2023 Colorado Springs Municipal
Candidates presented in Ballot Order
click each box to read
Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL:
Email Address:
Military Background:
Resident of Colorado Springs:
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.ElectClark.com
Email Address: Sallie@ElectClark.com
Occupation/Vocation: Small-business Owner, Experienced leader serving at all levels of government: local, state and national
Military Background: Military wife (U.S. Navy)
Resident of Colorado Springs: 38 years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I am a Republican with traditional values, free market principles and a fiscal conservative.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
I am the only mayoral candidate with experience serving at all levels of government: local-state-national. My skillset includes executive director experience and management skills at the state and national levels of government as well as a former councilmember and county commissioner. I am a successful small-business owner for 37 years and a military wife married for 42 years. I know the difficulties of running a small-business, making payroll, managing employees, paying taxes, and responding to unfunded government mandates. My top three priorities are public safety, reducing homelessness and championing affordable housing. I will engage residents, community and business leaders in setting measurable objectives for our city’s future.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
Yes. I believe in free-market principles and the Constitutional rights of individuals.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
Currently, the city is approved for 821 officers, yet of those positions, according to Colorado Springs Police Department as of February 2, 2023, there are 61 or 7% vacancies which doesn’t account for those on medical leave. With an attrition rate of 9.5% per year since 2018, we will never close the gap. These staffing issues have reached a critical stage. One of the best sources of recruitment is other officers. We must consider bonuses for officers who recruit peers, retention incentives, competitive pay, and benefits in line with comparable cities, continuing education, career development, and promotional opportunities. We will review and adopt successful strategies other police departments have used to recruit and retain officers. See my blog.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As a county commissioner, I worked closely with law enforcement, human service agencies, the district attorney to identify and protect our littlest citizens from abuse, neglect and child fatalities as well as seniors from elder abuse. I will use my background and experience to bring this knowledge to the mayor’s office. I am pro-life.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
With a focus on economic and community development, we must have a well-maintained, clean city, with safe neighborhoods and good schools to provide an attractive place for businesses and citizens to thrive. We must have strong military support, a business friendly regulatory environment, homelessness solutions and affordable housing options for all. As a longtime small-business owner of 36 years and military wife of 42 years, as well as experienced working at all levels of government-local, state and national, I will bring my skillset as mayor to support and create a community that welcomes businesses, both small and large.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
I strongly believe in the integrity of elections and will work with the City Clerk to ensure that city elections are fair, just, ethical and provide the security necessary for voter and election confidence.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
First, we must assure that water and utility needs are met for the future. I will convene a Mayor’s water planning task force within my first 90 days to partner with stakeholders from the city, county, water providers, and citizens. I will convene community-wide discussions including the Colorado Springs and El Paso County Housing Authority’s and the Affordable Housing Initiative coalition in discussions for a variety of housing options. Partnerships with nonprofits such as Habitat for Humanity will be a major key to laying out a plan. The city must also focus on primary high wage jobs that provide job stability and allow for homebuyer opportunities so families can experience the American dream of owning their own home.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
As one of the largest concerns of our community, I will be tough, compassionate and innovative. This will include bringing a large group of stakeholders to the table: hospitals, law enforcement, social service providers, nonprofits, mental health providers and others. We must enforce the laws we have so that families feel safe, our streets and waterways are clean and we can safely enjoy our trails and open spaces and our neighborhoods. My website includes a blog to address homelessness.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
I do not support recreational marijuana sales. With the influx of Fentanyl, we must better educate our kids and adults on the dangers of drugs as a whole. As the President of National Association of Counties, I partnered with the President of National League of Cities to create an opioid task force and recommendations plan to combat the opioid epidemic. I feel strongly that our community must be informed and the Mayor’s role is to provide a catalyst for community discussions on topics that impact our citizens as well as work with the seven school districts that overlay the city boundaries.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
Government cannot do it alone. The faith-based community has a major role in stretching city resources: homelessness, housing, human services, family support. As a commissioner, I successfully proposed invocations on our agendas at the beginning of public meetings for spiritual guidance. As the liaison with the Department of Human Services, I frequently worked with churches and faith- based organizations to provide a hand up to our most vulnerable citizens, both children and adults. My personal faith in Christ instills passion and compassion for serving others.

Candidate Information
Candidate did not confirm receipt of our Questionnaire, though we sought to contact him multiple times and by various methods. Therefore, we do not know if the Candidate is even aware of the opportunity to participate in the Voter Guide, or whether he is aware and chose not to participate.
Campaign Website: www.Kallan4Mayor2023.com
Email Address: KallanforMayor2023@gmail.com

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.TigForMayor.com
Email Address: Tiegen@TigForMayor.com
Occupation/Vocation: Instructor / Motivational Speaker
Military Background: Honorably Discharged Marine
Resident of Colorado Springs: 38+ years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I make the best decision for my family and their future is how I would describe my political leanings.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
Being able to process information with logic and act in a moment’s notice, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of citizens. Effective in identifying the needs, mapping out a plan for the solution and implementation to achieve results. Ability to lead from the top holding individuals accountable for actions/inactions without bias or bribery.
Public safety, financial security, and structural soundness of our community are the most paramount, urgent issues facing the City of Colorado Springs.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
First and foremost a requirement as Mayor is to uphold the constitution. This commitment is an oath I have taken and upheld since I was 17. To “Support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic”. In upholding this oath I have endured being shot, blown up, publicly slandered, attacked, hit by a car, and my families lives threatened. I have not waivered in my commitment to my country and community.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
I am not a politician, making a living on taxpayer dollars while ignoring the community’s needs. I am here to take away the control of the few select departments and bring true power back to the people. Power to the community on how the city is governed and protected, how the tax dollars are spent and power for the people to decide what is best for them and their family. This includes power to the Police Chief to be the leader that is needed for the community according to the constitution and not social influences.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
All life has equal importance and value. Ensuring the safety of the city includes protecting the defenseless by having a effective police force and an informed / involved community.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
The most effective method for creating jobs is to reduce the cost of government by reducing the size and scope of the administrative functions, regulations and bureaucracy. Allowing for organic entrepreneurship as we saw within the community pre-pandemic and the gross infringement on our rights which resulted in destruction of local businesses while big box chain stores thrived. Ensuring this overreach never happens again begins by reducing the governments power.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
First and foremost start with a forensic audit. Bringing trust back to our electoral process begins with being completely transparent with our community.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
Establish a blue ribbon commission, comprised of former builders, development engineering and housing authority to develop a long term master plan for affordable housing to ensure growth with stability.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
We need to address the symptoms which are usually drug addiction and mental health issues. Local leaders have started to enforce eviction notices on homeless camps. This doesn’t magically put an end to being homeless. When homelessness increases, so does the rise in crime. When crime goes up, property values tend to go down.
