2024 General Election



EPC HD20 General Election Candidates

Listed in Ballot Order



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Candidate Information

House District:

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented: 

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?


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survey question and reply


Republican Candidate Information

House District:  20

Campaign Website URL:  www.JarvisCaldwell.com

Email Address:  ElectJarvisCaldwell@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Nonprofit Executive Director

Military Background (if any):  Veteran, U.S. Air Force, 10 years active

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented: 5 years

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

As Christians, we must always remember our rights are God-given, not government-granted. We need to restore Faith at our Capitol. As a father of two boys and charter school vice chairman, school choice and parental rights are a priority at a time they’re both under attack at the state level. As a former USAF JAG Corps member, law and order is a priority given our state ranks in the top 3 unsafest states nationally. The two years I spent working as the Colorado House Republicans’ communications director at the Capitol (2022- 2023) gave me a unique insight into the current issues HD20 is facing and the experience in knowing how to combat the radical agenda of the progressive leftists.

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

I am a staunch supporter of both TABOR and government transparency laws. TABOR keeps a check on government growth and returns to us what we overpaid. It’s not a slush fund for more government pet projects. Regarding transparency, government officials work for We the People and should be held accountable for their actions, whether it be morally, ethically, or legally. Any elected official violating this oath is bringing distrust and disgrace to those they represent. As the former House GOP communications director, I strongly emphasized with our elected Republicans to be active in transparency with their constituents via social media, newsletters, town halls, op-eds, phone calls, and any other method. I will do the same as your representative

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

The government has shown, especially during COVID, that it will infringe on our 1st Amendment rights in the name of “safety.” As was the case then, I will be an outspoken advocate to educate the House that our rights to freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and redress are not granted by the government, but rather a God-given right we are born with. Currently, at the Capitol, there is a trend by the Majority of silencing our elected officials. Our constitutionally elected officials represent us, and they should not be silenced in their representation of us. HD20 residents deserve a representative who will speak for them honestly even when it hurts the sensitive feelings of the Majority. I’ll do that.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

It is my opinion the 2nd Amendment is the most important of all our rights because it protects and ensures all of our other rights. It’s what makes us citizens, not subjects. That right to keep and bear arms is under attack like never before at the state level. When I worked at the Capitol in 2023, it was the biggest attack ever on our 2A rights in Colorado. 2024 was even worse. I’m a veteran of the Afghanistan war where I carried an M-16. At home here in the USA, I defend myself, my wife, our children, and property with every type of firearm you can think of. I do not and will not ever support gun control.

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

What we are seeing unfortunately is what happens when a society loses its sense of faith, community, and purpose. Those voids were once predominantly filled with local community institutions, mainly our churches. Now, it’s largely Universities. The anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism this country is facing right now is because young people have lost sight of a higher power/purpose and replaced it with the religion of [enter new trending issue]. It is on us as parents, Christians, community leaders, and others to show our youth that there is a higher purpose in life that fills the void they feel is empty. Personally, as a follower of Jesus Christ, His teachings are what I instill in my two young sons.



The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

First, we are taxed, fee’d, and regulated to death. It has driven up costs in literally every aspect of our lives. I’m endorsed by the Colorado Chamber of Commerce due to my position in fighting against such new taxes, fees, and regulations. Given the Republicans are a super-minority, the best way to get many of these things changed is through statewide ballot initiatives. There are upcoming initiatives I support, such as capping and cutting property taxes. I will work to pass Senior Property Tax Exemption Portability so our HD20 senior citizens can take their tax exemption status with them if they move houses. For water, energy, and other resources, it’s primarily an overburdensome of regulations that are affecting prices.


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

School Choice is essential to my platform. Giving our children options to attend a school that best fits their needs is crucial. Charters, private schools, and homeschooling are important aspects of our education system that are constantly under attack, yet they often outperform district-run public schools. Parental Rights are also imperative to my platform. As a father and charter school board member, I recently testified before the House Education Committee against HB1039, the radical “Non-legal Name Change” bill. This bill is a direct assault on the rights of parents to be involved in decisions affecting their children and places the government between parents, their children, and schools. I have and continue to fight for our children and parents.

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I am staunchly pro-Life. Every baby in the womb is a life with potential, not a potential life. We are each made perfectly in His image. I worked for our former representative in 2022 when the most egregious abortion bill in the nation was passed. Our Republicans set a record for filibustering the anti-life legislation for 24 hours straight. I’ll fight with just as much passion to protect our unborn. The criminal sentencing minimums need to be raised so that traffickers can be locked away for as long as possible and never harm anyone again. As a law & order representative, I’m in favor of increasing criminal penalties on those who harm children, seniors, and those with mental illness.


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime is at crisis levels in Colorado. We need to start putting the needs of victims over the wants of criminals. I have 5 years of criminal justice experience in prosecuting criminals while in the Air Force. I know our local District Attorney Michael Allen and have made it clear that I want to work with him on addressing the fentanyl crisis, increasing criminal penalties for certain crimes, and fighting any soft-on-crime policies put forward. I strongly support the upcoming ballot initiative “Truth in Sentencing” which requires violent criminals to do at least 75-85% of their sentences. Right now, they’re only doing on average 43% and then re-offending after released when they still should have been in prison.


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

The illegal alien crisis in Colorado is directly attributable to Democrats’ sanctuary state/city policies. Not only has it taken tax money meant to fund our police, fire, and roads, but we have lost Coloradan lives due to crimes committed by illegals. We must end our Sanctuary Status, deport illegals, and stop incentivizing them to come here illegally. There’s a right way and a wrong way to immigrate. State House Republicans attempted to repeal our sanctuary status this year but failed. We have to pressure our local officials like commissioners, mayors, and city council to not use any of our local tax dollars on this issue. HD20 residents shouldn’t suffer and pay for terrible Denver and Boulder Democrat policies.

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

You should have to show an ID and prove you’re legally allowed to vote when you vote. I’m not in favor of universal mail-in balloting because there’s no way to know for sure who completes/drops off the ballot, and there are times when ballots get delivered to people they don’t belong to. In states like Florida, if you want to vote by mail, you need to submit for an absentee ballot and give a reason, such as military status or disability. With reasonable early voting available, there’s no reason someone can’t find the time to vote within a couple of weeks of election day at a polling station where they’ll have to show their ID and prove who they are.


Democratic Candidate Information

House District:  20

Campaign Website URL:  www.ArikForColorado.com

Email Address:  Arik@ArikForColorado.com



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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.