Republican: Colorado

Candidate Information
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Occupation/Vocation: Businessman
Military Background: Graduate of US Air Force Academy, 14 years active and reserve, separated as Major from USAFR
Resident of Colorado: 40 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state and nation?
I served America in the Olympics and as an Air Force veteran. As a business owner I have the skills to fix our economy.
What is your vision for being our state’s Senator?
America is the greatest country in the world. My Conservative values will help restore honor and integrity to the USA.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent?
The 10th Amendment to the Constitution is clear: states rights must be protected against an overreaching federal govt.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
I will fight the feds from imposing unconstitutional regulations on Colorado, like COVID mandates that hurt families.
Protecting Life
As Senator, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Life begins at conception. God’s precious gift of all life must be protected, from babies in the womb to the elderly.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Senator to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
Our Founding Fathers felt so strongly about freedom of religion it is our First Amendment. All faiths must be protected.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
I served on President Trump’s 2nd Amendment coalition and have been endorsed by the best shooters in the world.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation at a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as Senator to correct them?
Gas prices are high. Inflation Soars. Pres. Biden destroyed the economy. Government must cut taxes and Reduce spending.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
Article I. Section 8. Clause 11: Congress shall have the power to declare war. This check and balance must be respected.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
As a free market capitalist, private industry is far better at generating jobs and income, not the federal government.

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Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact him multiple times and by various methods. Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether he is aware and chose not to participate.

Candidate Information
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Occupation/Vocation: Producer/Non-Profit President
Resident of Colorado: 22 years, then split another 8 years between Colorado and another state as a young professional, then again for four years, so a total of around 30 years.
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state and nation?
Deborah Flora is a businesswoman and as the Founder of Parents United America, she pushed for parental rights legislation, helped flip her school board and advocating for students across America. Growing up in Colorado, the daughter of a Lt. Col. serving on Lowry Air Force Base, Deborah’s parents instilled the courage to stand for what is right.
Deborah is a Partner in both Lamplight Entertainment with her husband Jonathan, an 82nd Airborne Veteran and as a Radio Host and Public Policy Director she worked to oppose the radical agendas in our State Capitol.
She has served on several national boards, overseeing multimillion dollar budgets, and served locally at her church and the Advisory Council for Leadership Program of the Rockies.
What is your vision for being our state’s Senator?
My reason for running is to protect the individual liberties of our citizens that have been threatened by the vast overreach of government into every area of our lives…the right to gather and speak freely, the right to worship and be the ultimate authority in our children’s upbringing, the right to live our lives free from government control. We need to return to the foundations of limited government, accountability, separation of powers, checks and balances and transparency. The Federal government has grown into a bloated bureaucratic state where unelected bureaucrats are creating regulations with the force of law but are not accountable to voters. I want to do the serious work of restoring our Constitutional Republic.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent?
The current situation we find ourselves in is a direct violation of the 9th and the 10th Amendment which state that any authority not clearly given to the Federal Government goes to the State, and any authority not clearly given to the States is reserved for the people. Smaller government, with local control is always best, and the Federal government has consolidated too much power thus lessening the freedom of our citizens.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
There needs to be a serious examination of the unchecked powers that have been taken by government during the COVID shutdown. The Constitutional guidelines for emergency powers is that they must be limited in time and scope, equally applied and be commensurate with the nature of the crisis. These have all been broken. When churches were closed but abortion clinics were left open, that was not equal application. When Governors and the Federal Government have been given unlimited authority without oversight that is a gross overreach. And no crisis should be an excuse to overstep the ultimate Constitutional rights of citizens especially in the area of mandates related to personal health decisions. I commit to instigating a full investigation.