It’s time for the Mayor to join forces with businesses, churches and community organizations to help initiate long-term plans to reduce homelessness in Colorado Springs by providing a place to shelter while at the same time helping to rehabilitate and lay out a pathway to a productive life. A safe city is a thriving city.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
Just as alcohol and tobacco are regulated, marijuana should fall under similar regulations.
As for protecting our city from drug use and abuse, this begins with education of our residents and youth in addition to empowering our police to enforce the laws and holding the DA office accountable with prosecuting.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
When the government overreach during the plandemic attempted to infringe on our right of freedom to assemble this was an attack on our constitutional rights. A community of faith is a safer community. With that being said, as a Mayor it is essential to work with local faith leaders to have a true understanding of the needs and issues of the community.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.YemiForMayor.com
Email Address: Yemi@YemiforMayor.com
Occupation/Vocation: Non-Profit Leader and Business Owner
Resident of Colorado Springs: 13 years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I am a West African immigrant, a U.S. citizen and a political independent. My affiliation is to the city of Colorado Springs. I am a pastor and I co-founded the nonprofit COSILoveYou that unites about 100 churches to serve the city. My philosophy of government draws inspiration from Catholic social teaching that contains a rich treasure of ideas that emphasize advancing the common good, promoting human dignity, and protecting human rights. I’m committed to the belief that all humans are created in the image and likeness of God, thus possessing truth, beauty, and goodness. As mayor, I will be devoted to serving the citizens of Colorado Springs – regardless of party affiliation, race, creed, gender, sexual identity, age, or status.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
I am a father, husband, and pastor. I am also a triple-strength candidate with proven leadership in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. I am the only candidate with experience working in city government, where I led regional efforts to streamline government processes and cut red tape for local businesses. I have launched/operated three businesses, co-founded the nonprofit COSILoveYou, and was the Vice President of Business Retention/Expansion at the Chamber & EDC during a period of record job growth for Colorado Springs. I am a fiscally responsible leader, have a track record of making government work better for our residents, and have the leadership experience to move our city forward in the areas of safety, infrastructure and economic vitality.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
As a business owner, I have felt the negative impact of state laws, making it harder to do business and causing more harm than good. The institution of city government is an instrument of grace to advance the common good, elevate human dignity, protect human rights, and promote public safety. Government is sometimes necessary, but it should not interfere where it is not needed. Solutions to city problems should be developed and employed as much as possible at the most local level. As mayor, I will work in partnership with residents, families, local businesses, churches, and non-profit organizations to champion local interests while minimizing reliance on government. When it’s needed, the city government should intervene with involvement scaling up gradually.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
To address crime and improve incident response times, I will bolster recruitment and year-round training academy efforts in order to eliminate the shortage of about 70 officers. I will also ensure we are closing the back door to prevent early retirement and improve retention. The weight of the badge is heavy. Like being a mayor, the work of our law enforcement officers is a noble undertaking, and one of the highest callings. From my firsthand experience with ride-alongs and my conversations with law enforcement officers, I see an opportunity to boost morale and reduce burnout.
As mayor, I will invest resources to boost morale through:
- Recognition for exemplary performance
- Leadership development and additional training
- Support for a healthy work-life balance
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I’m committed to the belief that all humans have inherent dignity and deserve respect because they are created in the image and likeness of God, possessing truth, beauty, and goodness. My approach to public service, therefore, concerns the well-being of each person in every dimension: economic, political, social, and ecological. Our institutions must work to benefit the human person in all its beauty and diversity. The promotion of life and dignity is possible only by recognizing human rights, such as those enshrined in the United States Constitution. Human rights emerge from the simple fact that we are “endowed by our Creator.” Therefore my approach to public service and civic order is to also ensure human rights are protected.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
In addition to being a business leader, I served as the Vice President of Business Retention and Expansion with the Chamber & EDC. I will build upon my successes to ensure a healthy local business climate that supports local jobs and investment.
As mayor, I will:
- Make it easier to do business with the City by streamlining the city approval and permit processes, and increasing resources to support entrepreneurs and small businesses.
- Support the growth and expansion of local businesses, including “anchor industries” (i.e., defense, software, information technology, healthcare, and manufacturing) to drive job growth, promote a healthy economy, and improve quality of life.
- Proactively recruit new companies that will provide well paying jobs to our residents.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
The right to vote is one of our most important privileges as Americans. It is my duty as mayor to protect this right and increase citizens’ confidence in our electoral systems, processes, and results. According to the City Code, Chapter 5 Elections, Article 1 General Elections, the City Clerk is required to take all necessary steps to ensure ballot security at each stage of the mail ballot process, to protect the confidentiality of the ballots cast and to maintain the integrity of the election. I will guarantee a trusted team member will oversee our municipal elections, and I will ensure that robust security measures are maintained to protect the integrity of our elections and safeguard our voting process.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
In 2019, 71% of the homes in Colorado Springs were affordable, but today that has dropped to only 24%. This new reality impacts housing affordability for the pillars of our community including teachers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, and military.
As mayor, in order to encourage diverse housing options that are attainable for all residents, I will:
- Work with philanthropic foundations to establish a “missing-middle housing fund” to support housing innovation for residents that make $50K-$100K a year.
- Expand existing municipal financial (tax rebate) incentives for affordable housing projects.
- Appoint a Chief Housing Officer (without adding a new position) who will develop public-private partnerships opportunities and advance our city’s housing priorities, including expediting attainable and affordable housing projects.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
I serve on the Board of Springs Rescue Mission. As mayor, I will work to provide services to our homeless residents while also maintaining the safety of our neighborhoods. The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless reported that 71% of people experiencing homelessness have a mental illness.
Therefore, my priorities include:
- Boosting the city’s partnerships with local providers that focus on mental health care.
- Increasing the amount of permanent supportive housing. Supportive housing combines housing with behavioral health care and intensive case management services.
