city Folks find a nuisance. It’s a violation of rights to deny a person that which will protect or save their lives.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

As I said in the previous question, it is wrong to deny any person that which will protect and save their life, if these rights were protected for no other reason. And I believe that if we consider the right to bare arms essential to our culture, identity and protection that we should encourage not deter, gun safety and consider classes in schools to create higher standards and respect. I believe it could possibly create a strong sense of freedom and strength for us all.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

I believe our government is out of control in size and structure. I believe this is by design, by globalist and others to weaken both the individual and government. Therefore first priority is to stop this attack and second to minimize government and give power back to the people. Not government. There is a direct correlation, and can be use to steer us back to a more balanced relationship between the people and government. A more appropriate relationship that serves the people.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

There is room for both as many Coloradans seeks greater independence. There is a natural growth that if violated creates anxiety and disfunction. Natural grow and natural evolution creates harmony as things develop over time. I do not believe these are competing but complimentary especially as it pertains to creative and independent life styles. As to the first part our ag and natural resources are our strength and backbone and could prove to be our saving grace should we not be successful in defeating this globalist attack. In fact I believe that it is our natural resources we can use as a weapon against an insurrection against the United States or the state of Colorado.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Consulting

Resident of Colorado:       63 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

I do consulting and project management for oil and gas and power plants. I’ve built roads and bridges for the state and county’s in Colorado, I ranch and I understand the water issues we face.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

To bring back oil and gas drilling, update our transportation highways, fight inflation by suspension of the state oil and gas tax, give citizens a tax holiday, and suspend the groceries tax until inflation eases.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

The 10th amendment gives me as your Governor to protect you from the federal government.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Only in times of war in this country will I use my emergency power.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

I will use every power to stop abortion in the state, the elderly should not be paying any state taxes. And I will be doubling the state patrol to stop traffickers.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

I will use every tool avalibe to stop you from not exercising your 1st Amendment rights.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

It is a god given right to protect you and your family first. And the second Amendment guarantee that right.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

Getting control of the wasteful spending in the transportation dept first and then reducing the boards and commissions that are very wasteful.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

I will be suspended the 2,000 ft set back on oil and gas drilling. I raise cattle and I will be the most supporting Governor for agriculture this state has ever had. And I have no problem with green energy as a supporting source of energy but I will not shut down coal and gas power plants.


Candidate Information

Email Address:

Candidate Chose Not to Participate


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Owner/Operator Truck Driver and C-130; Crew Chief in the Air Force Reserves

Military Background:       18 years and I’m currently serving

Resident of the Colorado:       27 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

My military background has provided me with some key skills that would directly apply to my position as Governor. I am level-headed. I am able to deal with any situation calmly and coolly, and with a clear head – so that I can properly address it and arrive at the best resolution. I am courteous and professional at all times. I possess the ability to respectfully converse with anybody, and arrive at a common solution. I am also aware of, educated on, and concerned about, current political issues. I know what it’s like to work endless hours just to put food on the table.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

I’m running for Governor because I got tired of standing on the sidelines, watching others make decisions without thinking about how those decisions were actually going to affect the citizens of Colorado. I got tired of watching policies and laws get passed under the table, while Colorado citizens remained clueless to their existence.  I’m not here to wear fancy suits and push papers.  I’m here to actually talk to the people of Colorado and make real changes.  I’m not afraid to get dirty, and I’m not afraid to talk about the tough stuff.  I got my work boots on, so let’s get to work!

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

The current balance of power definitely deviates from the original intent. The 10th Amendment clearly outlines this. As Governor, I would enforce the laws that are currently on the books – while keeping the 10th Amendment in mind. I would not let the Federal government infringe upon the rights of the state.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

I would only use emergency powers/issue mandates if the safety of Colorado citizens would be put at risk otherwise.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

I do not believe in abortion as a form of birth control. There are very few instances where abortion may be the best decision (i.e., rape or medical necessity). In those cases, abortion (not late term) should be allowed. If somebody is raped and we force them to have that baby, that child will most likely end up A) in a home where they are not loved, B) in foster care, C) in the judicial system. If we require women who have been raped to give birth, we should then A) cover the medical costs for that birth, B) cover any counseling costs that the woman may need, C) already have identified a family who will adopt that child.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

I believe in the separation of church and state. However, that being said, anybody with any kind of “belief system” is going to be influenced by that belief. It doesn’t matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, etc. The actions that you take and the words that you speak are inevitably going to be influenced by those beliefs.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

I stand behind every part of the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment. I personally have a CCW, and bring my own gun with me whenever and wherever I can. Gun violence has nothing to do with the gun, and everything to do with the person holding the gun. If somebody wants to commit a crime and they cannot find a gun to use, they will find some other weapon to use. If we want to reduce gun violence, we need to start addressing the root causes 9i.e., mental health issues, etc.).

