2024 General Election




EPC Commissioner General Election Candidates

Listed in Ballot Order



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Candidate Information

Commissioner District:

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented: 

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?



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Republican Candidate Information

Republican Commissioner District:  2

Campaign Website URL:  www.CarrieGeitner.com

Email Address: Carrie@CarrieGeitner.com

Occupation/Vocation:  County Commissioner

Military Background (if any): Military Spouse

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  12 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

As a current commissioner I have focused on the proper role of government, ensuring tax dollars are prioritized for core services such as roads and infrastructure, and public safety. I take seriously my responsibility to work for the people, honor the family values and patriotism that we share, and work within the budget the taxpayers have set.

As a military spouse I respect our military, and have supported improved access to veteran services.

I have also worked to make sure tax dollars are not used to undermine families and parental rights, and worked to restore our institutions to reflect the values of our community, not radical left ideology. I would be honored to continue that work.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

Government should serve the people. That requires transparency so voters can hold their representatives accountable and make choices as voters when they do not believe government is working as it should.

Colorado Sunshine Laws are important to ensure voters have the ability to get information they need, including access to live meetings, documents, etc. in a timely manner. Though these are important laws, doing what’s right is always a requirement of my faith, and that means going above and beyond what is required by the law in many cases.

I support TABOR and have defended it with my votes and my voice as a commissioner. TABOR has been instrumental in restraining government growth in El Paso County.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

I will always stand up for the God-given, constitutionally protected rights of citizens. Whether it is churches ability to meet, the right of citizens to speak their mind regardless of their viewpoint (including criticizing their government) peaceful protests, or appeals to decisions and processes, I will use all of the abilities of my office to protect citizens from overreach.

During COVID I defended the right of citizens to attend worship, make their own choices about vaccines, and consistently used my office to call out those who silenced free speech that was counter to the narrative that many government agencies preferred.

I will continue to protect those rights, including against Colorado’s attempts to force citizens into the transgender pronoun charade.


2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

“Shall not be infringed” is what the constitution states. The 2nd Amendment is necessary for a free nation. Our founders knew that. These laws are an attempt to make it more difficult to obtain and maintain a firearm because Democrat lawmakers know they cannot outright ban guns as many would prefer. The Supreme Court has been clear in upholding these rights.

In addition, county buildings were recently included in one of these anti-gun bills, disallowing concealed carry for permit holders in county buildings. I voted for, and the resolution passed unanimously, to uphold the right for permit holders to continue to carry concealed in our buildings. This protects our staff and other citizens who want to exercise this right.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

DEI, CRT, and other divisive programs and theories have divided our society and undermined the truth that all men are created equal. As a christian and patriotic American I reject any ideology or policy that suggests individuals should be treated differently based on their skin color or other immutable characteristics. Rather, they should be judged by their character, as Martin Luther King Jr. suggested.

Your tax dollars fund many of these programs at all levels of government both directly and through grants the government gives to non- profits. We must demand that discriminatory, anti-American programs focused on tearing down our society stop receiving this funding.

Recently, I voted against funding an organization that supported “race-conscious” decision-making in education.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

Free market policies allow freedom and fairness to flourish in business. Government can best impact the economy by reducing expensive, bureaucratic processes and regulations.

We must fight attempts to leap into green energy initiatives that are unrealistic, do not achieve their stated goals, and are counter to the needs and desires of our residents.

Water is a precious resource in Colorado. Our water laws are the most stringent in the nation, and we are unique in that we are the only state to have a court system with exclusive jurisdiction over water rights. This often means that water is complicated in Colorado, which makes it even more important to have experienced, elected leaders that understand how this system works.



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

As a founder and board president of a charter school that achieved the most student growth in our district last year, I am passionate about quality education and parental rights.

Education does not fall under the authority of the Board of County Commissioners, however, I recently sponsored a resolution in support of charter schools in our community and fought against an attack on school choice at the legislature.

I am always a vocal advocate for parental rights whether in education or otherwise. I refuse to empower organizations that undermine parents and families.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I am passionately pro-life and my husband and I personally support crisis pregnancy centers in our community. I have worked with pro- life organizations to support their mission, including resolutions to support the pro-life position.

