2024 Primary Election




SD10 Republican Primary Candidates

Listed in Ballot Order



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Candidate Information

Senate District:

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented: 

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?


What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?


Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?


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Candidate Information

Senate District:  10

Campaign Website URL:  www.ElectRexTonkins.com

Email Address:  Rex33Tonkins@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:  Executive Director

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  24 years



Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

I believe elected officials work for the “We the People” therefore, should be held accountable for their voting record and meetings should be open to the public. I believe Republican leaders have a responsibility to live by and vote according to the constitution and the Republican platform. The Taxpayer Bill of rights should be protected from government overreach. Because of Tabor legislators are required to keep a budget in the State Colorado and any surplus goes back to the citizens of Colorado Taxpayers.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

I will protect our 1st Amendment rights because this right was given to us by God.

2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

There is a gradual slide to remove our right to protect ourselves. I will oppose any legislation to remove gun rights. I believe requiring insurance of gun owners is an overreach of the government. Age requirement is not necessary, simply good, and proper training is necessary. Some of our early leaders went into battle at the youthful age of 12 years old. Gun free zones are targets for cowards who prey upon the innocent. Therefore, we must have proper protection and security that empowers those who are trained to use weapons to protect the innocent.


Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

There has been unhealthy indoctrination happening in our education system that is wrong on all levels. We must get back to teaching the rich history of our nation’s foundation. Our history helps us learn from our past so that we do not repeat the things that hurt and harm people. God values every soul therefore, we must value every soul no matter their color, creed, or culture. To solve many of our issues is to teach our young people the truth about our foundational history as a country and learn to look through a lens of compassion and understanding. When we study our history we gain better understanding of our purpose to serve and honor God with our lives.


The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

I believe we must stop the overreach of our government legislation that places heavy burdens on small businesses. We also must protect our precious water resources from government overreach and contamination by allowing private entities to manage our natural resources. We must slow down the expansion of exponential development so that we build healthy communities that can accommodate the need. We also must utilize our natural resources of oil, gas, and coal.



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

I believe parents have the right to decide on the direction of their children’s education. I will fight for rights of parents to protect their children from overreach of government regulations and requirements. I will work on legislation that focuses on reading, writing, and math. So that our young people have avenues to excel.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I will fight for the sanctity of life and expose the evil of human trafficking, making sure we give proper care to our senior citizens and proper education of the seriousness of mental illness.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

I will work on legislation that reverse Sanctuary cities in Colorado, and I am against being soft on crime.



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

I will not allocate funds to illegal aliens, and we must close the border first and foremost and reverse sanctuary cities in Colorado.


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

Voting integrity requires hand counting ballots, voting and completing votes on the same day and yes people must be required show identification before they can vote.


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Candidate Information

Senate District:  10

Campaign Website URL:  David4ColoradoSenate.com

Email Address:  info@David4ColoradoSenate.com

Occupation/Vocation: President/CEO Team Strategy Inc.

Military Background (if any):  Disabled Veteran

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  56 years

Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

Military Veteran. Small Business Owner. Proven Record of Service. Crime Victim Advocate. BA- Political Science (Honors Graduate UCCS). Graduate of the Engalitcheff Institute (Georgetown University). The Fund for American Studies (TFAS – Alum), Leadership Institute (Graduate). Former Judicial Employee. Crime Victim Restitution Collection Program – Project Director. Adjunct Professor (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Statistics). REDUCE the SIZE and SCOPE of GOVERNMENT. MA – University of Phoenix. Continue to FIGHT for what is TRUE, JUST, and RIGHT and the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

TABOR: Endorsed by Douglas Bruce (Author of TABOR). Signed and Distributed an INTEGRITY PLEDGE. Once held a White House Security Clearance.  I work extensively with Colorado’s Administrative Bureaus, Agencies, and Departments (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative). Strong Advocate for use of Colorado’s SUNSET Review and Audit Provisions. Title 24 Advocate. Comprehensive background investigation conducted by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). ZERO Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, Civil Judgments, and/or Criminal Allegations and/or Judgments.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

As a PROCESS PERSON, my major concern has always been the absolute denial of a person’s CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS. Whether it was FORCED LOCKDOWNS, MANDATORY VACCINATIONS, CIVIL FORFEITURE, or PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS. Thus, I have often fallen on different sides of an argument. Freedom of Speech, Religion, and Association are the mainstay that sets this nation apart from any other culture in the world. Infringement of the INALIENABLE RIGHTS, regardless of the rationale or excuse, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Freedom of Speech, for example, and Voter Integrity go hand in hand. The Denial of a Person’s Vote in a Representative Form of Government is a violation of a PERSON’S VOICE.