- Expanding the city’s street behavioral health outreach programs to address encampments and ensure our residents experiencing homelessness have access to the needed care and services to get them off the street and into housing, health and work.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
The citizens of Colorado Springs recently voted to maintain a ban on recreational marijuana sales within city limits, and as their elected mayor, this is the decision I will work to uphold. Increased concerns over the impacts of drugs in our communities only emphasize the importance and urgency of bolstering safety measures in Colorado Springs.
As mayor, I will:
- Partner with policymakers and nonprofit providers focusing on expanding mental health care and substance abuse treatment to the community.
- Restart the Youth Advisory Council, where high school juniors and seniors advise the Police Chief to help address youth issues.
- Provide economic opportunities through programs like Thrive Network and Transforming Safety which prevent crime and drug use through community development and entrepreneurship.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
I am a pastor and I moved to Colorado Springs to start a new church with the Chirstian and Missionary Alliance. I later served as the Local Missions Pastor and Worship Leader at First Presbyterian Church. My mission expanded to co-founding COSILoveYou and CityServe Day, a nonprofit and movement to unite over 100+ churches from various denominations and parachurch organizations in service to Colorado Springs. My personal mission is to collaborate for the health, growth and flourishing of Colorado Springs. I am a community advocate and serve the causes of many local faith-based organizations, including Springs Rescue Mission Board of Directors. I am active in my home church and continue to periodically preach at other local churches around Colorado Springs.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.PatriotCowboyRevolution.com
Email Address: Campaign@PatriotCowboyRevolution.com
Occupation/Vocation: Electrical Engineer
Resident of Colorado Springs: 20 years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I am a Constitutional Conservative. Fiscally, I believe in and practice fiscal responsibility and accountability at all levels of Government; socially, I champion, protect, and advance traditional values, God-given rights, and the Sanctity of Life with a Constitutional perspective.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
I am running for Mayor to maintain the City’s founding principles and sense of community, culminating in making Colorado Springs a World Class City of the Future. As an engineer by trade, I will bring a practical and consistent management style to the Mayor’s office. In my first year in office, I hope to fortify our Public Safety capabilities and services to address the increasing crime rates. In addition, in my first year, I will seek to reshape the Department of Planning and Development per “Graduated Growth Planning” policies and sunset the ill-conceived policies of RetoolCOS and PlanCOS.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
As a Constitutional Conservative (See “Political Leanings” above), it is imperative that in the modality of service as Mayor, I champion individual freedoms and rights as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution. First and foremost, this means defending the residents of Colorado Springs from unconstitutional Local, State, and Federal policies. In addition, as Mayor, I will oppose and not enter into agreements with Government entities that would harm our community or dilute the Constitutional right of self-determination for residents.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
First, I will get a briefing from the Police Chief to get a comprehensive view of the challenges facing CSPD, including recruitment goals and processes. As Mayor, one of my top priorities will be to maintain adequate service coverage, including equipment and staffing levels, for law enforcement and follow through on my duties. It is imperative to maintain an environment of appreciation, respect, unity, developmental training, and occupational safety for CSPD officers and employees.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As Mayor, my responsibility is to the residents of the City. My life experiences, education, and faith will guide leadership decisions pervasively. I consider all lives equally important, including the lives of the unborn.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
We need to move away from the flat two-dimensional economy model of the past, that is, the “Defense Industry – Service Industry” paradigm. An interlocked multi-dimensional economy, that is, a “Defense Industry – Private Sector Technology – Gig Economy – Education – Financial – Service Industry” model, with better upward mobility, will provide more diversity to our tax base and be more competitive with other cities. Seeking to build a new paradigm will help to integrate, promote, and retain graduates from local educational institutions. Partnership with local politicians and business leaders is necessary. Example: Expansion of the Microchip Technology Silicon Carbide Plant.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected as Mayor, what will you do help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
As Mayor, I will appoint ethical, competent, diverse, and Constitutionally-principled individuals to key positions in all the departments. This question is fixated on only one topic, election integrity, which is imperative for the Clerk’s Office. As Mayor, I will fulfill a broader vision for integrity, competency, and diversity in all departments. I will be the Mayor for the Citizens first.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
Currently, growth is completely mismanaged. I subscribe to “Graduated Growth Planning,” which defines the multivariate trend lines and the inter-relationships to the components of growth management (e.g. infrastructure, service coverage, natural resources, and open space conservation). “Graduated Growth Planning” is a customized growth management and projection model based on growth consolidation dynamics, minimizing compartmentalization and maximizing stability. Before “affordability,” there has to be “stability.” “Affordable Housing” is a term marshaled and misapplied primarily by housing developers who peddle false hope to the City of Colorado Springs rather than focusing on “Stability in Housing.”
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
As Mayor, I will enforce the laws through the appropriate departments concerning homeless populations. I will devise and implement “Clean City” policies to remove the homeless from public and private areas in cases of unlawful activity, persistent public safety issues, and unsanitary conditions. Once off the streets and removed from the enumerated areas, I will work with community groups to identify the most appropriate redemptive path forward for homeless individuals. As Mayor, I will actively oppose the Federal dynamic of relocating illegal immigrants to our City and overloading City services intended for residents.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
I am opposed to legalizing the sale of recreational marijuana, Psilocybin-containing mushrooms, and other psychedelic drugs within the city limits. The approach to mitigating the Fentanyl crisis is a Federal, State, and Local effort. In addition, the State of Colorado is a main Fentanyl distribution route. As Mayor, I would seek to form a de-facto “Coalition for a Fentanyl-free Colorado” working in common ground topics with our District (CD5) member of Congress, the Colorado Governor’s Office, and the El Paso County Commissioners.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
I attend “The Road @ Chapel Hills” church, live out my faith daily, and view my service as Mayor as a personal calling and an entrusted stewardship. I believe in transparency and accountability in government. As Mayor, I will have a once-a-week, topic-driven radio show for the general public to listen to, call in, and “talk to the Mayor.” In addition, I will like to have frequent topic-driven town hall-style discussions.

