2022 Colorado Primary
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.MooreForElPaso.com
Email Address: Lindsay@MooreForElPaso.com
Occupation/Vocation: Administrator
Military Background: Military Spouse
Resident of El Paso County: Native Coloradan, born and raised in El Paso County, returned to El Paso County after college and lived here since
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Commissioner that will benefit our county?
I believe the Constitution delegates and dictates our roles in local governmental systems. Politicians should be servant leaders, Statesmen, who advocate for the constituents they serve. I have been a proven advocate for our community for over 10 years. I have worked in a multitude of challenging situations and my skill sets are perfectly aligned for the needs of this servant role.
I am a servant to the community, I have served in a multitude of Leadership roles including serving as a Leader with our Military families as a Family Readiness Group Leader for 3 years, a Leader in our community volunteering with our kids, serving our leadership at the Capitol as well as Legislative Aide.
What is your vision for being one of our County Commissioners?
Our Board of County Commissioners should be composed of servant leaders working tirelessly to put the citizens of our county back in front. I am not a yes woman, I am willing to stand up and be a dissenting voice when policies threaten the livelihoods and wellbeing of the great people of El Paso County. Too often our politicians have made decisions that have not taken into account every stakeholder affected by each decision. I hope to create a culture of planning and foresight rather than being a reactive board.
County Commissioner's Role
What are the roles, rights, and duties of an El Paso County Commissioner?
It is the Duty of a County Commissioner to serve as a Constitutional member who is the primary administrator, overseer, and budgeter for County Programs as well as apportionment for tax levying.
County Commissioners oversee 14 departments and 2800 employees. They serve as the main body responsible for the management of County Affairs. Each of the Commissioners sits on many specific operating and advisory boards as a representative of the county. A true servant looks out for what is best for the constituents, not what is best for their husband’s business or their pocket book. I will be that leader!
Building and Development
Considering our limited water and energy resources, to what extent and in what manner should the County be encouraging building and development?
We need smart development, encouraging our builders to think into the future of the developments. Planning, land use and water use, what will this look like in 5, 10,15 years? Do we have affordable, responsible developers and politicians who are thinking of the people in El Paso County? I believe the county should be encouraging the people who are continuing development in a balanced approach of our wonderful county, however expansion should not come at the cost of those who already reside in our county. We must be discerning of the impact new developments have on our limited resources, we must ask the questions first, not after when it comes to sustainability.
Departmental Budgets
What is your experience in regard to understanding and managing large and complex departmental budgets?
I have many years of experience with specific departmental budgeting. I have bought, balanced and maintained a running inventory with extensive vendor lists in multiple business settings. I understand the needs and complexities of large budgets and understand the need for significant planning to ensure that the budget being built is realistic, attainable and that every dollar spent is money spent on behalf of those we serve. It is important to keep in mind that the revenue brought into the county belongs to the people and is entrusted to county administrators and commissioners as a fiduciary. It is our fiduciary responsibility to our constituents to spend every dollar in a way that serves the taxpayers.
What is your position on The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
Tabor is brilliant and keeps legislative bodies in check and from over taxing the people without their permission. Tabor is what I consider a “salary cap” that is used to keep the government from out spending the population. Politicians and governmental entities are trying to trick the voters out of their TABOR rights. There is a ton of deceptive ballot language coming from our elected officials trying to cheat the people out of tax refunds using the “can we keep your overpayments” in perpetuity. That is called De-Brucing, or getting people to give up their tabor rights.
Improving County Services
If new resources became available, what single area of County services do you believe most needs additional funding. and what do you suggest that money be used for to improve the lives of El Paso County citizens?
The Sherriff’s Department.
We don’t have the foresight to address the issue from a current and future needs perspective. We currently lack the manpower and the resources to support our burgeoning county.
We have less deputies on the roads than ever, more people with needs and horrible response times as well as a dispatch that is putting its constituents in some cases, on HOLD.
Enforcing Mandates
What is your position in regard to enforcing “mandates” issued by governmental or non- governmental officials or agencies? How will you use the power of your office as County Commissioner to defend the Constitutional rights of El Paso County citizens?
