Support Church Voter Guides’ Colorado / National Rollout

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Church Voter Guides Founder and Director Sharing About Our Colorado / National Rollout…and How You Can Help

Thank You for Your Generous Support of Our

2023 Colorado / National Rollout:  Phase 1

All Donations are Tax Deductible through: Christian Catalyst Inc (501c3)

How to Donate by Check
If you would like to make a Donation to Church Voter Guides though a personal or business check, please make the check out to:  Christian Catalyst Inc, put “Church Voter Guides” in the memo, and mail it to:

Christian Catalyst Inc
13976 Paradise Villas Grove
Colorado Springs, CO  80921


If you wish to have this donation tax deductible for 2022, make sure that your check is dated December 31, 2022 or earlier.


It would also be helpful, but not required, if you would please send us an email letting us know that you are mailing us the check, and for what amount (so that we can immediately add it to our donation tracker for our year-end goal) to:


Thank you so much for supporting our work in 2023!  
How to Donate by ACH Transfer/Direct Deposit

If you would like to make a one-time or recurring Donation to Church Voter Guides though an ACH Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit, please email us at the following address and we will send you back the Routing Number and Account Info:

Thank you so much for supporting our work in 2023!  

I encourage you to join the prayer and financial partnership of Church Voter Guides.  I believe it is by far the best tool out there for educating Christians on local elections. 

Dr. Steve Holt

Senior Pastor of The Road @ Chapel Hills

When churches across America were told by the government to not meet in person in the spring of 2020, it did not take me long to figure out that hidden and not so hidden forces were at work to control, undermine, and attack Christ and the Church.  We became increasingly concerned that our government leaders (in both parties) were not doing enough to legislate for the people in our basic Constitutional rights of freedom in speech and worship.  It was a wakeup call to me as a pastor.

I felt we needed a way to educate people in the local church on how to vote-in the kind of men and women who were servant leaders, protective of our Constitutional rights, and concerned about liberty.  But how do we do it?  How do we find out what the candidates believe?  Thus, Church Voter Guides was born.

During this time, Chaim Goldman and I began to meet and envision Church Voter Guides.  Chaim worked tirelessly to develop a simple, easy-to-read guide on each candidate running for office, regardless of party.  In the next few elections, we saw a huge turnout by Christians due to the Church Voter Guides. 

I encourage you to join the prayer and financial partnership of Church Voter Guides.  I believe it is by far the best tool out there for educating Christians on local elections — not by telling them how to vote, but giving them the different candidates viewpoints on the key issues and allowing them to decide.  Join The Road @ Chapel Hills and many other churches that are supporting this ministry in order to empower and educate Christians to vote their conscience in our local elections.

Dr. Steve Holt
Founder, Senior Pastor
The Road @ Chapel Hills
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Church Voter Guides’ Stats

since we launched in Spring 2021

our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County


separate local voter guides produced

city, county, and state candidates issued surveys

mobile-friendly voter guide page views

different election races / offices covered

pdf / printable voter guides downloaded

promotional business cards distributed

Watch:  Church Voter Guides on Fox News

When is a Voter Guide

Not Just a Voter Guide?

Church Voter Guides’ primary mission is to activate the local Church to civic engagement in elections and beyond, and we are experiencing wonderful results!   We especially thrive in municipal and county elections when there is very little known about many of the candidates because they have never run for office before, or have received very little press coverage.  Our surveys educate the electorate, giving them confidence about which candidates share their values, and thereby motivating citizens to the polls.  In addition, local churches that previously would not get involved with politics are now promoting our 501c3-compliant Church Voter Guides to their members.  We also turn our users into grassroots activists by providing them with promotional business cards and other materials to distribute.  And unlike other organizations that provide election materials, we train teams to produce and promote their own local Voter Guides.  Because “Together, We Win!”

What’s the $30k for?

Church Voter Guides is truly a Grassroots organization, and that has its Advantages and Disadvantages…   

The primary Advantage is that we can actually launch a National Rollout simply by training and supporting small teams around the country to replicate what we’ve done successfully in Colorado.  We’re scrappy like that!