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

Just as it is not a good idea to run a deficit in your personal budget, it is also not a good idea to run a deficit in your state budget. One of my priorities will be to reduce that deficit.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

I am a huge supporter of oil and gas, agriculture, and farmers. I also know the value of conservation and green energy. However, one thing that people fail to talk about is – green energy is not perfect. The electricity that powers those electric cars can still be traced to some type of fossil fuel. So, in the end, we are still reliance on fossil fuels/oil and gas/etc. If somebody chooses to buy an electric car and eat alternative food sources, they are more than free to. However, fossil fuels and real, all natural food will always be here to stay.



Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Computer Engineer / Software Engineer / Developer

Military Background:       Raytheon Contractor (Dallas and Billerica) (ITAR CERTIFIED)

Resident of Colorado:       Native Born to Colorado


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

Jon Frederick Gray Ginsberg is a Colorado Native (Parker, Frisco), Kent Denver (HS) and Southern Methodist University Double Major, Federal Govt. Computer Contractor Engineer / CO, USDA, Houston Gov. Computer Contractor (HCTRA and 2011 Election Computer Contractor TX), Colorado US Post Office(s) Computer Contractor, Microsoft Corp. Computer Contractor, Halliburton, Raytheon Computer Contractor (ITAR Certified through Raytheon 2018), 7-11 Computer Contractor, Home Depot Computer Contractor, Walt Disney Computer Contractor, etc.) 1983-84 Colo. National Scholastics High School Winner for All of Colorado. My computer day job is already infrastructure for Gov., Energy, and Enterprise. The National Technology Company, for which I am the CEO, COMPUTERBERG repairs computers’ systems and repairs software systems. – All references available upon request.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

My computer day job is already infrastructure for Gov., Energy, and Enterprise. Game plan: Engineering Infrastructure for Real Jobs & Real GNP /GDP Growth. (1) Build and Engineer a Desalinated Water Pipeline from the Gulf Waters to Colorado Headwaters to fill Hoover Dam! (2) Double Police Salaries for Computerized Reporting (3) Build CU University campuses in Summit and Eagle Counties for the Western Slope. (4) Double Teachers Salaries for those who teach WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION (4) Build Rocky Mountain and Plains high speed train network. (5) Repair Election Computers from Cyber Hacking (6) Build, Fabricate, and Create a Foundry for 2- 4nm Computer Chips in Colorado for Ford, GM, and Chrysler as part of the Denver Tech Center. (7) Cannabis Tax.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

Yes, I am concerned about the relationship between the Federal Govt. and the States, and believe the current balance of power deviates from our Founding Fathers intent, as our Country has never been more divided, not United, with discrimination rampant and dsicrimination practiced by some 1st generation US born ethnic and sexual groups in power who have changed and twisted the rules for financial self gain.

I believe the current State versus Federal laws area a violation of the 10th Amendment Resolutions and violate The Supreme Court’s University of Alabama v. Garrett (2001)[30] and Kimel v. Florida Board of Regents (2000) precedents, violating in new colorful ways by Jared Polis and his kickback administration who are changing the name.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

As per my College Education at Southern Methodist University, I believe Force Majeure and War are typically the two times when Marshall Law (Emergency Powers Act) is called into effect in any Democratic government, but since Covid and the Marshall Fires, I believe that Jared Polis’ special administration has violated the Alien and Sedition Acts of the US Constitution for egregious personal financial gain during Covid to practice Gubernatorial power in a non compliant behavior. 18 U.S. Code § 2381

Yes and No. I believe Jared Polis is violating the emergency powers act for self-gain through financial kickbacks, and has benefited financially for control of additional real estate control, before and during his holding office, 18 U.S. Code.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

Being a Graduate of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, with 2 degrees, I have a more Christian Educated view on these questions and was hoping to have children someday.

I definitely do not believe in Abortion for the third trimester, which is Abortion Abuse, that definately violates the newborn soul, as I remember being born.

I do not believe the trafficked child should be regulated by the Transvestite, while keeping cannabis tax money revenue from benefiting social services, as this is Lust as a cardinal sin.