County Commissioners should have been the ones standing in the gap for the citizens and saying “No, this is illegal and unconstitutional”. There are no constitutional mandates, therefore they should not be enforced. I will not enforce them. The Democratic-controlled legislature had every opportunity to pass laws in regards to the COVID pandemic and they washed their hands of the issue and gave sole decision making power to our governor. This country was built on checks and balances, states and the federal government cannot continue to rule by executive order. Some politicians have forgotten how laws are made, an active fight from local government is the start.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a County Commissioner, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our county, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Life begins at conception and every single child deserves a birthday. I will work with all of our county’s entities that work to end horrific trafficking, support those local programs that encourage women to seek help to keep their babies in unplanned pregnancies and support and work with those who take care of our elderly to make sure they are taken care of correctly. The treatment of El Paso County’s elderly during the pandemic was not only horrific but stretched to the level of abuse. Families were locked out from seeing their loved ones in their final days. Generations of our county’s citizens left unable to have contact with those they loved.
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.HollyForColorado.com
Email Address: HollyForColorado@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: County Commissioner
Resident of El Paso County: 30 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Commissioner that will benefit our county?
Elected as your El Paso County Commissioner in 2018 with 70.2% of the vote. I enjoy serving El Paso County citizens, advocating for District 1 residents, and supporting our military service members. I am pro-life, pro-family, support our right to keep and bear arms, and support our Constitution.
Republican volunteer since 1994 from precinct leader to office manager. Selected by the Republican Party as the Republican of the Year. Master of Public Administration from UCCS. Governor Bill Owens appointed me as El Paso Public Trustee for eight years.
I have been married for 35 years and have four children. Jesus Christ is my Savior and I pray for his tender mercies and grace.
What is your vision for being one of our County Commissioners?
I will protect and enhance our quality of life by keeping taxes low, funding transportation, protecting private property rights, and supporting public safety.
I have fought for our conservative values at the local, state, and national levels including fighting for 2nd Amendment rights against Chicago Democrats, and taking positions on 26 bills – fighting for constitutional rights and against unfunded mandates and attacks on law enforcement.
I successfully fought for transportation projects including the Powers/Research intersection and for the Voyager Parkway/I-25 exit. I will advocate for funding to complete Powers North. El Paso County added $13.1 million in permanent funding to roads and an additional $24 million in one-time funding.
County Commissioner's Role
What are the roles, rights, and duties of an El Paso County Commissioner?
As a Commissioner, I take an oath to uphold the US and Colorado Constitution. My primary responsibility is to represent the citizens of my district and to ensure efficient use of taxpayer dollars. During the COVID emergency, I fought to open closed religious’ institutions and opposed mask and vaccine mandates.
We consistently adopt a balanced budget that meets TABOR. I monitor state legislation that affects county services especially when it diminishes our ability to enforce the law, risks community safety, or creates an unfunded mandate. We also fund maintenance for 4,400 lane miles of roads in unincorporated areas.
Building and Development
Considering our limited water and energy resources, to what extent and in what manner should the County be encouraging building and development?
I support American energy independence and private property rights. I evaluate new developments based upon the El Paso Master Plan, the Water Master Plan, and the land development code. I support the 300-year water rule that requires new development to have 3x’s more water availability than the State of Colorado requires. I support our special district policy limiting mill levy rates and our road impact fee.
I support state legislation that reduces regulations and support affordable and attainable housing. I oppose legislation that benefits trial lawyers at the expense of Coloradans seeking to buy homes
Departmental Budgets
What is your experience in regard to understanding and managing large and complex departmental budgets?
As a Commissioner, I’ve continued to ensure that El Paso County has a balanced budget and the state’s lowest cost per citizen. In 2021, County government cost each citizen $306, the mill levy was 7.692 and the property tax per citizen was only $73.04. The closest county to that is more than 50% higher at 12 mills.
We pride ourselves on excellent customer service with a limited budget. When Governor Polis shut down the State economy due to COVID in April 2020, many employees did not miss a day of work and all employees were working remotely within a week. Our productivity during this time frame increased.
What is your position on The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
I support the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. I believe that limiting the growth of government as well as requiring voter approval for tax increases has placed El Paso County in a very good financial position as the economy starts to grow. I support limiting the growth of government and believe that tax increases require voter approval.