Candidate Information
Email Address: RockyMountainKnightCSCO@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: Nursing
Resident of the Colorado Springs: 35 years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
Independent it fits me as I see all no matter your political party.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
El pomar foundation native American council 17 years leadership training thru Center for creative leadership leadership Pikes Peak unity Way Lead Program, Board certified . Restore the confidence to our residents reallocate the budget so to give better services in all parts of the city.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
By following rights given to use by the United states Constitution.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
If the police take less than 5 minutes to respond to a call involving crime, the probability of making an arrest is 60 percent. When the time exceeds 5 minutes, the arrest probability drops to approximately 20 percent. we must relocate police sub stations closer to the higher crime areas. retention Develop a recruitment plan, Host pre-academy programs for teens and college students. Ask your officers to invest themselves in recruiting for your department. Engage the families of officers to boost participation and support wellness at home.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Make sure we are funding the right programs that affect the most vulnerable.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
Focus on culture. Find ways to help start-ups get access to capital. Focus on local growth and reinvestment, too.
Social and human-created amenities such as fiscal prudence, cultural and lifestyle tolerance, education, crime levels and the responsible management of land use are increasingly important for the success of cities. We need to reinvent our City’s fine points.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
System testing before and after elections, audits, and physical and cybersecurity access controls. Before and after community events to show what controls were use during the election.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
Increase the supply of affordable rentals. Affordable housing can take a variety of different stake holders in to the mix so as to create a planned program that accommodates locations needs.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
Advocate for more social and affordable housing. Volunteer your time with an established nonprofit. Support the homeless to transition from homelessness into settled accommodation. Address homelessness by providing settled, appropriate accommodation and support. make sure each homeless non profit are using the money they get in the correct manner.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
Drug education with information, guidelines, resources, and skills relevant to living in a world where psychoactive substances are widely available and commonly used for a variety of both medical and non-medical purposes, some of which may lead to harms such as overdose, injury, infectious. This education should start in grade school and continue thru graduation.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
Educate oneself in different religions. See what goals you are working toward. Attend one of your services. See what we can do to accomplish your goals.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.GonzalezForMayor.com
Email Address: LonginosJr@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: County Commissioner
Military Background: AF Lt Colonel (retired), AF Academy graduate
Resident of the Colorado Springs: 14 years – I attended the AF Academy and then returned after retiring from the AF
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I am a conservative, socially and fiscally. I love God and my Country. I believe in fiscal restraint, limited government, rule of law, and low taxes. I served my county in the military and believe in hard work, and giving back to our community which is why I am on numerous volunteer boards and why I volunteer at my church as a lector and religious education teacher.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
I have executive experience as a County Commissioner and a Deputy Director in the military. I’ve managed hundred-million-dollar programs and budgets. My career as an AF officer, county commissioner, schoolteacher, businessman, and volunteer is the most diverse of candidates and allows me to best represent our community. My experience working alongside law enforcement and emergency management during two large county wildfires and on the Board of Health during COVID have demonstrated my ability to lead and make sound decisions. I plan to properly fund public safety and improve our roads. In year one, I will address the rising crime and the police department’s manning shortage, and bring stakeholders together to address concerns over water and growth of our city.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
I have a proven record of defending our Constitutional Rights as a County Commissioner and will continue to fight for residents’ rights as your next mayor. I supported resolutions supporting the 2nd Amendment and opposed the state’s COVID mandates and opposed their shutdowns of churches of businesses. As a commissioner, I asked that the County join a lawsuit against a state elections- related change that violated State Constitution and we won! I believe in limited government and transparency. You can trust me to defend your rights and advocate for you as your next mayor to fight against any unconstitutional overreach.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
I believe Public Safety is government’s #1 job. Residents should be safe in their homes and neighborhoods. Unfortunately, city homicides increased 22% last year, police manning is below authorized strength, and the previous police chief acknowledged slow call answer times and dropped calls issues. I will develop a budget that ensures funding is available to recruit additional officers, and call response issues are addressed. I will also hold forums that bring residents and law enforcement leaders together to promote better dialogue and pride/morale within our police department and community. Amongst all candidates, I have the most experience working alongside law enforcement, and served on the city’s Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight Committee which worked to support our first responders.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I am 100% pro-life and have a record of advocating for the unborn, our elderly (I serve as a board of director for the Fountain Valley Senior Center), and supporting our law enforcement efforts to combat human trafficking. I continue to support our local pro-life efforts and organizations such as Life Network, Save the Storks, and the Bishops Respect Life work. I will continue those efforts as mayor of Colorado Springs by working with our local non-profits, faith-based organizations and churches, our senior centers, and all agencies combatting human and drug trafficking.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
I will promote a climate favorable to businesses by cutting or streamlining regulations and permitting, and utilize existing grants programs that help companies start up or relocate here, or local companies expand. I will also work with our local school districts, colleges and universities and our trade schools to ensure we have a workforce that matches the needs of our businesses. I oppose new impact fees and regulatory fees as I believe they hurt our business climate and our economy, and unnecessarily expand government.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
We must regain the trust of voters. We need to be fully transparent, and have residents fully involved as election judges and observers, and ensure all contracts made related to elections are fair and open bids. Additionally, I was the commissioner who asked our county to join a lawsuit against a state election-related change that was unconstitutional (we won), and I have testified against bills that hurt election integrity. I will always advocate for transparent and fair elections that the public can have faith in. I would be willing to allow third parties review our elections. I will also ensure all reported issues of fraud and irregularity are investigated and that confirmed fraud is prosecuted by our District Attorney.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
The overall issue of housing and costs of living within our city needs to be addressed at all levels. We need to streamline and cut regulations so there is more efficient and timely permitting and approvals and which results in reduced costs. We can work with builders and sponsor private activity bonds and matching grants to build affordable housing and utilize programs to assist new and low- income homebuyers. I will advocate at the state level opposing bills that drive housing costs up for our residents. Also, smart growth decisions can reduce infrastructure costs associated with new development by taking advantage of infil areas and growth areas with access to essential services such as existing police, fire, and utility/water connections.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
I will do so by addressing both public safety and public health/mental health aspects to homelessness, and by enforcing our laws while still being compassionate. I have already advocated for bringing all stakeholders together and matching available services to those in need, especially veterans assistance and for those with substance abuse and dependency issues. As a commissioner, I’ve budgeted increased funding to cleanups so communities are safer and clean. I have also emphasized increased collaboration with our partner government and nonprofit agencies, and faith-based organizations, and will continue this as mayor. As a member of the Board of Health and our regional Opioid Council, I will advocate to utilize available services to help those that are homeless with recovery assistance.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
I opposed legalization of marijuana and Psilocybin-containing mushrooms. I served as a counter drug analyst in the military and understand the negatives of drugs in our communities, and particularly for our youth and will continue to oppose any expansion in Colorado Springs. I was the leading voice on the Board of Health opposing efforts to bring needle exchanges to our community and will continue to oppose those type ideas. I will advocate with the state to toughen laws on fentanyl and other drugs that harm and kill our youth and residents. As a member of the Board of Health and the Regional Opioid Council, I work to protect our youth from drugs and to provide assistance to those seeking recovery.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
I am very active in our community and engage with our faith-based community, often. I have been a speaker at various faith/religious events, such as for COSILoveYou. Also, since moving back to Colorado Springs, I have been both a volunteer reader/lector during church services and a religious education teacher at my church. I teach a practical government class once a year at Charis Bible College and work to include our faith organizations on community issues. I will continue this level of engagement and more via town halls and forums, as mayor.

