Republican: El Paso County, CO

Candidate Information
House District: 22
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Occupation/Vocation: Pilot
Military Background: USAF (ret)
Resident of the El Paso County: 15 years, 9 since 2013
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Representative that will benefit our state?
27 year AF Veteran, and current airline pilot. I’ve lived all across the country; also Germany and Canada. A Distinguished Graduate from USAFA. Guggenheim Fellow to Columbia University for MS in Structural Dynamics. Policy and programming in USAFE, AFAFRICA, and as an Operations and Mission Support Group Deputy. Established a multi-aircraft AF Reserve Squadron. As an Environmental manager, I worked with the EPA & DEQ to save hundreds of thousands of dollars and templated the first MiANG “Clean Corporate Citizen.” I formed cooperative agreements with the USCG, NOAA, FWS, DNR, and Merchant Marine. I taught AP Calculus at the USAF Academy. I have served on a school board and am currently on the Executive Council of the El Paso GOP.
What is your vision for being a Colorado State Representative?
To actively insert consideration of our Creator endowed Rights into the legislative process as it seems it has been largely forgotten. While we enjoy the Rights, we do not typically know the basis or reason for those Rights, and thus cannot properly defend them. Individual Sovereignty is the cornerstone to our Republic. The Rights with which we are endowed are because we are created in the image of a Sovereign God, and they are essential to our purpose. Sadly, they are continually being eroded by even well-meaning bills, and the liberty lost cannot be regained without focused effort before it is lost forever.
Election Reform
Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? Should voters in Colorado be required to verify their identity and residential status in the respective counties in which they vote? Are you in favor of a single-day, in-person voting system consisting of all-paper ballots? Why or why not?
If a computer can be hacked, it will be hacked, and all computers can be hacked. Paper ballots are not immune from tampering, but they are much more difficult. Single-day, in-person voting with paper ballots, verified eligibility, and a thumb dipped in indelible dye. In theory electronic voting should be less expensive, but the lack of confidence leads to audits which are much more difficult. Regardless of whether it is the machines or the operators that cannot be trusted, electronic voting has proven itself to be a failure.
What is your position on the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
Yes. Government cannot be trusted to act responsibly with the money it extracts now. Allowing the government to keep anything extra is further depriving the still functioning (but suffocated) free market to actually utilize that money for good and worthwhile things.
As a State Representative, what will you do to improve the education of our K – 12 students? What is your position on parental authority in education, including school choice?
Parental engagement, the recognition of parental authority and school choice are essential to education, as is local control of school boards. Vouchers incur State meddling, so tax credits would be more appropriate. Statist education has become more interested in ideological indoctrination than functional education. National and State education agencies have proven to be untrustworthy, and should be disbanded since that would allow doubling the number of teachers.
Government Authority
Do you believe that the government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body? If so, how?
Absolutely not. The only “just powers” of a government are those derived from the consent of the governed. Therefore, the government has no authority to act without that consent, and “dictate” is the complete opposite of “consent.” Government’s role is to secure our Rights by protecting them from infringement by others, not to impose compliance. If person-A is acting in a manner that would violate the Rights of person-B then it is the obligation of the government to prevent or rectify that occurrence, but it is not the role of government to otherwise control person-A
1st Amendment
What will you do as Colorado State Representative to protect our 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
A citizen is not sovereign if the government compels his speech. Restrictions on speech violate “the consent of the governed,” and are unjust. Offending legislation must be repealed as anathema to our Constitution, good governance, and the ability to think. Thought is shaped by speech, thus speech control is thought control. “He who dares not offend cannot be honest,” without honesty problems cannot be solved. A society cannot function without the ability to solve problems.
The Colorado Constitution forbids both preferential treatment and discrimination, but restricting someone’s speech to preclude offense is extending preferential treatment. The ideologues behind compelled speech know this and weaponize it in their desire to walk “like a god through the ruins of their kingdom.” (Marx).
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
“Shall not be infringed” shall not be ignored. Self-defense is a Right endowed to us by “the Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God.” It is expected for an animal to lay claim to a territory and defend it. The bull has horns to ward off the lion. A gun is the equalizer against a stronger aggressor. Absolutely “No” on red flag laws, registration and magazine capacity bans or legislation on storage. “Yes” on permitless constitutional carry, unless that Right has been removed through Due Process. Beyond overt attacks on 2A, legislators must watch for the subterfuge of bills regarding mental and behavioral health since history shows that those type laws are flagrantly abused before the ink is even dry.
Infrastructure Spending
How do you believe that tax revenue in Colorado should be best utilized to improve our infrastructure?
Stop diverting infrastructure dollars into boondoggle projects, then instead of shoe-stringing a project with lowest bidders followed by unending patchwork, a city can purchase the road or bridge with (eg) 10 yrs of maintenance. This would allow upgraded materials and processes upfront which would decrease maintenance later, decreasing time spent in construction delays.