Improving County Services
If new resources became available, what single area of County services do you believe most needs additional funding. and what do you suggest that money be used for to improve the lives of El Paso County citizens?
Road maintenance. El Paso County maintains more than 4,400 lane miles of roads. During the Great Recession, El Paso Commissioners made the tough decision to cut funding to roads. With normal inflation and required increases in services, our roads continue to be underfunded. In the past four years, I have supported increasing the road maintenance budget by $13.1 million in ongoing revenue.
This year, I supported dedicating $24 million in one-time revenue for roads. I will continue to support additional ongoing revenues for roads as well as adding additional one-time revenues each year.
Enforcing Mandates
What is your position in regard to enforcing “mandates” issued by governmental or non- governmental officials or agencies? How will you use the power of your office as County Commissioner to defend the Constitutional rights of El Paso County citizens?
During the COVID emergency, El Paso Commissioners did not support or enforce a mask mandate and, by resolution, I specifically stated that I do not support vaccine mandates.
When the state overreached on COVID, I supported the effort to immediately open churches for worship service that had been unconstitutionally shut down by Governor Polis. When we received money from the federal government, we quickly dedicated amounts to help ensure critical services were provided and small businesses were protected.
Additional federal funding is being distributed with very specific guidelines so that businesses have equal opportunity to apply for these funds. When the federal government allowed relief funding for roads, I immediately supported dedicating the maximum amount to roads.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a County Commissioner, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our county, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I am pro-life and will protect the lives of the unborn. Because illicit massage parlors are frequently used by human traffickers, the City of Colorado Springs recently adopted an ordinance requiring all massage parlors to be licensed. I would like to pursue a similar ordinance for El Paso County. We have pursued several pieces of legislation to protect the elderly, including legislation requiring elder care facilities to allow for visitation by family members during pandemic circumstances. Finally, I support legislation to make the senior homestead exemption for property taxes portable so that seniors may easily downsize into a home in later years.
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.DavidWinney.com
Email Address: David@DavidWinney.com
Occupation/Vocation: Semi-Retired
Military Background: U.S. Marine Veteran, 1974-1977
Resident of El Paso County: 13 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Commissioner that will benefit our county?
I took the same Oath to enter the Marines that Elected Officials take. Married ~ 44 years. The America- First Christian Conservative Grassroots Constitutional candidate for D5. I have wide experience in a long-term I.T. career and other fields of deep experience. Called “Jack of All Trades & Master of Some” in two industries – I.T. and Construction. As Project/Program Manager, I managed multi-faceted teams for on-time, on-budget successful Company-wide and Worldwide projects, including company & data infrastructure changes, strengthening IBM’s Data Security and creating Data Security Department for American Century Mutual Funds with 2M investors. Senior Systems Analyst & Troubleshooter. Saved 2 companies multi-Millions of $ stopping fraud and troubleshooting inter-system communications. We love Colorado & El Paso County!
What is your vision for being one of our County Commissioners?
Leave NO Doubt! Drag Truth into Light. In 8 months of traveling the beautiful, great Red state of Colorado running for Colorado Secretary of State, I learned a plethora of ways that corruption creeps into crevices & dark corners of our government processes through elected officials that for whatever reason get “owned” or no longer feel compelled to serve us. It’s shocking! I could cover many bullet items with added details for hours. Some have suggested I document these while it’s still fresh in my mind. My vision is to restore Truth and Transparency with Marine Corps Tenacity back to El Paso County government, including elections. They hide transparency from us in complexity. Why is that? Leave No Doubt.
County Commissioner's Role
What are the roles, rights, and duties of an El Paso County Commissioner?
County Commissioners have no different rights than any of us. We all have God-given rights. Their duty is to protect OUR God-given rights and uphold their oath of office.
One KEY duty is to listen to us. We The People are their Employer. They are our employees. We discovered they do not listen to us. This was clearly proven on 4/5/2022 and many times over. They lie to us with impunity and vote against the good of El Paso County. They illustrated clearly that they make decisions that are Drowning in Conflicts of Interest!
Building and Development
Considering our limited water and energy resources, to what extent and in what manner should the County be encouraging building and development?
Lifelong learner. I will learn and study issues related to this question to understand it and tackle it with common-sense approach that serves us best.
