2023 Pikes Peak Region

D38 – Lewis-Palmer

School Board Candidates

Candidates presented in Alphabetical Order

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click each box to read answer

Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Resident of Colorado Springs: 

Political Leanings

As a candidate in a nonpartisan School Board election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party.  How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?


Candidate Information

Candidate Chose to Not Participate


Campaign Website:       None Found

Email Address:            ToddBD38@gmail.com


Candidate Information

Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact her multiple times and by various methods.  Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether she is aware and chose not to participate.


Campaign Website:    None Found

Email Address:             JosephColinCrick@gmail.com


Candidate Information

Candidate Chose to Not Participate


Campaign Website:       None Found

Email Address:       Ken4790@gmail.com


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.Tomfor38.com

Email Address:       Thomasfor38@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Attorney

Military Background:       Retired ARMY

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       3 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

I am a conservative who believes in limited government, low taxes, and the notion that more government equals more problems.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

As a former LAPD officer, I am very focused on student safety. As a Grandfather to kids in D-38, I bring my desire to make schools a place where children can learn, become literate, and become productive adults.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

District 38 has benefited from a great community who cares about its students, and the Board has tried to make the district a place in which students are first. But that’s clearly not the case. D-38 has been mired in the increasing progressive push for more political infusion in schools, and the Board has not stood up to that effectively. As a conservative stronghold, we need to protect our kids from the policies and politics of Denver.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

Children should have access to a wide variety of learning materials. Curriculum should be subject-centered and free from ideology. Materials that are deemed obscene by state or federal guidelines have no place in schools. The hardworking taxpayers of D-38 shouldn’t continue funding curriculum or books that are progressive in nature.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

Students always come first. We need to ask ourselves, “how will this sum of money benefit students?” I will identify areas of waste and ensure those dollars are allocated to teacher pay, which directly benefits our children.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

District 38 should never seek to erode the liberties of parents and families. We should never comply with mandates that hurt medical autonomy or any other freedoms. That’s not the role of government, and we as a Board must never forget we are government. We should seek to limit our own power each day, not grow it.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

Parents are the most important stakeholders in their child’s education, not the government and not the community. Nothing should ever be kept secret between a child and his parents. Parental rights are under attack in America, with the left touting the notion that the government knows best. It doesn’t, and it never will. Parents know best what’s right for their kids, and we must respect them.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

First and foremost, parents should always have the right to opt their kids out of anything they deem inappropriate.

Sex education has been a part of public schools for decades, and Colorado law is very clear that this must be taught to 6th grade and above.

For parents who don’t want this curriculum taught to their children, they should opt out.

LGBTQ health and relationship issues are not a functional part of sex education, as they have no basis in science and no practical benefit for teaching.

Parents who wish to teach their kids about gay and trans relationships should do so within the context of their homes and families. The state government should play no role in this teaching.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

Gender issues are a political red herring, and they have no business being taught in schools. D-38 should focus on teaching kids to be productive members of society, not how to change their gender. Gender confusion is permeating our schools because society as a whole hasn’t yet figured out how to be firm that this mental illness should be addressed, rather than encouraged. Parents and teachers are walking on eggshells to support a narrative that’s false and damaging to our kids, and it needs to end.

Preferred pronouns are as nonsensical as identifying as the Grinch, and we adults in the room need to take the lead once and for all. 

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

I would like to look into several different mechanisms to make our schools safer. The schools all can benefit from target hardening, making the buildings physically safer for children.

Additionally, we ought to arm as many teachers as possible, potentially via the FASTER program.

On a macro scale, ridding the schools of gender ideology and treating the underlying illnesses these kids are experiencing will ensure less violent acts in the long run.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.RonSchwarz4D38.com

Email Address:       Ron.H.Schwarz@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:        Constant/vonunteer

Military Background:        Veteran’s Non Profit

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       30 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

No political affiliation.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

Living in the community for over 30 years, supporting two children, with learning challenges, through the D38 school system, and serving on the Board of Education … I understand how we get things accomplished.

My professional background in organizational leadership, fiscal accountability in excess of 200M, and individual achievements have prepared me well to serve as both an influencer and a champion of lasting results. I truly understand the value of agility and process… and where it is best applied.

After serving four years on the D38 Board of Education, I’m qualified to continue our track record of delivering substantive results in: Physical Safety, Academics, Finance, Teacher Pay and CTE (Career ready graduates).

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

Lewis Palmer District 38 continues to be “Accredited with Distinction”. While we have many areas of continuous improvement (that are the focus of our entire team), the region’s property values, and continued growth are a testament to the district’s results and continued drive to “not rest on our laurels”.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

All curricula should be factual, provoke critical thinking, motivate academic passions and be iterative such that our students can absorb and retain the materials.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

While there are still many opportunities to drive further fiscal advancements, D38 should receive some level of credit for achieving the following results without a penny of incremental local taxpayer dollars:

  1. Returned $1.9M to the local taxpayer by re-financing existing bonds to a lower interest rate
  2. Added significant Physical Safety features to each building.
  3. Reversed a trend of literacy rate reduction in the K-3 area requiring a cash and training investment.
  4. Increased teacher pay (on average) by approximately 20% over the past four years.

As Board Treasurer, I have had significant involvement in each of these initiatives.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

All public school are subject to local and federal laws and their board members take an oath to obey them. In the event of a potential personal conflict with school mandates, the parents/family should always have the prerogative to “opt-out” of a particular event, module, or area of curriculum that they feel violates their Constitutional liberties.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

No, unless the student is a legal adult or in danger. If the student is a legal adult, I would defer to the rule of law.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

Some degree of Sex Ed is valuable to all members of our society. This curriculum, and its delivery, should be factual and designed to protect both the safety and dignity of each person. As it relates to potential identities, that should be an individual decision. Our educational system should be respectful of all in a manner that is undisruptive to its core mission of education.

In the event of a potential personal conflict, the parents/family should always have the prerogative to “opt-out” of a particular event, module, or area of curriculum.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

We have witnessed several trends come and go in this arena for many years. Hence, the public education system should attempt to be consistent in its approach regardless of trend(s). It should be respectful of the individual without being disruptive to the overall student/staff population. Currently, pronouns are an important identifier to some. Hence, they should have the option to use pronouns if it provides an individual with comfort/satisfaction. Equally, if some choose not to use pronouns, they should be able to do so. Any distinguishing identifiers should be a choice vs. mandatory. They should be respected and non-disruptive to the overall educational mission.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

Student/Staff safety is non-negotiable nor is it compromise-able. It is (unfortunately, due to the era we live in) our #1 priority. We have achieved significant results in this area over the past four years in D38.

Some examples are:  building vestibules, glass safety and enhanced IP based technologies.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?

The public education system is owned by our taxpayers. They should always have the right to express views and opinions. That being said, there should be a degree of professionalism and decorum in Board of Education sessions as we are setting an example for our students, staff, and fellow citizens.


Candidate Information

Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact her multiple times and by various methods.  Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether she is aware and chose not to participate.


Campaign Website:   www.Patti4D38.com

Email Address:            Patti@learningpeaks.com


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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.