To fight human trafficking I requested stronger contracting language in sub-recipient agreements that emphasizes the responsibility for organizations that work with the county to ensure that trafficking is prevented. We also work with senior services and families to protect those vulnerable population and ensure they have access to basic necessities such as food.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime in Colorado is out of control, primarily because of decriminalization efforts and soft-on-crime laws passed by our majority Democrat legislature. That makes it difficult to combat rising crime, but we can continue to do better locally than areas like Denver by enforcing our laws and holding criminals accountable.

I have worked to inform policy at the state legislature, but a big role that commissioners play in public safety is prioritizing funding for our Sheriff’s office and our District Attorney’s office so they have the deputies and prosecutors necessary to do their jobs well. I have supported these offices and I am proud to have the endorsement of both District Attorney Michael Allen, and Sheriff Joe Roybal.



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

The simple solution to the problems all of America is facing is to close the border. I have emphatically lead the charge for El Paso County to declare that not only are we not a sanctuary county, but Denver’s policy failures are a threat to our community as well.

Unfortunately, our federal and state governments have failed us. They have the ability to fix this problem. Instead, the state of Colorado has made things worse by tying the hands of our local Sheriff to deal with these issues rather than empowering him to do his job for residents.

I voted for El Paso to join a lawsuit against the state over these dangerous policies. That lawsuit is currently pending.


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Proof of citizenship and residency should absolutely be required to register to vote in Colorado. Showing identification is a common- sense way to increase election security.

Though the Board of County Commissioners does not have a direct authority over elections, I support the efforts in progress at our local level to clean up the voter rolls and make sure only those legally able to vote have the ability to do so.



Democratic Candidate Information

Democratic Commissioner District:  2

Campaign Website URL:  www.BernardByersForD2CC.com

Email Address:  Bbbforcc@outlook.com





Democratic Candidate Information

Campaign Website:  www.VoteNaomiLopez.com

Email Address:  Slpnaomilopez@gmail.com


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Republican Candidate Information

Commissioner District:  3

Campaign Website URL:  www.BillWysong.com

Email Address: Bill4CountyCommissionerD3@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Home Inspector

Military Background (if any): US Navy, Honorable Discharge

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  38 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I have been involved in community service for most of my life, earning my Eagle Scout, serving in the Navy, working in the corporate business world and volunteering in various organizations. Currently, I own a small business and am President of the Mountain Shadows Community Association and WestsideWatch. The basic skill set of listening to client or citizens’ concerns remains the same whether in private or public enterprise. My last 4 years have been supporting the Westside and other neighborhoods for lower density infill development and emergency evacuation planning. Planning is the foundation for and is paramount to the success of any organization, whether private or public. My extensive skill set will help with supporting the citizens of our county. 


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

The most important characteristics or principles for an elected official center around integrity. An official with integrity is honest, transparent, and accountable. They make decisions based on ethical considerations, not personal gain, ensuring their actions reflect the best interests of the public they serve, and demonstrate consistency between words and actions. I believe that the government should represent the people, and when they do not, measures such as TABOR and the Colorado Sunshine Law are needed to reign in on politicians who forget who they are working for. I also find it appalling that the games they play to find loopholes subverting the intent of Tabor, such as fees instead of taxes.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

I am in full agreement of our first amendment. In fact, I am part of a group that has filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the unconstitutional HB24-1107 bill that was signed into law which removed the ability, equality and fairness against citizens groups petitioning the government for redress of grievances on residential land use issues.


2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

I am Pro 2nd amendment. I own firearms and will fight any restrictions against gun ownership. Mandatory gun insurance is a restriction which I am against. Having it available as an option is agreeable to me. I do not believe that there should be any ban on the assault weapon style rife. The minimum age issue to purchase guns needs to be equal to voting, to purchase liquor, or join the military. Gun free zones are an open advertisement for those who want to commit crimes.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

Anti-Semitism has spread rapidly in recent years. We fought a very costly war against anti-Semitism, and our youth seem to have forgotten this history. Colleges which permit students to promote terror groups such as Hamas, vandalize and overstep the boundaries of free speech should no longer receive federal funding. As a veteran, I find Anti-Americanism to be an assault against our country. Societal permissiveness and social media have broken down the lines between right and wrong, moral character, and personal accountability. Many parents seem to lack the fortitude and wisdom to discipline their children in appropriate behavior. This is seen in schools, in stores, and in their choices. Parenting classes such as Love&Logic might help to educate new parents.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

The Board of Commissioners have minimal oversight of the economy, however keeping taxes low will assist those in most need. Water is one of the most pressing resource concerns in our community and must be taken into consideration with concern for increasing development. I believe there is so much more that can be done by reclaiming storm water runoff. In addition to the need for park maintenance across the city/county, we must ensure that parkland is included with all development and not allow developers to give money in lieu of parkland. Guardianship of our open spaces needs to be preserved and protected for all citizens. Conservation should be the watch word be it water, or other materials and natural resources.