Candidate Information
House District: 22
Campaign Website URL:
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Occupation/Vocation: Investment Advisor
Military Background: Disabled Veteran
Resident of the El Paso County: 42 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Representative that will benefit our state?
As a candidate for House District 22 I bring to the table an extensive background. Having worked for two Congressmen (Ken Kramer and Joel Hefley), interned on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. (Fund for a Conservative Majority), I am an alumnus of The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) and the Engalitcheff Institute, Georgetown University. I served in the Fourth Judicial District Courts. I served as the Project Director for the Crime Victim Restitution Collection Program and twice nominated as Crime Victim Advocate of the Year and Judicial Employee of the Year. I have served as a Professor of Economics (Macro/Micro – Pikes Peak Community College) and have taught Undergraduate and Graduate level Corporate Finance (University of Phoenix).
What is your vision for being a Colorado State Representative?
The Republican Party can NO LONGER BLAME the DEMOCRAT MAJORITY on their INEFFECTIVENESS. Case in Point: 1) Passage of the Crime Victim Bill of Rights (Republican Sponsored – Democrat House, Democrat Senate, and Democrat Governor) 2) Elimination of the CAM Community Association Manager licensing House Bill 2019-1212. Introduced by Democrats. Sponsored/Co- Sponsored by Democrats. Amended in Committee by Democrats. Passed by only one vote and sent to Governor’s Desk. May 31, 2019, 3:30 p.m. VETOED and DISAPPROVED. Since January 1, 2021, I have been working with Energy Citizens fighting against the onerous GREEN NEW DEAL (Senate Bill 2019-181) mandates. Liberty and Freedom cannot be obtained by merely stating so, 90% of the battle involves SHOWING UP.
Election Reform
Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? Should voters in Colorado be required to verify their identity and residential status in the respective counties in which they vote? Are you in favor of a single-day, in-person voting system consisting of all-paper ballots? Why or why not?
ABSOLUTELY YES. ABSOLUTELY YES. ABSOLUTELY YES. Tip for election reform. When a property is sold a copy of the DEED is sent to the Clerk & Recorders Office, Assessors Office, and County Treasurers Office. After scanning and recording, the Deed is returned to the Title Company and/or destroyed. How about forwarding a copy of this information to the Elections Department? Once reviewed this practice would ELIMINATE BALLOTS BEING MAILED to the WRONG PERSON to the WRONG ADDRESS.
What is your position on the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
As the only candidate for this office who has been endorsed by my friend, neighbor, fellow republican, and author of the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) Douglas Bruce. I have ACTIVELY OPPOSED every attempt to GUT and CIRCUMVENT TABOR. Colorado functions with a Balanced Budget Amendment. The purpose of TABOR is to force government, like every household, to live within its means. However, whenever there is a budgetary shortfall government has engaged in COST SHIFTING. Excess actuarial funds (monies) from Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, and PERA to supplement funding with a PROMISE TO REPAY. In a strong economy, government SPENDS UP TO THE EXCESS REVENUE LEVELS. All to work around TABOR.
As a State Representative, what will you do to improve the education of our K – 12 students? What is your position on parental authority in education, including school choice?
As a former Chair of the District Advisory Accountability Committee (DAAC – Budget Subcommittee) in D-11 I am fully knowledgeable of how this process works. 1) Reduce UNFUNDED MANDATES, 2) Reduce Rules and Regulations from the Colorado Department of Education. Local School Board Control, 3) Reduce influence of textbook vendors and immoral doctrine, 4) Teach our children and grandchildren. STOP the INDOCTRINATION. 5) MERIT BASED PAY and/or PAY FOR PERFORMANCE, 6) REWARD EXCELLENCE 7) IMPLEMENT REMEDIAL READING ASAP. 8). Implement CIVICS and ACCURATE HISTORY. NO CRT (Critical Race Theory) or REVISIONIST HISTORY.
Government Authority
Do you believe that the government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body? If so, how?
- I have ALWAYS OPPOSED mandatory masking and vaccinations. When the El Paso County Commissioners first deliberated complying with the mandatory lockdowns, I appeared before the El Paso County Commission to voice my opinion and the ADVERSE FINANCIAL and ECONOMIC IMPACTS that this action would have on the local economy. If government is ALLOWED TO control what we do with out bodies? What is next. My body belongs to God (as his vessel) and myself. that said, I will not sacrifice the Spirit of God that inhabits this VESSEL of GOD. I am only a TENANT, this STRUCTURE BELONGS TO WHOM IT WAS CREATED. Thus, I have a DUTY TO MY MAKER to care for this vessel.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Colorado State Representative to protect our 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
The FORCED LOCKDOWNS were an ENGAGEMENT IN DISPARATE ENFORCEMENT. Disparate enforcement is illegal under state and federal laws. Shuttering Churches and Synagogues is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and allowing Liquor Stores, Marijuana Shops, and Topless Establishments to remain open is DISPARATE ENFORCEMENT (Selective Treatment). It was a POWER GRAB (by government) over Freedom of Association, Speech, Religion etc.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
Red Flag Laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Timbs v. Indiana (Excessive Fines and Forfeiture SCOTUS 9-0) Administrative agencies that confiscate property WITHOUT DUE PROCESS are not protected in the 10th Amendment, but must follow the 4th, 5th, 8th, and 14th Amendments. Limiting Magazine Capacity/Storage limitation via OVERT REGULATION. Texas has permit less carry. Why not Colorado?
Infrastructure Spending
How do you believe that tax revenue in Colorado should be best utilized to improve our infrastructure?
First, Colorado Government must fulfill its promises. In 1998, El Paso County Republicans supported Bill Owens with the mindset that El Paso County would receive funding for roads and infrastructure. When Bill Owens became governor and Referendum C was passed in law. El Paso County saw ZERO DOLLARS for I-25 and other projects. PROMISES MADE…PROMISES NEVER KEPT. Second. Poor Planning leads to Poor Performance. Third, when CDOT contracts with outside contractors for services there needs to be GREATER ENFORCEMENT of COST OVERRUNS and FAULTY CONSTRUCTION. Finally, contractors should have to WARRANTY THEIR WORK for longer than two (2) years for roads and asphalt. In Germany it is five (5) years.

Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.