Protecting Life
As Senator, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I have been a long term advocate for life having served on the Care Net Board which serves pregnancy resource centers all of the country. It has been an honor to help women in crisis be able to have a real choice, and be able to choose life for their child. I have participated in the March for Life and led a rally on the steps of the Supreme Court for this cause. I would continue this stand for life in the U.S. Senate.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Senator to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
The First Amendment is vital, and the assault on the first and most essential right of freedom of speech and exercise of religion must stop. I commit to standing for Churches and all places of worship to preach freely without government interference or censorship, and will push back on the areas where these rights have been threatened.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
The Second Amendment is key to protecting the first and all of our other freedoms. I am a proud concealed carrier, and will stand unequivocally for citizens’ rights to defend themselves. We do not need more gun laws that criminalize law abiding citizens, we instead need to enforce the laws on our books especially when it comes to true criminal activity. The Second Amendment clearly says “shall not be infringed” and that is where I stand.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation at a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as Senator to correct them?
We must stop the overspending of government that is bankrupting future generations. We need to lessen regulations and reduce taxes which actually help unleash our productivity and increase tax revenue. With this step then we mush also reign in overspending and balance our budget. There should be no more earmarks in bills and they should be single subject so each item is justified on its own merits without the padding of pet projects and payouts.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
We need to return to the proper checks and balances of government with the Congress having the sole authority to declare war. In addition, there are many other ways to address the aggressions of other nations. For instance, we can stop Russia’s aggressions by becoming net energy exporters and eliminating Putin’s ability to fund his attacks. We can also use sanctions and continue them without wavering such as with Iran. Our lessening of these checks leads to aggressions.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
Especially in Big Tech we need to re-examine the monopoly and censorship that is eliminating our First Amendment rights. While in principle I am not for regulation, the digital world is our public square now and that cannot be controlled to favor only one viewpoint. Where there is collusion between large industry and individuals rights are infringed upon, we need to examine solutions.

Candidate Information
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Occupation/Vocation: State Legislator
Military Background/Status: 32 years Enl/Comm
Resident of Colorado: 9 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state and nation?
Current State Legislator – CO HD60 (Fremont, Custer, Park, Chaffee)
32yrs Military Service- Enlisted and Commissioned, Active and Reserve; Linguist, Intel, Counterdrug, Treaty Officer Oil and Gas Experience – Fracked North Dakota;
Sponsored 2 Election Integrity Bills, 2022
Sponsored 2 Second Amendment Bills, 2021, 2022
Sponsored Education Tax Credit Bill, 2022
What is your vision for being our state’s Senator?
Restore Colorado, Re-Secure America.
It’s all National Security –
Restore Border Security
Restore Energy Independence
Restore American Manufacturing
Restore Traditional Education
In Colorado, we should restart oil production, coal mining, and unleash agriculture. We are going to need all of these capabilities.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent?
The federal government is too large and has too much power, and it is not the balance our Founding Fathers intended. The solution is to shrink the size of the federal government – for example, eliminating the Dept of Education, and returning the power to the states.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
Emergency Powers should be extremely limited use – National Security related issues. Of course, a tyrannical government can misuse those powers by renaming everything “National Security”, and we have been living that experience.
The Covid-19 response was not a success – to include the vaccine fast-track. Mask mandates and vaccine mandates are unconstitutional.
The Legislative Branch is inept and currently disinterested in asserting its proper authority. A change of leadership is required.
Protecting Life
As Senator, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I fought the abortion bill, HB22-1279 in the Colorado House, and will fight for the unborn in the future. We MUST secure our borders in order to reduce the trafficking of persons. We must redirect law enforcement into those missions, and away from the politicized investigations of citizens. The elderly should not have been warehoused and isolated in nursing homes during the Covid lockdowns.
As we noted in our floor debates in the General Assembly this session, everyone deserves a birthday, and no one should be forced by government dictate to die alone.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Senator to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
We must strike all laws that impede the right of free speech, freedom of worship, and we should not be arrested or threatened with criminal charges for peaceful assembly.
We have been called “domestic terrorists” for attending school board meetings. We have been called “insurrectionists” for attending a peaceful rally on Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC. Neither are accurate; both are tyrannical.
The Constitution is clear. Article 1 is easy to understand. We should adhere to it. If the government violates it, we need new officials. We have the BEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT in the world. We have manned it with tyrants. Replace them all.