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Parental rights are crucial, and notifications regarding their child are essential and must be protected by statute. Schools are not the place for “woke” policies including determining pronoun choice. All students deserve a learning environment free of political indoctrination. Being married to a retired public teacher has increased my awareness of the problems facing public schools today. Teachers are continuously asked to do more with less, attend more meetings, work with large classes, handle out of control students, etc., with expectations of higher standardized test scores. Charter schools have more flexibility in their operations, including curriculum, fiscal management, and discipline. However, I believe in parental choice in determining what educational setting best suits the needs of their own child.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

The vulnerable must be protected, including seniors and those with mental health issues. Personally, I am pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life. However, I also recognize that this is a deeply personal and divisive issue, and I respect the views of those who may not share my perspective. Mental Health is a growing concern. The alarming suicide rates are increasing, and on my website, I have put forth a proven model with evidence-based interventions for our community to adopt. Trafficking has increased exponentially with the increased influx of illegal immigrants into our country. I will actively work with the county and city to ensure that our tax dollars are spent on our citizens and addressing their needs.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Unfortunately, the state of Colorado has decriminalized many crimes and it is not surprising that we are number one in the country for auto thefts. I will work with my fellow county commissioners to support legislation to change this. Our law enforcement should be fully staffed, however Sheriff Roybal shared with me the county needs an additional 10 deputies as well as additional staff personnel to provide a much-needed boost to his coverage of the county. Homeless encampments have increased regardless of the of the city’s assertion that homeless numbers are falling. Rising theft, drug paraphernalia and increased fires are a result. While funding is always an issue, public safety of our community is a must.



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

The open and porous borders of our country is an outrage. We have an untold number of terrorists, gang members and other criminals being allowed in from 90 countries. Denver should serve as a warning of what happens in sanctuary cities where illegals flood in and cost taxpayers millions of dollars annually. They are given hotel rooms while we have Colorado citizens living out of their cars due to economic conditions. Their increased presence in our community will lead to similar scenarios locally if we allow it. El Paso County is not immune, and I stand with city/county officials denying sanctuary status and will work with fellow commissioners to ensure this applies to the entire county as well.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Identification is required in all aspects of our daily life except in voting, which is the cornerstone of our constitutional republic. Due to issues with voter fraud, ballot harvesting and many other nefarious ways that negate the one person – one vote rule, everyone should have to show their ID when voting and dropping off their ballot. While mail in ballots are convenient, there is no way to determine citizenship or harvesting. I would call to remove mail in ballots (military deployed or stationed overseas are exempt) as the current lead time allows people plenty of time to submit their ballot at an approved repository that is staffed for ID checks. Purging of inactive Voter Rolls is critical.




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Republican Candidate Information

Commissioner District:  4

Campaign Website URL:  www.CoryApplegate.com

Email Address:  Cory@CoryApplegate.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Journeyman Electrician

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  18 years, longer than anywhere else


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I am currently Fountain city council, ward 3. I have been on council almost 3 years. I have the experience making executive decisions and helping constituents. Before I was on city council I was a planning commissioner for the city of Fountain. I learned a lot about land annexation in that time. That experience will help on the County Commission.
The 3 biggest issues I am focused on is public safety infrastructure and water. The immigration crisis at the border is also a huge issue as of late. Let’s be honest. The federal government and state government is not going to fix this crisis.

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

Ethics and transparency are vital in order to govern effectively. I think every single tax increase voted on should have some type of sunset to it. TABOR is important and the citizens should have the final say in what is done with a surplus in revenue. On Fountain city council I have always voted to send TABOR back to the people. I will continue to do so on the county commission.