Departmental Budgets
What is your experience in regard to understanding and managing large and complex departmental budgets?
I managed the entire project to install a new mainframe and software in the Marketing Dept in Hallmark Cards. I saved two Fortune 500 companies multiple Millions of Dollars in three different situations. 1st) Discovered, exposed and documented major fraud in software purchased and settling out of court. 2nd) Investigating, troubleshooting and correcting a decade+ old intersystem communication error. 3rd) Evaluating and documenting for a Director why a $27 Million project was failing. On my input, he re-funded the project and set it on a solid foundation for success, based on my input. As a Project and Program Manager, I managed various company-wide and worldwide projects and their staffing and budgets for multi-faceted teams and on-time, on-budget successful delivery.
What is your position on The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
My view is when elected officials are not committed to self-constraint of government budgets, TABOR provides help in that direction. I don’t currently believe all of the contracts our EPC BOCC signs are in line with TABOR. I’ve heard them testify as such when I attend their meetings. Sly ways to support Conflicts of Interest and skirt around TABOR requirements seems to be an acceptable but very crafty practice. I will commit to investigating all current contracts to ensure upright compliance.
Improving County Services
If new resources became available, what single area of County services do you believe most needs additional funding. and what do you suggest that money be used for to improve the lives of El Paso County citizens?
I’m amazed at what projects I see being done around the county and serious needs that are neglected over the years. Too much of it makes no sense and we should divert money from serving the wealthy to serving the needy. There are many ways our resources could be used to do this and all our lives and our community would be improved and well served.
Also, many roads are going to pot for many years, while we are constantly tearing out perfectly good curbs and sidewalks to replace them, while the roads in that same area are sorely neglected and worsening by the year.
Enforcing Mandates
What is your position in regard to enforcing “mandates” issued by governmental or non- governmental officials or agencies? How will you use the power of your office as County Commissioner to defend the Constitutional rights of El Paso County citizens?
The only purpose of anyone serving in government, including law enforcement, is to protect our God- given rights and to serve us well with any other responsibilities under their Oath of Office. If they are not defending the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, they shouldn’t be in office and should be answering to us why they failed. There is no such thing as a “mandate” from any agency which is binding to any of us. Elected Officials are not the “Ruling Class”. They work for us. We The People are the Sovereigns in this nation. Only laws that are not repugnant to the Constitution are binding for anything. If you have any questions, please call me.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a County Commissioner, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our county, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Roll back all the incremental advancement of the horrid taking of innocent life. You might notice, they started with a high-bar of stated purpose of abortion. They have been steadily moving the goal post to include more and more reasons to eliminate protection of our lives. This is tragic on both the beginning and end years of our lives. We must take back all the enemy has stolen and start by stating it clearly. Then we start working together to determine and implement / restore the protections that they have removed.
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.CamiBremer.com
Email Address: Cami.Bremer@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: El Paso County Commissioner
Resident of El Paso County: 20 years
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Commissioner that will benefit our county?
Prior to being elected El Paso County Commissioner in 2018, my professional roles involved bringing multiple stakeholders together for solutions-based results for our community. That experience prepared me well for serving our community the last three years. There’s no better experience than actually having done the job before, particularly during a time of unprecedented attention on elected officials. I have been responsive, respectful, and principled in stressful and tenuous situations, advocating always for citizens and local control, and drawing on my faith and commitment to limited roles of government. In addition, the story of our 7-year old son highlights my commitment to life and family values, as well as brings a unique perspective of health and human services issues.
What is your vision for being one of our County Commissioners?
Since 2018, I’ve delivered on a bold vision of government entities working together to better and efficiently serve El Paso County residents. With a passion for ensuring the county remains a safe and desirable place to raise families like mine, I’ve pursued planned growth and development, public safety and emergency preparedness, and fiscally-responsible management of tax dollars to benefit citizens for decades to come. My common-sense conservatism has brought cooperation and results to the County Commission. I am committed to listening to your concerns and making responsible decisions based on my beliefs and all evidence available. I would be honored to continue effective Commissionership by prioritizing families and businesses, limiting government overreach, and building a strong and sustainable community.
County Commissioner's Role
What are the roles, rights, and duties of an El Paso County Commissioner?