I do not believe the elderly should be regulated and suffocated by the for profit nursing home who does not fear god, and pay careless staff.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

Of course I believe in the 1st Amendment, but it is being twisted through unregulated propaganda, that is perhaps on purpose to re- educate as per some Orwelllian book or Catch 22 scenario by a government shutdown and takeover where not all is what meets the eye on the computer screen when the Queen, with 2 husbands, is not a woman and his private parties really don’t celebrate our lady Democracy, while wearing all her clothes in spite and injustice

To quote the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and In (see Walker v. City of Birmingham, 388 U.S. 307 (1967),) Jared Polis has twisted this law and is hiring rioters to help in the discrimanation and election.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

I believe in the 2nd Amendment and salute Law Enforcement the ATF for their bravery. Sadly, in reality, those on the low state of the bar make billions and billions and billions of dollars from the 2nd Amendment, and the ATF and Law enforcement sadly suffer. I believe we should raise ATF and Law Enforcement salaries, pray for the souls of those taken down by Active Shooters, and consider Capital Punishment for those who commit public murders, active shooters, and mass shooting of innocent civilians. I believe there should be legal fee cap limits on Criminal cases and the bar should be raised on protecting innocent citizens from crime from terrorists with any weapon. See Furman v. Georgia  

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

As a Microsoft Certified, Google Certified, Amazon (AWS) Certified contracted computer engineer who has supported govt., media, banking, and small and large enterprise in my day job, I believe the State of Colorado budget is a tremendous priority, decreasing taxes a priority, and will make increasing GDP, GNP, while decreasing the State’s deficit a top priority, and decreasing energy costs a top priority. For instance, I am paid to repair Quickbooks and Peachtree softwares for companies. By expanding the productivity of Colorado, ie. building computer manufacturing chip facilities, and expanding rail and water treatment from new sources, I believe this will add to Colorado’s tax base.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

I am a Certified Microsoft Business Partner since 2005, Certified Google Developer, and work in a world of Computer Science, which when properly balanced, will provide a solution to Competing Business Sectors due to common sense engineering.

I have worked as a Computer Contractor for the Federal USDA, in Craig, CO. (2018).

I have worked as an Computer DevOps Employee (before Oil company layoffs) at the Oil and Gas Company Landmark / Halliburton developing Safety Software.(2011-2014).

I intend to increase Water Treatment and Water Production facilities throughout Colorado as part of the Green Initiative, and incentivize drilling for Colorado water and water treatment of such “Grey Water” after increased oil and gas production.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Small Business Owner

Military Background:       Air Force / Disabled Veteran

Resident of Colorado:       34 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

As the former Mayor of the Town of Parker, I served as Mayor and City Manager and have firsthand experience with budgets, strategic planning, and numerous community and social issues. I have experience in municipal transportation, water, and economic/residential development. I interact regularly with special interest groups, community organizations, and media. As former Colorado Director of the Small Business Administration and a current small business owner, I know the challenges small businesses must overcome to survive and thrive. My parents worked long hours in the fields to provide for us, so I respect and will protect farmers’ and ranchers’ rights. I served individuals from various backgrounds and incomes throughout my career and will continue that service as Governor.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

In Colorado, every community is thriving and creating jobs. Our limited government is empowering people to live their life without their rights being slowly seized. Public education respects parents’ rights, children are taught to read, write, and problem solve. Vocational training, civics, and home economics are embedded into curriculum and school culture. Colorado is committed to the rule of law, communities are safe because law enforcement has support. Criminals are prosecuted, cartels eradicated. Sex trafficking, homelessness, and drug-use is greatly minimized. Housing is affordable throughout Colorado. Outdoorsmanship is promoted and protected from unreasonable legislation. Colorado has a vibrant economy; safe, clean, and healthy environment; and respect for individual freedom and responsibility. Colorado pride is restored!

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

Powerful, elites who control the Federal Government are overreaching their authority, trampling Colorado’s rights. These actions are not in alignment with the principles of our Founders. As Governor, I will notify the President and Congress any time their actions infringe on the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of Coloradans. I will introduce and amendment to the Colorado Constitution declaring that only by a vote of the People of Colorado will state recognize directives, mandates, or legislation authorized by the President or Congress of the United States. Colorado will utilize the protections of our 10th Amendment to secure our rights. We will no longer be disregarded as an insignificant flyover state.


Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

As Governor, I will lead the executive function with a steady hand and seek counsel from the Senate President, Minority Leader of the Senate, Speaker of the House, Minority Leader of the House, and other community stakeholders prior to executing the emergency powers of the Governor. It is imperative that emergency powers of the Governor be limited and restricted to ensure that the rights and freedoms of the people are not being limited and restricted excessively. The Governor should, therefore, only be allowed to exercise emergency powers for 30 days after which time the General Assembly must consent to any extension.


Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

I am ardently Pro-life. As the head of the Executive Branch, my responsibility is to enforce state laws. I will work with my Cabinet to ensure that Colorado protects our most vulnerable. Lisa, as First Lady, and I, as Governor have a joint-responsibility to the people of Colorado to be the voice of the most vulnerable. Together we will engage with religious and non-profit groups to enlist their commitment to educate the public about the needs of the most vulnerable and options that support life for people in difficult circumstances. If action by the General Assembly is required, we will jointly appeal for such action. My Lieutenant Governor will also be active in this effort.