Candidate Information
Email Address: TomStrand19@yahoo.com
Occupation/Vocation: Attorney / Public Servant
Military Background: 30 years USAF JAG (Ret.)
Resident of the Colorado Springs: 18 continuous, 2 -1/2 active duty USAF
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
Registered Republican; fiscally conservative. Moderate thinking and socially natured.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
After a 30 year career as a military Judge Advocate (attorney) with 17 assignments, retired in Colorado Springs and served 5 years as Vice President and President of District 11 School Board and 8 years on At-Large City Council and CS Utilities Board of Directors, serving in all four leadership positions: President, President Pro-Tem, Chairman and Vice Chairman. Vision is to make CS the safest City in America. I will work to engage and empower all Public Safety personnel (CSPD, CSFD, Emergency Management Staff) to have the best people, best equipment and best training to serve & protect our 1/2 million people. Enlarge public works department to improve infrastructure, roads, bridges and sidewalks. Improve public transport; decrease homelessness.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
As a career military member and lawyer I have sworn on multiple occasions to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. As Mayor, I pledge to serve all the City population, and endeavor daily to protect them from all unconstitutional government overreach.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
My number one mission and goal as Mayor is to make our City the safest in the Country. To improve recruitment, we need to instill respect for sworn Police officers and Fire fighters. To retain these law and safety enforcement cadre, we need to ensure their pay and benefits are the best in the State and their training and equipment is second to none. More trained Officers, on foot, bicycles, vehicles, and equestrian, as well as a return to Police helicopters, will improve morale, decrease response time for all crime, and stop the catastrophic rise in homicides, auto theft, and road rage deaths. Lots to do, but total focus required.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
The Mayor must work with Faith Based community organizations, non-profits to serve the most vulnerable in our community. Our true victims, the seniors, abused, and mistreated need to know there are resources and help available thru United Way, Springs Rescue Mission, Mt Carmel, Care & Share, and dozens of Faith Based and Non-profit organizations. Together we can and must make a difference.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
We have done great here lately. But jobs allow people to gain housing and thrive. Work with the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development, the Visit Colorado Springs Office, and an enlarged City Economic Division can collaborate to bring more businesses to our City and help small businesses here grow.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
Election security is essential. More TV and radio media and social media stressing the honesty, transparency and integrity of the voting process is a start. Then external annual audits of our City Clerk processes and employees will be the validation of the system.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
Another primary goal and objective of my Mayoral heartbeats. Affordable housing is attainable with both public and private partnerships working collaboratively with Utilities hookup expenses, Regional Building Department inspections and permits, and Federal and State Funds to build tiny homes and efficiency multi family structures. Work in this area with faith based and non- profits is essential.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
This is a critical part of our community (200 sq miles) that needs immediate attention. First work with families ( single moms and dads with children. Work with the Marion House with these groups . Then more coordination with Mt Carmel and other non-profits to assist former and retired military. A full court press is needed to find more professional mental care and substance abuse providers. For the vagrant and/or criminal population among us, tough love and the criminal enforcement system is necessary, with more police officers working on the Homeless Outreach Team
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
I am not insensitive to the benefits of some THC and other psychedelic drugs, but this is an area that I would work closely and carefully with the El Paso County Health Department, and other media specialists. I do not support the legal sale of recreational marijuana in the City Limits. This is an area that requires careful study and interaction with youth organizations and area School Districts.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
This is an important element of our City. Baptized and raised Catholic, and worshiped as a Protestant (primarily United Methodist). I am a believer, and am currently in search of a Colorado Springs Church home.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.Dalby4Mayor.com
Email Address: Andrew@Dalby4Mayor.com
Occupation/Vocation: Business Owner
Resident of the Colorado Springs: Native
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
As a Bible-Believing Evangelical Christian, my highest obligation is to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind. Next, I love my neighbor according to His commands. I am in a covenant marriage with my wife of 24 years, and we homeschool our six children, because shepherding them is the highest calling I have. As a Calvinist, I tend toward libertarianism, knowing that His will cannot be thwarted, but I strive diligently knowing He created me with a work to do before the foundation of the world. America was founded on Biblical principles and functions best (as all things do) when we hew to His Word.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
My undergraduate degree is in Biochemistry; my Masters is in Computer Information Systems. I worked at MCI, where I architected their DataMart. I worked as a government contractor managing top secret intelligence gathered in Iraq and Afghanistan. I spent a decade managing a team of System Engineer consultants for clients including the US Department of Defense, the New Jersey Dept of Corrections, the State of Wyoming, Honda and Intuit. When Colorado Springs Utilities implemented the system that runs everything, my team was the one they hired. I have a history of bringing in designing and implementing billion dollar systems on time and under budget and am the only one in the race who does.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
The Declaration of Independence claims it is self-evident “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”. I agree. The rights of man are from God, not government. As an elected official it would be my duty to defend the rights of the citizens against all enemies. Many people don’t realize it, but the Constitution does not give the right to declare something unconstitutional to the Supreme Court. It is an implied right and it is held just as firmly by lower courts, juries, and lesser magistrates such as the Mayor.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
Colorado Springs is uniquely blessed in the ability to recruit and retain public safety officers. We have thousands of veterans with the training and dedication to serve their community. However, we are being de-policed as politicians demonstrate they care more about pandering than protecting. Recently, a firefighter was involved in an incident which resulted in death. The city council voted deny him a legal defense. No one is above the law, and if a public safety officer is found guilty, they should be treated like any other criminal, but presumption of innocence is also a bedrock principle, and until a guilty verdict is returned, officers must have the assurance that they won’t be thrown under the bus by politicians.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
As a practicing Christian, I have an obligation to protect our most vulnerable. As a Biochemist, I can tell you with certainty that a human fetus is human, and that as a simple fact of biology, abortion is murder. If I am elected Mayor I will do everything I can to make Colorado Springs the safest city in America for all our residents, but I will put a special emphasis on protecting the unborn, trafficked, elderly, and infirm.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