2nd Amendment
The 2nd Amendment is crystal clear: “… shall not be infringed.” I oppose red flag laws;
I put in legislation to repeal the magazine capacity bans;
I opposed the gun storage bill;
I introduced a Constitutional Carry bill in 2022
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation at a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as Senator to correct them?
We are well above $30 Trillion national debt – that is what the federal government is willing to admit to. I would wager it is at least $40T, probably $50T. Remember, the government audits itself.
We are printing money, creating inflation, spending recklessly. We must reduce the size and scope of government.
We should cut government personnel to 30% of its current size. It is unresponsive and weaponized against the people. It would not carry out President Trump’s orders, therefore, it should be cut until it is responsive to the orders of the Chief Executive and the People.
We should eliminate the Dept of Education, consider a flat tax or simplified tax code, and eliminate the IRS.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
We are the world’s superpower, and we should take the responsibilities seriously. While we should not get involved in regional skirmishes, we can provide leadership and some assistance to global stability. The alternative is to let China fill that role, and the world will be less prosperous and less free if we allow that. China would not be a benevolent ruler, but we are currently ceding the status to them. They are bad actors, and they align with authoritarian regimes. We must maintain the ability to project power globally.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
We have been placed in grave peril by the actions of government officials and corporate CEOs with a globalist agenda working in conjunction.
Technology companies have handed over personal information to the government that it should not have access to.
Our pharmaceuticals are made overseas, our media is controlled by Chinese entities, and we have allowed Communist China into elements of our food processing and food supply chain.
The federal government should be compelled to destroy personal data it has collected, then work to bring control of most of these entities back to the US. It is a risk to our national security for our media to be owned by foreign entities.

Candidate Information
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Occupation/Vocation: Professor
Military Background/Status: One year in Air Force ROTC
Resident of Colorado: 25 years. Moved to CO in 1987. Did PhD at DU. Moved away for MA and to work in China.
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state and nation?
I have a PhD in politics and international relations, 30 years of experience in higher education (in politics, economics, international relations), have published 3 books, dozens of book chapters, journal articles and op-ed pieces on politics and international relations, and have 14 years’ real-world experience living and working in China (and 30 years of experience studying, teaching and writing about China), which is America’s greatest near-term and long-term security threat. I also have management experience, having managed a School (within a British university) of 450 students (BA-PhD) and 20 faculty members very successfully for five years. I have taught classes on US Government, American Politics, US Foreign Policy, National Security, and Foreign Policy, all giving me a strong foundation.
What is your vision for being our state’s Senator?
I am applying for a job and my employer is not the Federal government, but the people of Colorado. I would be working for them and I wouldn’t ever want to forget that. With the slogan “Less is More,” my message is that less taxes, less government debt, less spending, less mandates and less government intrusion into our lives means more freedom and more prosperity. This is what I will work for. I will work to free up our oil and gas potential to increase oil and gas production to reduce oil and gas prices. I will strengthen American defenses against a more and more dangerous Chinese Communist Party. I will work to overturn Roe V Wade and defend gun rights.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent?
I believe our current BOP between Federal and State authority is out of balance. Too much power has been given to government in general, but in particular to the Federal government. I would support a parental rights law or amendment and the weakening or dismantling of the Federal Department of Education so as to keep education firmly in the hands of the states and of parents, for they know what is best for their children. I would fight any laws or amendments that weaken states’ authority regarding the Federal government.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
I believe we’ve seen a dangerous trend in recent decades (in both parties’ leadership) to expand the use of mandates and executive orders. This has come to an ugly head during the covid era with the US President and the Federal government (CDC, etc.) taking too much power from States and in many cases circumventing Congress and State legislatures. This trend has to stop. There is a place for some emergency decrees, in times of war, etc., when limited actions might need to be taken, but this should be extremely rare. It has not been recently, and we have to change this. I would work to address this unconstitutional imbalance if elected.
