2024 Primary Election



HD21 Republican Primary Candidates

Listed in Ballot Order



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Candidate Information

House District:

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented: 

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?


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Candidate Information

House District:  21

Campaign Website URL:  JanKoester4HD21.com

Email Address:  JanKoester4HD21@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Retired Educator

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  45 years

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I’m a Colorado native that has lived in the Fountain Valley area for 44 years. My experience includes teaching elementary children in Fountain Fort Carson District 8 schools for 25 years, serving in my church as a greeter and life group leader, volunteering at Memorial Hospital on the pediatric floor, Life Network Church Ambassador, Pregnancy Center volunteer and a leader for Patriot Academy’s Biblical Citizenship class.

My priority is to repeal unconstitutional laws and regulations that have stripped the freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution. Our government has overstepped its role of protecting us and our rights. We need to get back to limited government and reign in out of control spending.
Vision: Restore good governance by “We The People”.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

My commitment to the citizens of my district is one of honesty and transparency. I’m determined to earn your trust through dedication to ethical governance and accountability. The recent passage of SB24-157 is concerning. It effectively redefines our Colorado open meetings law. We, as a free self- governing people need full transparency concerning the activities of our government. I will advocate for transparency of all branches of government.

I am strongly in favor of the Colorado Sunshine Law and TABOR. The Colorado Sunshine Law is vital for maintaining an open government where the public can observe and participate in the legislative process. Similarly, TABOR reflects the will of the people to have a direct say in tax increases and government spending.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

Last year the majority party shut down the minority party’s ability to debate bills by limiting the time to speak for or against a bill to one hour. This year they sought to shut down the people’s rights to testify concerning a bill. As a representative, I will be the first petitioner for the people. I will fight to defend the rights of citizens to speak. I will object and stand against silencing or censoring the people. I’m committed to voting against policies to limit our freedoms of religion, speech, peaceful assembly, and petitioning our government. I will stand for our Constitutional rights!


2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

I believe all of these gun legislation topics are an infringement on our 2nd Amendment Rights. Our Founding Fathers fought to be free from a tyrannical government. They knew the importance of a well armed people to remain secure and free. They declared that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Requiring mandatory gun insurance and banning so-called assault weapons is infringing on that right.

My concern for creating sensitive spaces or gun free zones is that it creates soft targets for those with evil intentions.


Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

In 2021 Senate Bill 21-067 was passed in our legislature. It requires schools to teach civics, which sounds great. However, this bill opened the door to teaching many other topics such as the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory. The teaching of our true history has been removed from schools and an anti-American narrative has been put forth. This narrative has been reinforced in our colleges, through the media, and Hollywood.

We need to get back to jurisdictional integrity. School boards should be making the decisions about curriculum and not the state. The truth about America’s history needs to be taught along with what it means to be an American and why that’s of value.


The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

When our legislature passes 500 plus new bills in a session, those become new rules to live by. These bills and new regulations affect businesses which in turn affects the economy.
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. I will advocate for reducing regulatory burdens. Innovation is squelched with over-regulation, however, creating a business-friendly environment will spur job creation and stimulate local economic growth.

Being a good steward of our water resources is a priority. I’m very concerned with the development and overbuilding taking place in our county. As Colorado also supplies water to other states, we have to demand that our county and state officials ensure the infrastructure is in place before allowing more development and building. 



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

If elected, I will support jurisdictional integrity. Power needs to go back to local school boards. Parents and school districts know their community best. When there is a working partnership between the schools and families, student success will be the priority.

As an educator, I believe student outcomes will improve when the focus is back on basics and students, parents, teachers and administrators are held accountable. The lack of discipline support and student accountability in many schools is alarming and diminishes the success of students.

I believe that parents should have the right to choose the best educational setting for their children, whether it be public, private, charter, or homeschooling. I will advocate for that right to choose.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

If elected, I will submit and fight for bills that protect life. I believe in the sanctity of life. This would include education, resources, and care for expectant mothers that need support. I will advocate for laws that impose stiffer penalties to those that abuse and traffic children and adults. By supporting policies that protect the unborn, combat trafficking and abuse, provide for senior citizens, and address mental illness, we can create a safer, more inclusive community for everyone. As your elected representative, I am committed to championing these initiatives and working tirelessly to safeguard the well-being of all our residents.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

The rise in crime in Colorado is a significant concern for our community. I heard recently that Colorado is the third most dangerous state to live in. That is appalling! I will advocate for tougher penalties for violent crimes to deter potential offenders and ensure that justice is served for victims. Law abiding citizens should not be criminalized for defending their lives or property. I will fight against these bills and seek to repeal ones passed this year in the legislature. I will fight for funding for our law enforcement to ensure that they have the necessary resources to do their job effectively and safely.