I am the most conservative person in the race, and I don’t agree with AOC on much. However, when Amazon was requesting $4B in incentives to locate HQ2 in New York, she was spot on. Jeff Bezos is the last person on Earth who needs a tax break. I worked at the tax-supported MCI facility until Bernie Ebbers took the money and ran. The El Paso County Citizens Service Center is located in the Rockwell, then Intel factory we paid for. Government directed economic development plans don’t work. I won’t waste your money picking winners and losers. Colorado Springs is a great place to live and people should move here because they want to, not because they were bribed.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
I have done more for Election Integrity than anyone else in the city. Every week between the Primary and General Election last year I was testifying before the County Commissioners, trying to get them to pass a resolution in favor of Voter ID. As someone who has won awards for managing data securely, I can assure you that treating ballots as junk mail is bad. Voter ID is supported by over 80% of all Americans, including supermajorities of both sexes, and all parties, races, religions, and regions. As Mayor, I will do everything I can to ensure we run our elections more like Georgia or Florida and less like Arizona.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
Different people have different needs and wants. The city should allow people to live as they desire without having to beg permission from the city council. The zoning scheme in place neither protects property values nor allows for reasonable development. Unfortunately, city council gets involved in every minute decision trying to play Solomon, but since they aren’t particularly wise, they end up cutting the baby in half. We should de-zone the city, and cede development rights in trust to each neighborhood. That way the people affected by development would be the ones voting on it, and they would recoup the economic value of development.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
People have free will. You CANNOT make choices for them, no matter how much you would like to. One member of our unhoused population is the son of a friend of mine. He has been repeatedly offered money, housing, treatment, and a job. He would rather sleep on the street. I cannot imagine the heartbreak of doing everything in your power to help your child, only to have your efforts undermined by soft hearted and soft headed enablers who give them an easy out. As Mayor, I would encourage the homeless to make better life choices by enforcing our laws against public intoxication, public camping, littering, arson, and assault.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
Again, there is a limit to what you can do. The only solution to drug addiction is Christ. Even with anti-Christian discrimination, faith- based drug treatment facilities are supported, because they have the highest success rate. However, I would stop using the government to undermine parental authority, which would prevent youths from ever starting down that path. Healthy families are the strongest predictor for resilience and success in life, and the best prevention for drug abuse.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
I attend weekly service at Fervent. Before that I was on the preaching team at Hope church, a family integrated church. I am a table leader at the Road’s Worshipper/Warrior Men’s Prayer Breakfast. I was a group leader at Bible Study Fellowship, before COVID shut it down. As a family we are memorizing Acts 2, one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, and studying the book of Job, because I figured running for office would entail suffering and false friends. I accepted Christ on Ash Wednesday 1995, and have lived my life for Him ever since. I plan to represent Christ as a Kingdom ambassador in everything I do regardless of the outcome of the election.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.Facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089926237040&mibextid=ZbWKwL
Email Address: JimMillerForMayorCS@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: Business Owner
Resident of the Colorado Springs: 14 years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I’m an independent and I think for myself. I don’t favor any political party, because I don’t agree with any of them. I am just a guy, and I tend to favor whatever party that is interested in protecting my freedoms and for letting me keep more of my money.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
My vision for being mayor is having a city that’s safe for kids to be kids and roam around the city without fear of dangers. By having pedophiles, rapists and sex traffickers live five miles away from victims and schools.
To have our city paved, so we can enjoy our wonderful outdoors and beautiful downtown.
I also want a government that works for the people to have a sense of community, mindful for others.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
There is freedom for all or there is none. The government is supposed to represent all of the people no matter who they are, and that includes protecting their freedoms.
I will propose the Freedom of the People Act; no law, rules or regulations, fees, fines can not be proposed if they break the US Constitution and the Colorado State Constitution, so that the people have the right and ability to exercise their freedoms.
As long as you don’t rape, murder, or steal, no one should be bothered by their day by day.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
I don’t have all the answers. I don’t have all the data and the information about what they do. If I obtain all the information and data, but I want to eliminate Bureaucracy in the government to make it more efficient. Also allow citizens the ability to protect themselves, and not treat the ones who protect themselves as criminals, so they can protect their families.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
Once again, by having pedophiles, rapists and sex traffickers live five miles away from victims and schools, and I don’t believe in releasing them to be homeless, because that causes more problems.
We can protect the elderly by relieving them of their property taxes and helping them since alot of them are on fixed income.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
Alleviate people’s tax burdens (and small businesses; the mom and pop shops). The overtax on properties to everything else. fix the roads since people’s transportation to their businesses/jobs. As simple as that.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
I would encourage more people from the community who have skin in the game to run for office instead of having professional politicians and only the special interest being involved. It shouldn’t be a money game; it should be a heart and desire system.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
Moving the pedophiles/rapists five miles away from victims and schools will open up opportunity for people to live in safe neighborhoods.
Property owners should be able to have accessory homes and structures. Overall, property owners should have the right to do whatever they want with their property as long as it doesn’t affect someone else’s property.
We also need to teach students in high school about how to properly manage their finances and what to expect entering the workforce and before they become home buyers.
We need to be honest and realistic about our resources, especially water. We may be as big as we are gonna get.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
We gotta stop letting the pedophiles/rapists/sex traffickers to not be let out on the streets after being in jail or prison since this creates more issues for people homeless and non-homeless alike.
Talk to them, find out why they are not being helped by the local charities. We need to make sure the shelters are really safe since there is a lot of drug use and sexual abuse at these places.
We also need to keep the humanity in how we work with the homeless. They are people, not just numbers on a spread sheet. So, we need to find why they are homeless in the first place and work backwards on that problem.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
Marijuana in Colorado is legal. I don’t smoke weed, but I don’t care if people smoke weed. I do believe weed should be legal because it generates revenue for infrastructure. We should also keep the money in town.
Almost 87% of people in town have a person in their house who smokes recreational marijuana. We have had none of the positive effect of the drug being legal, and we should try to get some of the positive effects with the legalization of marijuana.
I think the opioid/Fentanyl that gets passed through I-25 needs to be stopped. These drugs should not be in our community.