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

The El Paso County Commission has made sure that everyone’s voice is heard. I will continue to make sure everyone has the same 1st amendment right.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

What the state house is doing currently is nothing short of tyrannical. I will push back against the unconstitutional measures in the state house whether by ordinance or resolution. El Paso county should lead the charge with lawsuits that threaten our 2nd amendment.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

Taking God out of schools was the first step. Secondly, we butchered the history books to paint America out as bad. Finally, once all the books had changed and prayer was banned, the children were indoctrinated by the left about their sexuality. The best step any parent can take is to get their child out of the public school system. Don’t let them become woke.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

I want to bring more trade work to El Paso County. There needs to be more warehousing and microchip type jobs. Jobs that pay more than minimum wage to start. This will grow the local economy. I also want to see more oil production in our county. Loosening restrictions from the state will free up oil companies to drill.
I want to continue to exercise the 300 year rule the county has for water.  If the water isn’t set aside, we won’t build until water is acquired.  Also the continued effort to clean up our water supply from PFOS/ PFAS is vital.


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

I am all for school choice.  I would like to see more districts have vocational programs in this county. I want to work with the districts on this. College isn’t for everyone and some people work really well with their hands. I think a school district that doesn’t respect parental authority isn’t good for anyone. Parents should have the final say where their child goes to school and should always be notified of any changes to curriculum or emergency updates.

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I am 100% pro-life.  El Paso County needs to continue to provide resources to help the vulnerable in our society. As Fountain city council, we have been able to work with the senior center in Fountain. The Fountain police department started a program called BHCON where depending on the type of police call, a psychiatrist not a cop was able to take the lead. This program has not only saved lives and avoided arrests but provided resources to mental health patients in time of crisis.


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime is starting to become an issue in our county. I want to work with our county sheriff to ensure the community stays safe by giving them the resources they need. A satellite station on the east side of the county will improve response times.


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

We are starting to see problems in our county due to illegal immigration. Already there are more homeless than a year ago. When elected I want to make an ordinance for non-sanctuary status for El Paso county as well as get the sheriff’s office an ICE

detainment agreement.
Sanctuary cities/counties should not exist in this country.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Yes. An id and proof of residency should be required to register to vote. A government issued id should be required to cast a vote. The county commissioners need to make sure they are following all the audit laws. I want to ask for a 3rd party forensic audit of the machines we currently use on our county to ensure the voting process is safe.


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Democratic Candidate Information

Commissioner District:  4

Campaign Website URL:  www.DetraForCountyCommissionerD4.com

Email Address:  DetraDuncan4CtyCommDist4@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Small Business Owner

Military Background (if any): Spouse of an Army Veteran

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  35 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Currently serving as Fountain City Council Member at Large (2nd Term).  A wife of an Army Veteran, mother and a small business owner.  Graduate with a degree in Human Nutrition and Food, master’s in public health administration, and a Doctoral Degree in organizational management/leadership. I have a proven track record of advocating for small businesses, safer neighborhoods, and mental health services for our veterans. My experience serving on the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, Fountain Creek Watershed District, Legislative Committee for the Colorado Municipal League, and the Fountain Legislative Committee, Director of the Fountain Youth Council; past Board President of Cross Creek Regional Park Metropolitan District have all prepared me for increased Public Service responsibilities.

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

County Commissioners wield a significant amount of land use power, as well as stewardship of significant federal dollars that can lift up the entire community. I believe that Public office is a public trust. Transparency and ethics are essential pillars for effective and reliance governance. When people elect you into office they expect you to do what you said you would do for them and I plan on doing just that. Transparency ensures that government actions, decision-making processes, and use of resources are open and accessible to the public. It fosters confidence and accountability and prevents corruption.

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

I will uphold the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that protects many of the civil rights associated with life as an American, including free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

I support the 2nd Amendment.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

We need to look at antisemitism not in theory, but in practice. We must combat it whether it’s being propagated by a white nationalist marching with tiki-torches or by a fervent anti-Zionist harassing students on campus. More than that, we need to wake up to the generational shift happening, make clear that antisemitism is never acceptable, it was never accepted, and redouble our efforts to educate them on how the virus of antisemitism can infect an entire society, hurting not just the Jewish community, but ultimately all of us.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

City and County governments can participate in community development projects, such as the revitalization of urban areas, improving public services, and investing in education and healthcare. By addressing both the business and residential aspects of the community, the economy is reinforced for sustainability and resiliency.