1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

I will publicly uphold and protect the Constitution under all circumstances. We must educate our younger generations on our Founding documents and their significance. As Governor, I will raise money from the private sector to create an animated short film on the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, similar to ABC morning Schoolhouse Rock show. I will work with parents, school boards, state school boards of higher education, and others to utilize videos from the old Schoolhouse Rock inside the classroom, such as, Multiplication Rock, Grammar Rock, America Rock, Science Rock, Computer Rock, Money Rock, and Earth Rock. These can be used in curriculums from kindergarten through 5th grade.


2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

I believe gun ownership is a right and should not be infringed upon, as stated in the Constitution. In 2018, I was the only gubernatorial candidate who spoke against red flag laws. These are “thought crime” laws and therefore, unethical. These laws undermine rights of individuals prior to any crime which may or may never be committed. I oppose magazine capacity bans, and legislation that regulates gun storage. Communities are safer when criminals know that the state encourages law abiding citizens to possess and bear arms. I also support Constitutional Carry. Citizens who own firearms bear enormous responsibility and should be trained accordingly. Gun violence is always committed by an individual never a weapon.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

My top priority as Governor is to analyze the state budget to identify and eliminate the 30%-40% of fraud, waste, and abuse plaguing our government agencies and bureaucracies. In addition, the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) will utilize a “zero-based” vs “baseline base” approach for developing the budget. The JBC must evaluate each line item, not just line items with additional monetary requests. The “power of the purse” ultimately belongs to the State Legislature, not the Governor. However, as Governor, I will ensure that every state employee recognizes that we must spend the taxpayer money wisely, responsibly, and ethically. I will never tolerate fraud, waste, and abuse.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

November 9, 2022, the day after this election, I will invite five stakeholders from each of these industries to a two-day conference on December 1st and 2nd to establish cohesion on these issues. I will provide the leadership necessary to create real solutions which are mutually beneficial. I have experienced success with this exercise on numerous occasions as Mayor of Parker, President of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Director of the United States Small Business Administration. We will establish a foundation for a five-year plan that will enhance the productivity of these industries while safeguarding the environment and stimulating economic growth. It is my responsibility to ensure that each of these industries is respected and protected.



Candidate Information

Email Address:

Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact him multiple times and by various methods. Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether he is aware and chose not to participate.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:

Email Address:

Occupation/Vocation:       Self-employed

Resident of Colorado:       34 years


What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Governor that will benefit our state?

Ten years in Criminal Justice performing mergers and acquisitions of multi-billion dollar government contracts. FEMA certified. Former verbal de-escalation instructor, mass casualty and active shooter incident command trainer. Small business owner with Heating and air conditioning as well as owner of Wild Buck Realty.

Bachelors in Criminal Justice and Penology.


What is your vision for being our state’s Governor?

Clean up corruption and being common sense practices back.

States’ Rights

Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent? As Governor, how would you seek to protect and exercise Colorado’s Constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights?

We must keep more control at the local level and stop Govt overreach at state and federal levels.

Emergency Powers

Under what circumstances, if any, would you exercise emergency powers/issue mandates as Governor, rather than submit the issue to the legislative process? Do you believe that such emergency powers should be restricted, if so, how?

Yes, there is no need for emergency powers to exceed 72 hours.

Protecting Life

As Governor, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our state, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?

Enforcing the laws we already have and stopping radical laws such as 22-1279 from being passed. Overturn unconstitutional laws.

1st Amendment

What will you do as Colorado Governor to protect our citizens’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?

Enforce and unfold the laws that are already in place to secure these freedoms as well as prosecute individuals who seek to infringe upon these rights.

2nd Amendment

Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?

Pro Constitutional carry and anti red flag laws.

State Budget

As Governor, what will be your priorities for the state budget and why? Constitutionally, do you agree or disagree with running a deficit yearly?

Forensic audit. I am already finding discrepancies in money mismanagement. We should cut the budget year 1 by 25% and in 4 years get it from 40 billion to 13 billion where it should be.

Competing Business Sectors

As Governor, how would you seek to support Colorado’s oil and gas, agriculture, and livestock industries, while also supporting the newer green energy and alternative food sources industries with which these traditional businesses sectors seemingly compete?

Re-education on the efficiency of natural resources. Implement operations back into Colorado first then bring back manufacturing by addressing the out of control regulations.


Candidate Information

Email Address:

Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact him multiple times and by various methods. Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether he is aware and chose not to participate.



Candidate Information

Email Address:

Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact him multiple times and by various methods. Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether he is aware and chose not to participate.



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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.