Unfortunately, the primary Disadvantage is that we DON’T have a big, well-funded organization to pay for providing this necessary training and support, which is why we need YOU!


Our Big Holy Audacious Goal is to be working with teams in all of Colorado’s 64 counties and across America’s 3100+ counties by the November 2024 election cycle; while our more modest “Phase 1” goal for the Spring 2023 elections is to train and support 30 teams across Colorado (our home state) and Nationwide.  We’re psyched that there’s even a group right now in Chattanooga/Hamilton County, Tennessee that we’ve helped with producing a voter guide for their 2022 county-wide elections with great success!


So, back to the Grassroots part, because this is where YOUR SUPPORT is absolutely necessary:

The financial goal for our National Rollout: Phase 1 is to raise $30,000 in end-of-year giving, so that we can professionally train and support these 30 teams in 30 different municipalities/counties across the U.S. that are conducting elections in the Spring of 2023.  As you can see, that’s just $1000/team.  (Again, we’re scrappy like that…and know how to make a big impact with a little!)


How do we plan to utilize the $30k?  As follows:

    • Production and Distribution of Training Webinars and Support Materials for all 30 Teams:  $5000
    • Online Software for Streamlining Voter Guide Production/Distribution and Team Management (Jan. – June 2023): $3000
    • Help Desk Phone and Email Support for each Team (Jan. – June 2023):  $300 x 30 teams = $9,000
    • Webpages Setup, Hosting, and Support for Each Region on the Church Voter Guides Website:  $250 x 30 teams = $7500
    • Marketing/Communications/PR:  $2000
    • Additional Fundraising Efforts:  $1500
    • General Administration:  $2000

Please note:  Your Donation will help Church Voter Guides provide professional training and support to 30 regional voter guide teams around America.  Each of the 30 participating municipalities/counties will also be putting “skin in the game” at their local grassroots level through both volunteer staffing and self-funding for the production, marketing, and distribution of their specific Voter Guide (just like we do in the Pikes Peak region.)  Our corporate training will take them step-by-step through our proven success model, including how to secure donations and sponsorships from local businesses and ministries. 🙂


Will you please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to support our work around Colorado and the U.S.?  


Thank You and Happy Holidays from the entire Church Voter Guides Team!     “Together, We Win!”

Church Voters Guides, as an organization, is something each county needs.  I am so honored and thankful that God has put Chaim Goldman, Church Voter Guides’ Founder and Director, in my path.   He helped us understand the vision and how Church Voter Guides empowers the church body to make wise choices based on the candidates’ own words. Chaim empowered us to make it our own, while keeping our focus on the original vision for Church Voter Guides.  By placing our focus on County-by-County, the church body can affect the leadership of each local region.  I believe that Church Voter Guides is vital to every county’s nonpartisan election information packet.
Rick Toner

County Coordinator of Church Voter Guides - Hamilton Co., TN

All Donations are Tax Deductible through: Christian Catalyst Inc (501c3)

How to Donate by Check
If you would like to make a Donation to Church Voter Guides though a personal or business check, please make the check out to:  Christian Catalyst Inc, put “Church Voter Guides” in the memo, and mail it to:

Christian Catalyst Inc
13976 Paradise Villas Grove
Colorado Springs, CO  80921


If you wish to have this donation tax deductible for 2022, make sure that your check is dated December 31, 2022 or earlier.


It would also be helpful, but not required, if you would please send us an email letting us know that you are mailing us the check, and for what amount (so that we can immediately add it to our donation tracker for our year-end goal) to:


Thank you so much for supporting our work in 2023!  
How to Donate by ACH Transfer/Direct Deposit

If you would like to make a one-time or recurring Donation to Church Voter Guides though an ACH Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit, please email us at the following address and we will send you back the Routing Number and Account Info:

Thank you so much for supporting our work in 2023!  


Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry.


Stay informed on the election and other news.

Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.