Protecting Life
As Senator, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I am pro-life, arguably the most pro-life candidate in this race. I would seek to overturn Roe Vs. Wade because very simply, abortion is the taking of life without justification – in other words, it is murder. I will fight to defend the rights of the unborn, while seeking ways to honor the rights and interests of mothers (and fathers). Human trafficking is a scourge on our nation. I will fight it. We must also protect the interests of the elderly, whether via laws protecting them from telephone and online scams, or by supporting and reforming Medicare to ensure sufficient funds will be available for seniors in the future.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Senator to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
I will fight for 1st Amendment rights at every turn. I am an Evangelical Christian and very sensitive to religious freedom issues. I don’t seek to impose religion on anyone, but we must work hard to make sure that the rights of people of faith to practice their faith freely continue to be protected. We must fight trends characterized by the term, “cancel culture,” which entails limitations on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. We may need to revisit Federal funding for NPR and PBS unless they vow to make sure conservative views are also consistently represented (they are not currently, in my opinion). I will defend rights of freedom to petition government for redress of grievances too.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
2nd Amendment rights are a key platform issue for me. I don’t support magazine capacity bans, as these don’t limit or promote violence. I support educational efforts to encourage safe gun storage but not mandates. I support a very, very limited iteration of red flag laws but believe they are overused, too easy to get imposed on people (in defiance of their 2nd Amendment rights), and too hard to overturn once imposed. My father had serious dementia and anger issues and we removed his guns and put them in storage. There are such times, but limits should be few and far between. I am against general bans on public carrying, but support states’ rights to require permits to carry publicly.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation at a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as Senator to correct them?
We need to start by stopping printing so much money! Joe Biden has printed too much money and it contributes to inflation. We also need to cut taxes and cut spending. We need to reign in government debt and balance the government’s budget. We need to unleash US oil and gas (again) so as to get oil and gas prices down, which will lower transport costs and daily expenses for families so more money can stay in the economy and out of the energy sector. All of these measures would lower upward pressures on the CPI, slow or stop inflation, generally promote growth, and put more people back to work in good jobs.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
“Global policing” has never been US policy and shouldn’t be. America should only get involved where vital American interests are at stake. The president has war powers but they are constitutionally limited and this is a good thing. Congress alone has power to declare war. The president must seek congressional buy-in to prosecute and declare war. Some presidents have taken too much liberty in pursuing military adventures and this should be reined in. However, as Putin’s new invasion of Ukraine and the long-term threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party make clear, the US must have a strong defense to reign them in, along with North Korea and Iran. All are now rogue states. America must remain vigilant.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
I am not overly concerned with corporate power. I believe in capitalism and do not believe wealth accumulation and corporate power is in itself evil or a problem. I believe in conservative, classically Liberal notions of small government and minimal government intervention into markets. I am concerned with the growing power of Big Tech companies with left-leaning agendas to shape public discourse, however. They should not be allowed to shut down free speech. However, as a conservative I do not want government regulating these companies too much either. The government regulates too much already. We conservatives can and should vote with our feet and take our business elsewhere if these Big Tech companies offend us, violate our beliefs.

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Occupation/Vocation: Construction CEO
Resident of Colorado: 60 years (Entire Life)
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state and nation?
I have over thirty years of experience managing thousands of employees through my construction company. I’ve spent these years with my hands in the dirt of this beautiful state, building the roads and bridges that move our economy forward. I’ve had to negotiate tough deals and ensure that projects move forward. That’s the only way that my employees – and their families – eat at night. One of the biggest problems in Washington D.C. is that politicians haven’t had to work a hard day in their lives. I’m running to be an advocate for working Coloradans.
What is your vision for being our state’s Senator?
First, we have to defend working Americans. Inflation, rising gas prices, outrageous heating bills, and a housing shortage have all been the result of politicians embracing socialism. It’s time to return to free markets, get government out of the way, and focus on reducing the cost of living.
Secondly, we need to reduce the national debt. I support a balanced budget amendment. We cannot continue to mortgage our children’s future away.