The role of a County Commissioner is to protect our Constitutional rights on a local level. Throughout my term, we have pushed back on attempts to erode those rights. In addition to standing up for rights, we defend our most vulnerable citizens, create a thriving economy, upskill our workforce, end dependency on government handouts, create efficiency and transparency, and provide public safety and public infrastructure. We also support our Nation’s defense by making our region a better place for men and women in uniform and their families. And we do it all for the lowest cost per citizen of any large county in the state, with a fundamental understanding that it’s our responsibility to spend your money wisely.
Building and Development
Considering our limited water and energy resources, to what extent and in what manner should the County be encouraging building and development?
Our region continues to be an attractive place to live, work and play. With that comes complexity of ensuring quality of life including housing availability, recreation opportunities and preservation of traditional land uses. Growth is inevitable, so it must be approached in a strategic, planned and managed way. I have and will continue to make decisions that maintain conservative principles of limited regulation and utmost protection of private property rights, while also balancing free-market principles and complying with statutory code. Our new comprehensive master plan includes preservation of agricultural lands and zoning, expands traditional approaches to water conservation, and brings focus to future land use development decisions that residents can depend on as they make their own private property decisions.
Departmental Budgets
Departmental Budgets: What is your experience in regard to understanding and managing large and complex departmental budgets?
As a County Commissioner, I have not only allocated the unrestricted portion of our $500 Million budget, but also taken responsibility of receiving, allocating and distributing $265M in federal funding sent to the County since 2020. Managing a budget is a critical part of serving as a Commissioner, as Commissioners must ensure that the 30% of unrestricted funding in our discretion is put towards efforts that serve our County best. Our general fund expenditures now include a 5-year outlook and assurance that each line item aligns with our Strategic Plan. Most importantly, I’ve had a keen eye on public process and transparency, and ensuring accountability for every dollar of our citizen’s hard- earned money.
What is your position on The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
I love that TABOR ensures citizens have the final say over the amount of taxes they pay to the government. This protection is crucial to keep the size and scope of government in check. As someone who chose to live in this area, I can tell you that TABOR makes governments on every level think harder about how to allocate scarce resources. I also respect the will of the voters when they vote on TABOR related questions. I have honored the will of the voters, returning over $14M in revenue exceeding TABOR caps in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Improving County Services
If new resources became available, what single area of County services do you believe most needs additional funding. and what do you suggest that money be used for to improve the lives of El Paso County citizens?
This could be a 3-word answer, based on what government CAN AND SHOULD DO: Roads and Infrastructure, with a focus on long-term planning that aligns with growth models and the master plan upon which decisions are being made. Although we have put an ADDITIONAL $60M into roads since my term began, we have hundreds of millions in road needs that will only increase in this inflationary time. We must also include broadband, wastewater and water infrastructure as we plan large transportation corridor projects.
Enforcing Mandates
What is your position in regard to enforcing “mandates” issued by governmental or non- governmental officials or agencies? How will you use the power of your office as County Commissioner to defend the Constitutional rights of El Paso County citizens?
I fervently believe in local control – it’s why I took such a large role in getting variances for our local businesses. I am proud that your Commissioners never supported any state mandate, nor did we create one on the local level. I will use all legal and statutory tools I have to fight unconstitutional mandates. I’ve fought against COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates, as well as attempts to roll back the 2nd Amendment, and extremist environmental policies that would destroy our economy. I strongly believe that individuals and business owners are in the best position to make their own decisions, and I will continue to fight for their right to do so.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As a County Commissioner, how would you seek to protect the most vulnerable in our county, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I am fervently pro-life, a belief made even stronger through personal experience. Our son was born with both our lives at risk – he was 3 months early, weighing just one pound. Miraculously, he’s now thriving, and I’m still here impacting the community he’s growing up in. I strive to promote family values and the sanctity of life – at all ages. Your County Commissioners are advocating for the state to push back on illicit spas, which often enable human trafficking. Through PPACG and DHS, we ensure the safety of vulnerable adults and children. Additionally, my background in healthcare has shown me the difficult end-of-life decisions families make, forever ingraining a tenacity to advocate for life from the beginning to end.
Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)
Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.
Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.
Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.