Republican: El Paso County, CO

Candidate Information
Senate District: 35
Campaign Website URL:
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Occupation/Vocation: Self-Employed
Resident of the El Paso County: I live in Elbert County, Senate District 35 includes El Paso
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state?
Kevin takes mentoring young and new Republicans very seriously and has made the point always to help the next generation of leaders. Kevin currently chairs the Elbert County Conservative Breakfast Association, which raises money to provide scholarships to like-minded young Republicans and First Responders. In 2018, Conrad became a Regional Director for the Colorado Republican Committee, managing all state-wide campaigns out of El Paso County. After working for the State party, Kevin joined the Colorado Senate Republicans working for the Senate leadership as the assistant to the Whip. There, Kevin learned what it takes to be a Senator working in leadership and sat in all Energy/Transportation Committees. Kevin worked overtime with little incentive but the betterment of his community.
What is your vision for being a Colorado State Senator?
Kevin believes in a Colorado where parents have a say in what their children are being taught. Kevin supports parental choice in schools. Kevin has worked with many school board members and has an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and obstacles. Kevin believes in a return to our roots. He is passionate about fighting for Colorado’s agricultural industries. Not only are our ranchers and farmers an integral part of the economy, they are part of our culture and soul. Food independence is key and safeguarding Colorado’s water is vital.
Furthermore, Kevin will fight for public safety. The left has emboldened criminals and the Democrats handcuff law enforcement officers with bad legislation. Kevin is committed to the safety of communities.
Election Reform
Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? Should voters in Colorado be required to verify their identity and residential status in the respective counties in which they vote? Are you in favor of a single-day, in-person voting system consisting of all-paper ballots? Why or why not?
Yes. Elections should go back to paper ballots with identity verification. We should allow citizens a few days to make it out and vote. We need to be flexible on this due to people who may have health issues and emergencies that may come up. As well, we have to support our military with absentee voting.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Colorado State Senator to protect our 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
I will fight for Constitutional legislation which protects the 1st amendment rights of all and doesn’t curtail the rights of people to express their faith based on other’s ‘feelings’. I believe in a free market of ideas. I will fight for the right for someone to speak even if I disagree. Without the right to free speech, we have tyranny.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
Firearms ownership is one of the cornerstones of our republic, helping to balance the power of the people and the government. I will fight to keep absurd restrictions out of Colorado but also want to make sure law enforcement can keep our communities safe. I do not support the abuse of ‘red flag laws’ to take firearms from law abiding citizens based on hearsay. Such acts are not only a violation of 2nd Amendment rights, but the 4th and 5th Amendment rights as well. I do not support magazine bans and will fight to keep Colorado an open carry state.
Government Authority
Do you believe that the government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body? If so, how?
No, I do not support the government dictating what someone can do with their body. This is a free country and we must preserve the freedom to live our lives free from federal mandates which deny us the ability to choose what we don’t want in our bodies. I am also pro-life and will always speak in the defense of unborn babies who cannot speak for themselves. Babies are blessings that are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
As a State Senator, what will you do to improve the education of our K – 12 students? What is your position on parental authority in education, including school choice?
I am for parental and school choice. More state dollars need to go directly into the classroom, not in wasteful political bureaucracy that teaches children issues like CRT and gender identity to kids as young as kindergarten. Parents need to know more about what is happening in the classrooms. The Democrats are pushing a devastating agenda in our public schools and we need to fight it at every level.
School District Taxes
Do you believe that the Colorado legislature should make any adjustment to the level of taxes paid by residents in order to fund school district budgets? If so, how?
I am for local control. Taxes should be decided on a county level. What’s best for one county is not best for another. Any taxes decided at a state level must be sent to the voters, in accordance with the provisions of TABOR.
National Popular Vote
What is your position on Colorado joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would effectively eliminate the electoral college’s role in presidential elections in favor of a national popular vote?
I support the Constitution and the Electoral College. I will never support any circumvention of the system that was carefully designed to ensure that every state gets a voice in federal elections. If anything, we should be looking at the EC as a model for our own state elections and see if we can make improvements.

Candidate Information
Senate District: 35
Campaign Website URL:
Email Address:
Occupation/Vocation: Farmer/Rancher, State Representative
Resident of the El Paso County: (lives outside El Paso County, as SD35 extends across other counties)
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Senator that will benefit our state?
Farmer/rancher, county commissioner, trucker and ag business.
What is your vision for being a Colorado State Senator?
As a state Representative I’ve been a strong advocate for agriculture, rural Colorado and mental and behavioral health. I’ve ran numerous bills in these areas and would like to continue this work.
Election Reform
Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? Should voters in Colorado be required to verify their identity and residential status in the respective counties in which they vote? Are you in favor of a single-day, in-person voting system consisting of all-paper ballots? Why or why not?
Yes there needs to be some changes. Voters should have to show photo ID and residency. Yes it should be single day, in person except for service members because with an all mail in ballot voting system is more prone to fraud.
1st Amendment
What will you do as Colorado State Senator to protect our 1st Amendment rights to: the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceably assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, all of which are becoming more difficult to exercise in America (and around the world)?
Continue as I have as a representative to protect our 1st amendment rights. As a Christian we have a huge fight on our hands as Colorado is becoming more secular every day and that is creating a lot of issues that are hurting our state.
2nd Amendment
Do you believe that gun ownership is a civil right, and what are your positions in regards to red flag laws, magazine capacity bans, legislation that regulates gun storage, and permitless “Constitutional carry”?
I’m a (no room for negotiation on the 2nd amendment) candidate and my voting record reflects just that. The constitution granted these rights not the government. I was a yes vote on the constitutional carry bill in committee this year.
Government Authority
Do you believe that the government has the legal power and authority to dictate what a person does with his or her body? If so, how?
No I don’t, GOD gave us this body and we know what’s best for it and also what things we can morally do and put in it.
As a State Senator, what will you do to improve the education of our K – 12 students? What is your position on parental authority in education, including school choice?
When the Republicans regain control of the Capitol we can devote more funds to k-12 education and less on some of the socialist programs that have been created in the last 3 years. The parents should know everything that their children are being taught and exposed to in the public schools.
School District Taxes
Do you believe that the Colorado legislature should make any adjustment to the level of taxes paid by residents in order to fund school district budgets? If so, how?
Since we have TABOR it’s up to the voters to adjust taxes when appropriate.
National Popular Vote
What is your position on Colorado joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would effectively eliminate the electoral college’s role in presidential elections in favor of a national popular vote?
Very bad idea. If the NPV was to be put in place then places like New York and California would elect our president and they definitely have a different political leaning than most of the other states and definitely different than rural Colorado in which I reside.

Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.