Third, I believe in a strong and secure America. This means a strong military for threats overseas and an effectively equipped and trained police force for threats at home. This is personal for me as my father was a Denver police officer.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent?
I believe it deviates – and has been deviating for quite some time. Our federal government has grown out of control and it’s time to reduce its size and scope. I will defend Colorado’s right to govern itself from an overbearing federal government.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
Emergency powers should only be invoked very, very rarely. There are, of course, moments such as wartime when the President must make decisions rapidly, but the vast majority of executive action we see from the executive branch is usually not an acceptable use of power. The legislative branch may be slower and deliberative, but that is by design. Americans deserve to have their voice heard via their congressional representatives. It is my belief that many of the COVID-19 regulations, especially those that came after the initial wave of the pandemic, should have come through Congress and not the executive branch.
Protecting Life
As Senator, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I was raised a Catholic and I was adopted. I am personally pro-life. I also think the men and women who adopt and provide foster care are real life heroes. It’s time to finish the wall and provide whatever resources we need on our southern border to cut off human trafficking and investigate and prosecute it in our communities. Finally, I believe we need to work with the states to ensure that our nursing homes have proper protocols and systems in place to handle emergency situations – such as pandemics. COVID-19 swept through our nursing homes with devastating effect and we have to ensure we’re better prepared for the next emergency.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Senator to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
Free speech is absolute. Period. Much of this rests on ensuring we have Supreme Court justices that are dedicated to an original interpretation of the Constitution. I will always fight to defend the First Amendment against all efforts to censor or ban from our government.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
I don’t believe in putting any more gun laws on the books.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation at a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as Senator to correct them?
I am one of the only candidates that has made balancing the federal budget a core tenant of my campaign. When I launched this campaign, the national debt was at $28 trillion. Now it’s at $30 trillion. We are mortgaging our children’s future away for failed government programs that keep people out of the workforce. It’s time for us to cut spending and pass a balanced budget amendment.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
We are a constitutional republic with checks and balances, not a monarchy with a king. It’s Congress’ job to declare war, even though the president is commander-in-chief. Congress should exercise its powers under the constitution. Overseas military interventions shouldn’t go on and on without the legislative branch’s review and authorization.
Regarding Ukraine, we should do all we can to support them short of sending our own sons and daughters to fight. If they need gear and guns, let us find a way to work with our European allies to get them gear and guns.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
Competition, competition, competition. Government should get out of the way as much as possible to ensure a level, balanced playing field for all. We can of course investigate the need to break up monopolies, but the federal government rarely gets it right when interfering in free markets.

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Occupation/Vocation: Finance – Banking
Resident of Colorado: 49 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state and nation?
My family came to America in 1969 without any money and unable to speak English, I understand the struggles of those who deal with getting ahead today. Thanks to the opportunities in America, all seven children in our family, despite living in poverty for the early part of our lives have become successful and are prospering in this great nation. Personally, I have been fortunate to be promoted to executive positions with some of the largest corporations in the world such as Wyndham Worldwide the largest hotel chain in the world and HSBC bank who was at the time the 2nd largest bank in the world. In these positions, I handled large teams over several states with multi-million-dollar budgets.
What is your vision for being our state’s Senator?
My vision is to educate our state and country on the policies that we are faced with daily. Leadership is lacking and we do not see our state Senator’s stepping up and providing true representation. We need to relay that information regarding our national debt, energy and environment, immigration (drugs/human trafficking), health care, crime, inflation, and education have been misleading and as a result, bad policy has been put in place that is hurting the people of our state and country. The objective is to see that facts and information are displayed and people understand the issues fully so that we can make proper legislation.
States’ Rights
Many Americans are concerned about the Federal government usurping power from the States. Do you believe that the current balance of power between Federal and State governments represents or deviates from our Founding Fathers’ intent?
As Senator, I support the 10th amendment of the Constitution for stating that the federal government has no right interfering with the state powers of Colorado and all other 49 states.