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Yes, I do believe illegal entries have caused problems in Colorado. Crime has increased. Resources taxpayers have funded are being cut, schools are dealing with additional students with challenges. To resolve some of these problems, state benefits should be reserved for those who have legally entered the country. Withholding benefits from those who entered illegally will reduce the financial burden on our state and deter illegal immigration. We must work with our ICE and federal agencies. Additionally, I do not support sanctuary cities or counties, as cooperation with federal authorities is vital to maintaining the rule of law and ensuring community safety. As your elected representative, I am committed to protecting the wellbeing of our legal residents.


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Yes, I believe elections should be conducted differently. Requiring proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote is essential to maintaining the integrity of our electoral process. Ensuring that only eligible voters participate in our elections is a fundamental aspect of upholding our republic. The electronic voting machines need to be replaced with hand counted paper ballots that can be audited. Only our military and those that request mail in ballots should receive them. I would propose one day voting making it a holiday with time off. To improve confidence in our voting process I would promote transparency in all stages. I would implement regular audits to verify results.


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Candidate Information

House District:  21

Campaign Website URL:  www.Garlington4Colorado.com

Email Address:  Garlington4Colorado@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Businessman

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  3 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I have a BS Degree in Political Science with a Minor in American History and English from Florida State University. Businessman Entrepreneur. I am a political author, political singer songwriter, former political analyst and former Political Congressional Candidate 2020. I have been a Colorado precinct chairman and Colorado Delegate representing House District 21 for the last three years. A member of the El Paso GOP and Republican Strategy Forum.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

I believe all elected government officials without violating imposed clearance violations, should be transparent to the people who they represent and to the public they don’t represent. I believe if any government official elected or not elected is found guilty of ethical violations they should be removed from office and dealt with under the governance of law. Government officials should have higher standards of accountability than those they represent.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

Regardless of being elected or not, as a citizen of the United States I will always defend the rights of the 1st Amendment. Regardless of if I am in a private conversation or speaking to the town square. When elites through the media, or through governmental oversight try to cancel anyone from their 1st Amendment rights, I will lead the charge to dismantle that threat.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

I believe in the 2nd Amendment period. I will go further and say I am against any universal background checks when it comes to personal firearms or defensible objects in protecting oneself and their family. There is no such thing as an assault weapon, as most anything can be considered an assault weapon if used against another person. The laws on the books have gone too far; by supplying too much power and control to the government to insert their overreach and power to enslave American citizens. If I were elected, I would try to reverse the gun laws to being a simple background check when it comes to purchasing a firearm.


Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

All peoples in the United States under the 1st Amendment are protected to peaceful assembly to protest or voice their anti- Americanism and anti-Semitism. I don’t like it personally, but as a constitutional enforcer I believe it is their right. What is missing is the solution of how to decrease these sharp expressions of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. I think we know the cause, which is a current federal government run by radical leftists through the media ginning up conflict to move an ideology or mission when it comes to dividing America. The solution is to intervene in unlawful and violent assembly, and to discuss the issues with leaders on the other side during peaceful assembly.


The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

I would eliminate the state income tax. I would eliminate property taxes for homeowners who have paid off their mortgages. I would enforce a homestead exemption of at least 25,000 per year of any homeowner that does pay property taxes and has no age or homestead regulations attached. These legislative ideas would be incentives for people to consider moving to Colorado. After removing the state income tax, Colorado would not need tabor because the money saved would stay in the pockets of the citizen. I would oversee the budget and remove wasteful spending and wasteful programs and redirect monies to causes like elderly, vets, police and fire, school, infrastructure such as energy and water resources.



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

I am for parental rights. I do not condone improper book material involving homosexuality, bestiality, transgender, DEI, CRT, or wokism in our public schools. I am a firm believer that the Federal Department of the NEA should be abolished, and that each US State has their own educational system based upon the state legislatures regarding the basics, such as reading, writing, arithmetic, civics, and science. I believe a parent should have total control of their minor child not the educator and have the choice for their child to enter either a private, charter, homeschool, or public school system.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I am a prolife advocate period. I do not believe in abortion of any kind unless the life of the mother, and this is very rare. Now that the States have this issue to consider, I as a legislator would fight to codify this issue into Colorado law, where abortion would be illegal unless the life of the mother. I would impose tougher laws to be imposed onto those convicted of trafficking unlawful drugs, human trafficking, violence against vets, elderly, police and fire officials, and children. Sever enough that the death penalty would be considered in passing Colorado legislation when these acts occur. Mental illness may not be a systematic, but a choice via the drug abuse of recreational marijuana.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime across this country is out of control. Liberal governmental officials are allowing crime to increase. They bend over backwards for the criminal and depose the common American citizen as the criminal. Hopefully, the people of Colorado will elect conservative republicans to curb crime. I will fight for better funding for police. Remove sanctuary cites in Colorado (16) of them. Deport illegal aliens. Impose laws to remove homeless. Increase laws of shoplifting. Draw a redline where those who break the law against the Colorado citizens are severely punished. Deterrence begins when one stands against WRONG!



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Yes. Deport all illegal aliens from Colorado and send them back. If they commit crimes as an illegal alien depending on the crime punishment should be 3 times the offense than that of an American citizen. Might sound tough or not fair, but they broke the law by entering into America illegally and then to commit the crime, they should pay the sentence 3-fold. Remove all (16) sanctuary cities in Colorado.