And no, I don’t think minors should be doing drugs of any kind.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
Religion is not my shot of whiskey. I have zero issues with people practicing their faith. I think it helps some people, and I have no problems with people practicing their beliefs. I don’t believe in oppressing people for their beliefs. And will be the first one to stand up for people being attacked for practicing their faith.
I have a church that is right next to me, and I have a good relationship with that church and their people. Because we don’t have to be friends to be neighbors.
I believe people have every right to be who they are. There’s either freedom for everyone or there’s freedom for no one.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.DarrylGlenn4Colorado.com
Email Address: GlennCampaign@msn.com
Occupation/Vocation: Former Elected Official and Current Chief Legal Officer at TESSA
Military Background: Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel
Resident of the Colorado Springs: 53+ years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I would describe myself as an unapologetic, Christian, constitutional conservative, pro-life, second amendment veteran. This is my statement of faith and political philosophy.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
We are headed into difficult terrain for the next several years. My top priority is fixing our growing crime problem by making Colorado Springs the safest city in the nation. Our city government must also become leaner and more efficient without raising taxes. My plan involves reallocating funds away from services that are best performed by the private sector, reinvesting those funds into strengthening our core services and building our emergency reserves.
My experience:
53+ year resident
B.S. Air Force Academy, M.B.A Western New England College, J.D. New England School of Law Retired AF Lieutenant Colonel
15+ years as Elected Official/Community Leader, 2-Terms as City Councilmember & Commissioner 2-years Board President; 2016 Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
The foundation of my administration will be devoted to proposing and defending Pro-Freedom policies that protect our constitutional rights, religious liberties, and home rule authority. I will also eliminate regulations that hinder the use of personal property, business development and expansion, and individual liberty. Lastly, I will oppose the implementation of federal and state ordered vaccine and mask mandates and defend the individual right to decide on whether to get vaccinated or wear a mask.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
I will implement the following proactive policing plan:
I will be personally involved in improving public safety employee retention, recruitment, and community relations.
There will be a renewed emphasis on arresting all criminals. I support modifying our city code to increase penalties (to include jail time) for crimes against our citizens and their property.
I will lead a coalition to repeal legislation that makes it easier for people to commit crimes and legislation that creates personal liability for first responders lawfully performing their duties.
I will impose a city-wide zero tolerance policy for panhandling and violators will be arrested. Improving response times and protecting private property will receive greater emphasis.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
The foundation of my administration will be devoted to proposing and defending Pro-Freedom policies that protect our citizen’s constitutional rights, religious liberties, and home rule authority.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
My top priority is fixing our growing crime problem. My goal is to make Colorado Springs the safest city in the nation. I believe this focus will prove to be the most crucial factor in the attraction, expansion, and retention of our businesses and workforce development. Moreover, a heightened focus on establishing a safe community is essential to the quality of life for our residents, maintenance of a healthy tourism industry, and fulfilling our role in supporting our military members, veterans, and their families.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
I will be placing a high priority on restoring the faith and integrity in our local election process. If an election occurs after I’m in office and the integrity of the results are in question, I will absolutely support recounts, to include manual recounts if necessary, to protect the integrity of our local election process.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
In my opinion, the government cannot solve the affordable housing crisis, nor should it attempt to implement policies that interfere with property rights. The government has an important role in administering and enforcing safety standards for housing. However, when it comes to affordability, the government’s role should be limited and constantly monitored to avoid infringing upon private property rights.
I also believe that it’s not the government’s job to use tax-payer funding to artificially influence the affordable housing market. Housing affordability within any community is not a fundamental right.
Finally, I will implement a more balanced infrastructure improvement plan for our streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and parks.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
As Mayor, I will manage homelessness as a community initiative.
I support specialized public safety teams that are responsible for responding to emergencies involving our homeless population and that serve as liaisons to our community partners. These teams will work with our community partners in the private sector, faith-based organizations, and non-profits on network assistance programs that are available for the homeless population to use within their agencies. Community partners will be encouraged to develop or utilize their resources to assist with temporary/permanent housing, mental health services, and other financial assistance to include but not limited to security deposits and relocation assistance outside the city. I will also eliminate codes
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
I’m personally opposed to all drugs. However, I supported the citizens’ right to vote on the recreational sale of marijuana.
I will lead a coalition to lobby to increase penalties for fentanyl use, possession, and distribution. I will also focus on developing a community awareness campaign on the impacts of this drug on our young adults and children. Lastly, I will be placing a strong emphasis on arresting all criminals. I support modifying our city code to increase penalties (to include jail time) for crimes against our citizens and their property.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
My wife and I are actively engaged in the faith community. We have been pushing for church leaders and congregations to step up their roles in participating in non-governmental solutions to the challenges in this community. My wife has an incredible blueprint for Christians to follow and I will be actively reaching out to our entire church community for support and participation in her non- governmental solutions.

Candidate Information
Campaign Website URL: www.WinWithWayne.org
Email Address: WayneWilliamsForMayor@gmail.com
Occupation/Vocation: City Councilmember and Attorney
Resident of Colorado Springs: 30+ years
Political Leanings
As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?
I am a pragmatic, compassionate conservative Republican who puts good policy above partisan politics. While I am the former Chair of the El Paso County Republican Party, I work across the aisle to seek policies that are best for our community. I speak up to address issues in our community, including adopting resolutions at City Council last fall opposing recreational marijuana sales in our city and supporting the extension of the Pikes Peak RTA to address critical transportation needs.
Your Experience and Vision
What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as Colorado Springs Mayor that will benefit our city? What is your vision for being Mayor, and what do you hope to accomplish during your first year in office?
As the only candidate with elected executive experience, I have a proven track record of accomplishment and leadership at both the local and state level – tackling problems effectively and efficiently as Colorado Secretary of State, County Clerk & Recorder and County Commissioner.
As a Colorado Springs City Councilman, we’ve funded 62 new police, 66 firefighters and 3 new fire stations. As mayor, I will continue this emphasis on public safety, as well as prioritizing critical transportation infrastructure and promoting our economic vitality.
My mission as Mayor is to ensure that through community collaboration, Colorado Springs continues the progress we’ve been making and that we remain the very best city to live, work and raise our families.
Defending Constitutional Liberties
Many Americans believe that the government at every level is not securing their Creator-given rights, but rather encroaching on them. Established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, medical autonomy, and commerce are often negatively impacted by state and federal regulations, and were greatly infringed upon by COVID mandates. As Mayor, how will you protect the residents of Colorado Springs from current and future unconstitutional government overreach?