I would start to assure that we follow the Constitution and the readings of the Federalist papers per our founding fathers. I will instigate committees to review all government departments, such as the Department of Education, Department of Energy, etc. and verify if these departments are outside their scope of requirements regarding federal responsibility. This will be the first process to reduce, eliminate, and restrict these departments to see that they do not interfere with the rights of the states and people and if they are even necessary.
Federal Mandates
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that the Federal Government should use emergency powers/issue mandates, rather than submit the concerns to the legislative process?
There is currently no circumstance that I would support the federal government using emergency powers to issue mandates over the legislative process. I felt that the federal mandates were a gross overreach in our society these past two years during this pandemic. Research on masks, lock downs, and eventually vaccine mandates were overstated and, in many cases, wrong. As a result, we have done damage to our country that will take years to overcome. I do believe that all major decisions that affect our daily lives should be created via legislation as the legislators are the voices and representation of the people and this is how we should have decided to deal with our country’s pandemic.
Protecting Life
As Senator, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our nation, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As Senator, I do believe that there should be a safety net for those who are unable to support or take care of themselves. Often these services require immediate attention as these are urgent and sudden cases. These cases need to be handled by each individual state to determine the validity and needs of each person. To assure that the states have the resources to address these issues, I believe that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is a viable agency for this purpose. In this process we need to have committees that can attend to each request and be sure that the system is not being abused and that those who need help, receive help.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Senator to protect Americans’ 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
The 1st Amendment is what defines the United States of America. This is our badge of freedom and needs to be protected to assure our independence. As Senator, we must create investigations to see that all violations of free speech are handled correctly. This includes the elimination of tech 230 protections, investigations to all circumstances regarding past protests and current standings, and to create legislation assuring the rights to petition the government for grievances without retribution.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
I do believe that the 2nd amendment is a civil right and is about our rights to defend ourselves. I do not believe that laws such as red flags, magazine bans, legislation of regulating gun storage and Constitutional carry are allowed by our Constitution and as such are not permitted.
Financial Policy
With U.S. debt now exceeding $30 trillion and inflation at a 40-year high, what do you believe are the core problems with America’s economic and monetary policy, and what will you seek to do as Senator to correct them?
I believe that our national debt is the biggest threat to the future of our country. The main issue is our spending and this needs to be addressed. The first to be addressed once I am in office is the three biggest components of our annual budget, which is Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
It is imperative that Congress investigates these three programs and restructure them as they are financially insolvent. I will seek to assure that we find options to assist those who have paid in and assuring that benefits are paid out completely. However, these three programs will need to be restructured for future generations and reviewed along with other government programs that have shown to unsustainable.
War Powers
Although the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war, this was last done 80 years ago, and since then the President has taken us to war. What are your positions on America acting as “global policeman” and what Congress’ role should be in international conflict, especially in light of the current Russia-Ukraine war, and our nation’s tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and other world powers?
I believe that only Congress has the right to declare war. However, it is not the responsibility of the U.S. to police the world. As we saw with Afghanistan, we should not get involved with other countries and their governments. We need to maintain a connection with NATO as this does alleviate America as the only option to address global issues and does make for a larger presence. However, all NATO allies need to contribute accordingly to the agreement set forth. As for future actions, Congress should only be involved if attacks occur directly against America or against a NATO ally. I also believe that military action should always be the last resort.
Corporate Power
Are you concerned with the level of power wielded by major corporations and their CEOs in America, including the dominant businesses in the crucial sectors of Technology, Pharmaceutical/Medical, Banking, Media, and Food Production and Distribution. What do you believe the Federal Government’s role should be, if any, in limiting this power, while still supporting our nation’s free market economy?
There is a concern in monopolies within our country as competition allows for better markets, increased innovation, and price reduction. I do not believe that the federal government should be involved in telling businesses or corporations on how to run their business. However, any actions by any corporation that destroys or interferes with the emergence of fellow competitors need to be penalized for violating anti-trust laws. In additions, laws such as tech 230 need to be removed as this provides special treatment and not only infringes on free speech but manipulates market competition.

Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.