  1. Support Local Businesses
  2. Promote Tourism
  3. Invest In Infrastructure
  4. Offer Business Development Incentives
  5. Encourage Entrepreneurship
  6. Hold Career Workshops
  7. Support Local Agriculture
  8. Foster Collaboration
  9. Revitalize Commercial Areas


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

As a parent of a 2024 graduate from the best charter school in the Colorado Springs Area, I believe in school choice. I have a doctoral degree in Organizational Management and support our teachers.

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

As County Commissioner and part of the strategic plan for the Department of Health I will cultivate strategic partnerships to expand access to needed services, reduce disparities and barriers to care, and improve the overall health and wellbeing of our communities.


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

To reduce crime we have to address the root causes of crime which are often directly related to health and social challenges like mental illness and substance use disorders. As County Commissioner I will support budgets for every law enforcement agency in the county including the District Attorney’s office.


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

El Paso County is not a sanctuary County.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

As County Commissioner, I will support protecting our elections’ integrity and safeguarding our voting process. The right to vote is one of our most important privileges as Americans. Colorado has a voting model comprised of mail ballots and Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs). According to the City Code, Chapter 5 Elections, Article 1 General Elections, the City Clerk is required to take all necessary steps to ensure ballot security at each stage of the mail ballot process, to protect the confidentiality of the ballots cast, and to maintain the integrity of the election.


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Candidate Information (Unaffiliated)

Commissioner District:  4

Campaign Website URL:  www.LuisYbarraJr.com

Email Address:  LuisYbarra76@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Security Water operator

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  23


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

My vision for the future prioritizes people over politics, ensuring that decisions are made with the well-being of our community in mind, not just party agendas. As a young entrepreneur, I bring fresh ideas and valuable experience working closely with youth and parents in our community through a local nonprofit business. My strong leadership mindset drives my commitment to fostering positive change and collaboration for the benefit of all residents.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

I believe that individuals elected to public office should be held to the highest standards of transparency and accountability. The Colorado Sunshine Law is an excellent measure for ensuring that those in power are held accountable to the public, fostering trust and integrity in government.

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

If elected, I will uphold the laws that protect my constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government. I am committed to ensuring that these constitutional rights are not infringed upon by the government, regardless of party affiliation.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

If elected, I will uphold the laws that protect my constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government. I am committed to ensuring that these constitutional rights are not infringed upon by the government, regardless of party affiliation.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

The rise in anti-Americanism and anti- Semitism, particularly among youth, can be attributed to a variety of factors, including misinformation, social media influence, and a lack of understanding of American history and values. To address these issues, it is essential to promote a sense of American patriotism and educate young people about the complexities of our history. We must emphasize the idea that it is the greatest country on Earth. By supporting initiatives that celebrate American values and history.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

If elected would champion initiatives that focus on supporting local businesses, attracting new investments, and enhancing workforce development to improve the local economy. Priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources would include promoting sustainable water management practices, investing in renewable energy sources, and ensuring equitable access to resources for all community members. By collaboration between local leaders prioritizing sustainability, we can create a thriving economy that supports both our environment and our residents’ needs.


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

If elected, I would work to improve educational outcomes by increasing funding for schools, enhancing teacher training, and promoting innovative learning programs that cater to diverse student needs. I believe in the importance of parental authority in K-12 education, supporting school choice options and ensuring that parents are informed and involved in their children’s education.

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

If elected, I will work to strengthen laws against the unborn,trafficking and abuse, ensuring that victims receive the support and protection they need. Additionally, I will promote programs that support senior citizens and provide resources for mental health care, fostering an inclusive environment where every individual is valued and protected.


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime in Colorado and our community is a growing concern that affects the safety and well-being of residents. If elected, I will focus on enhancing community policing efforts, increasing collaboration between law enforcement and community organizations, and investing in prevention programs that address the root causes of crime. Ensuring that the laws in the books are being enforced, by our court system.


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

I believe that illegal entries into the U.S. can lead to various challenges for our region, including strain on resources and public services. If elected, I would advocate for strict enforcement of immigration laws. Additionally, I do not support the idea of sanctuary cities or counties, as I believe we must uphold the laws already in place to maintain order and accountability within our communities.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

I believe that El Paso County has done an excellent job in conducting elections, and I am proud of the work they have accomplished. I have great confidence in our electoral processes here, as they prioritize transparency and voter ID and security. If elected, I will continue to support and promote the successful practices already in place to ensure that Coloradans maintain their trust in our elections.


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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.