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Yes. If elected I would submit legislation to require ID photo, and signature verification. Also, in person voting. Two weeks of early voting and this would be in person voting. The two weeks of voting could be at any precinct in Colorado. Day of voting the voter would need to vote at their designated precinct. Absentee voting requires a 3-week request for a ballot to be mailed in along with the signature and a copy of their picture ID. Military process would be conducted through military process. No mail out ballots, and the voter records of someone who has not voted in the last two elections are removed from the voter roll and would need to re-register. Voting is a privilege not a right.



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Candidate Information

House District:  21

Campaign Website URL:  www.MaryBradfield.com

Email Address:  Mary.Bradfield.House@coleg.gov

Occupation/Vocation:  Education

Military Background:  Military Spouse

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  40 years



Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I am a retired middle school teacher, member of the House Education Committee, and have sponsored bills that benefit the school districts in Colorado. As a military spouse, I understand the issues that active duty and retired military face. My district has a large population of military personnel, so my focus is always on what would benefit them. As a member of the Health and Human Services Committee, I have been able to assist in senior citizen issues, mental and behavior health, and anyone with a disability.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

As a state representative I believe that ethical behavior is paramount. Each representative must be accountable to all others for their actions/activities/statements and behavior to others. The Colorado Sunshine Law is to bring transparency to any meeting of two or more people. This law is one that makes every one aware that all that is said, done, or planned must be open for all to observe and examine. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is being chipped away at by the opposing party. It must be preserved as it is also an accountability factor. When the citizens of Colorado pay their taxes and the state has a surplus, this surplus should be returned to the citizens.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

In the last session and in the House Chamber, the first amendment right of freedom of speech were withheld on multiple occasions. That behavior is not right and our party were very vocal about our rights being violated. The other freedoms in the First Amendment may not have been suppressed in the session, they are very important. We must let anyone take these rights away from us.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

For all the four years I have been a representative, I have spoken multiple times and have brought forth many amendments to counter the anti Second Amendment bills the opposing party has sponsored. I do not believe that a single one of these bills will ever make a community safer or keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. Law-abiding citizens going to “sensitive spaces” will not be safer because the criminal who sees no need to obey the law will bring their firearms.


Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

I am personally quite disappointed in this rise of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. While I can’t really know the cause of this behavior, I can suggest my thoughts and views. I do see a decrease in the pride of our country and an increase in tolerance of nay- sayers about the USA. To change this behavior, I think the families have to get involved. Pride of your family, community, and country begin at home. I do not believe that schools are doing a good enough job teaching about the greatness of the USA and why we are great. Back to the Basics is my advice. Focus on what is important, and What our Country is Important.

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

I believe that the state government is becoming too large. I see bills that are just for a select area of the state but all the state will be affected. I see bills that assess a fee on a function of government that should have been paid for by the taxes we send to Denver. I see a concerted effort to kill the oil, gas, and coal industry because those industries create too much pollution according to some. I see too many regulations and restrictions being placed on businesses that end creating more problems than solutions and sending these businesses to other states.

I feel it is important to be a good steward of the environment.



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

As a retired teacher, curriculum developer, and staff development manager, I feel very strongly that education is slipping backwards. The pandemic did not help, but education was already on a downhill slide. I believe that education must focus on basics, focus on high standards of achievement, and have universal expectations of student success. I have spoken frequently against bills that take away parental rights. I believe that school choice is a way for more students to achieve their potential. Parents know their children best, and the school has no right to go behind a parent’s back to promote an idea or policy. But i can not let the parents off the hook – they are responsible for their children.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I believe that vulnerable of our communities must be protected. Fortunately, I have been able to pass legislation to help this special population. Among the bills I am proud to have sponsored I have focused on senior citizens, mental illness, and students with disabilities. I plan to continue my work with this population.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Crime is on the rise and will be that way until we can change some of the recently enacted laws. Some of the laws that need to be reversed: the crime is rated at a lower level of felony, jail time is significantly reduced for any crime, no or very little consequence for not showing up to court, defunding the police, putting so many restrictions on law enforcement to do its job, and any of the recently passed firearms bills.

I would champion any of the reversals I listed above.



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

I am against illegal immigration. Letting in millions of people with no vetting process is a problem we will deal with for a long time. I am not in favor of sanctuary cities or counties.

I am in favor of closing the borders. I believe the HUGE task of identifying every immigrant must begin. I am not in favor of sanctuary cities taking money from services that residents have a right to expect to give to illegal immigrants.


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

For the most part I believe the election process in Colorado is good. I believe if you vote in person, a driver’s license or other photo ID is necessary. I don’t think we need 15 and 16 year old people registering to vote before they can legally vote is necessary. Since we have a mail-in ballot type election, we need to stress that the signature on the ballot envelope is critically important for voter verification.

I believe that voter rolls need to be cleaned up – remove people who have moved out of district, remove people who have deceased, and assist people who have moved but not changed their address.


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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.