I believe in a limited government that works to secure the rights that we are endowed with by our Creator. The essential government functions are ensuring public safety and order; protecting individual freedom and human rights; and providing essential public services.
Government should serve the community by providing assistance to our residents and businesses instead of over-burdening them with needless regulation and oversight. In Colorado Springs, we rejected overreaching government mandates during COVID which is why our community fared better during COVID than many others.
I’ve taken a stand against government overreach – working with faith leaders, I’ve repeatedly sponsored Colorado Springs’ Constitution Day and Religious Freedom Day Resolutions.
Crime and Police
Colorado Springs’ crime rates are rising, while Police Department recruitment is down. As Mayor, what will you do to ensure citizens are protected from crime, including improving recruitment, morale, and response time within the CSPD?
Maintaining public safety will be one my top priorities as mayor. In my four years on City Council, we provided funding for an additional 62 police officers. We’ll need add 200 more police officers by 2035 to keep up with our growth.
Like most major cities, Colorado Springs has struggled to fill our available police positions, but we are making progress. We’ve moved to a continuous year-round police academy and are reducing the waiting time before a new class starts. As mayor, I’ll make sure that we’re competitive in the recruitment process, but we will always ensure our high standards are met.
I will always ensure that our first responders know how much we appreciate them and respect their service.
Protecting the Most Vulnerable
As Mayor, how will you ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our city, including the lives of the unborn, the trafficked, and the elderly?
I am committed to protecting the lives of all residents. I’ve Chaired our Area Agency on Aging and helped adopt ordinances to give law enforcement resources and tools to combat trafficking. As an adopted child myself, I am a strong advocate for adoption and annually sponsor our city’s National Adoption Day Resolution.
What specifically should the Mayor’s office do to bring more businesses/jobs to Colorado Springs?
The mayor’s office should continue to promote an economic environment that allows for businesses to grow and thrive, instead of one that stifles innovation and development. I support our continued use of performance-based economic incentives that are tied to the jobs actually created.
I’m committed to preserving a low tax burden while delivering economic growth to our city through business development and recruitment, as well as public/private partnerships and investments. As County Commissioner, I eliminated our portion of the business personal property tax, and the city has done the same. I’m honored to have received the Chamber’s Regional Leader of the Year Award and now serve on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Springs Chamber and Economic Development Corporation.
Election Security/Voter Confidence
Many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our electoral system and are deciding to not even take the time and effort to vote. All Mayors are the public face of city government, and in Colorado Springs the Mayor appoints the City Clerk who in turn oversees our municipal elections. If elected Mayor, what will you do to help assure election security, increase voter confidence, and encourage more civic engagement by our citizens?
I had the honor of serving as the Colorado Secretary of State and the County Clerk and Recorder. As Colorado’s chief elections official, I adopted new standards requiring bipartisan judges, voter-verifiable paper ballots, and forensic risk-limiting audits. I also ensured Colorado signature verification requirements were followed and have spoken out against DC’s attempts to overturn them.
Because of these efforts, President Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary touted Colorado as a national model and The Washington Post called Colorado, “The safest state to cast a vote.” And Colorado’s League of Women Voters presented me with its annual Leader of Democracy Award.
I’ll continue that leadership as mayor and will ensure our city clerk protects the integrity of our voting processes.
Affordable Housing
As more and more people move to Colorado Springs, what can be done to provide affordable housing while also retaining our city’s unique character and environment that have made it such a popular place in the United States to live?
In 1994, Mayor Bob Isaac asked me to serve on our city’s Housing Authority Board. While Chair, we partnered with Peterson Air Force Base to provide affordable off-base housing for enlisted personnel.
As Utilities Board Chairman, I helped establish a fund to cover utility connection fees for affordable and attainable housing to encourage construction by non-profits and other community partners. On City Council, I worked to establish a program to rebate sales tax for affordable and attainable housing. As mayor, I’ll continue to work with community partners to provide such incentives.
Home ownership is a key to personal wealth creation. As mayor, I’ll work with the legislature to improve Colorado laws so that we support the building of entry-level homes.
How can the Mayor’s office address the increase in the homeless/vagrant population in our city in ways that best serve all Colorado Springs residents?
Colorado Springs is one of the few large cities in America where the number of unhoused have been reduced. We must compassionately address the root causes of homelessness by working with non-profit partners like Springs Rescue Mission, Catholic Charities, and the Salvation Army to provide assistance, education and treatment options for those experiencing drug addiction and/or mental illness.
For our community’s health and safety, we must enforce city ordinances that prohibit blocking public right-of-ways and camping on, and potentially contaminating, our public spaces and waterways. We worked to ensure our ability to enforce these rules by having sufficient beds available. We also need to expand our Homeless Outreach Team and Alternate Response Teams to meet the needs of our community.
Impact of Drug Use on Our Community
What are your views pertaining to Colorado Springs’ ban on recreational Marijuana sales within city limits? Also, with the recent decriminalization of Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs in Colorado, and the Opioid/Fentanyl crisis, what do you believe should be done to protect our city and its residents, and especially our youth, from the negative physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic impacts of Schedule I and II drug use and abuse?
I opposed recreational marijuana and Psilocybin legalization on the statewide level, and recently fought against permitting recreational marijuana within Colorado Springs city limits – including specifically adopting a city council resolution opposing the measure. The negative costs of legal drug sales greatly outweigh the tax revenue it provides.
As mayor, I’ll focus our anti-drug efforts on education and treatment for those battling addiction, and will work with law enforcement to ensure that we’re actively combatting illicit drug trafficking within our city.
Engagement with the Faith Community
Colorado Springs has a large, diverse, and well-established religious community, consisting predominantly of those practicing some form of Christianity, and is home to hundreds of local churches and international parachurch ministries. What is your current engagement with the local faith community, and how do you plan to interact with and represent us in your role as Mayor?
I am active in my own church where I serve in the Sunday School Presidency for several congregations. I regularly engage with faith leaders throughout our community, including working to adopt annual resolutions supporting religious liberty and have worked with various denominations to host religious liberty symposiums. I attend various groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings, and celebrations at many churches and ministries. As mayor, I will continue those efforts and maintain an open dialogue with residents and faith leaders of all persuasions.

Christian voting
Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview
By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values
The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders
Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.