2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

NO EXCEPTIONS. If our Founding Fathers had intended for there to be EXCEPTIONS to the Second Amendment, it seems ONLY LOGICAL that they would have written them in at the time of this country’s founding. Unlawful fines and seizures of property, without Judicial Due Process, by any state agency, is a violation of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, and 14th Amendments. (Timbs v. Indiana 17-1091 9- 0 Unanimous Decision). Testified against several GUN BILLS in 2024. To include HB24-1292 (AWB). Former member of the National Rifle Association. Current member of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO). When James Madison constructed the 2nd Amendment, our Founding Fathers and Patriots used the same firearms as the British Military.


Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

America is at the precipice of a CULTURAL ABYSS. Secular Humanism (a religion) has been allowed to grow and fester. Instead of Character Development, gender reassignment and secular humanism indoctrination pervades our media and cultural norms and mores. Hate is Hate. No matter the form, fashion, purpose or direction. Unfortunately, instead of discipline and critical thinking, the parental response (for many) has been one of tolerance, accommodation, indifference, and acquiescence. This has led to the DYSTOPIAN ENVIRONMENT that permeates the American Culture. An environment where what was WRONG, is RIGHT, and what was once RIGHT, is WRONG. Antisemitism is as much a HATE CRIME as any other hate crime in America today. EQUAL JUSTICE under the Law.


The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

As Senator, my very first piece of legislation will be a REFERRENDUM calling for repeal and amendment of Title 24 (The Administrative Procedures Act). Under Title 24, various bureaus, agencies, and departments may use taxpayer dollars to contract with NGO’s (Non-Governmental Agencies) and Nonprofits. To include for the purpose of providing services to illegal immigrants in violation of Title 18. ALL FUNDING SHOULD CEASE. In addition, every bill submitted should carry two components: 1) FISCAL IMPACT – Cost to Government, and 2) ECONOMIC IMPACT – Cost to Individuals and businesses. If elected, I would like to serve on the following committees: Appropriations, Budgeting (Joint Budget), Finance, and Judiciary.


If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

The Colorado Board of Education and Teachers Unions are exerting TOO MUCH POWER, AUTHORITY, and INFLUENCE over the local school boards and parents. PARENTS are the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY for our children. CRT (Critical Race Theory) is a violation of the 1866, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1968, and 2021 Civil Rights Acts. Academic Achievement has given way to Social Indoctrination. As Senator, I will seek to change our present funding such that parents who elect to Homeschool, utilize Private Charter Schools, or send their children to Parochial Schools receive the same per-pupil funding as government schools in the form of reimbursements or tax credits to offset their education costs.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

Crime Victim Advocate of the Year (Nominee – 2 years) (Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance – COVA), Colorado Judicial Employee of the Year (Nominee) (2 – years). Drafted three sections of Colorado’s Crime Victim Bill of Rights. Aided with the passage of same by the Colorado Voters. The Constitution of the United States is a LIFE AFFIRMING DOCUMENT. Under the 14th Amendment “ALL” human beings have a fundamental right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY. Our Founding Fathers affirmed this RIGHT to LIFE in the Declaration of Independence granting to every human being the RIGHT to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. Opposed to public funding of any abortion services. (Conception to Natural Death).



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

Former Custodian of Record for the Crime Victim Compensation Fund (Fourth Judicial, and Federal Funds). Former Custodian of Record for the Victim Assistance and Aid to Law Enforcement Fund (Fourth Judicial District). Former Project Director for the Crime Victim Restitution Collection Program. The Fourth Judicial District led ALL JUDICIAL DISTRICTS in collections and disbursements for seven of eight years. “RESTITUTION COLLECTOR IS CHAMPION FOR VICTIMS” – Colorado Springs Gazette. Streamlined entire accounting, collection, and disbursement process. If elected, I may be one of the only, if not the only, former judicial employee elected to the Colorado Legislature. It has been said of me…”If he is ever elected to public office? It will be a DARK DAY for the JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT.”



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

I support OUTLAWING ALL SANCTUARY CITIES and funding thereof. Is illegal immigration solely a federal issue? NO. See Item #9 about state funding of NGO’s and Non-Profits. Illegal Immigrants are violating the territorial sovereignty of the United States. If I trespass on a neighbor’s private property, regardless of my intent, I have trespassed and can be prosecuted for the same. The main goal of the DEMOCRAT MAJORITY in Washington D.C. and Denver is to aid in the immersion of these individuals into the interior. Thus, adding to the DREAMER POPULATION and eventually seeking AMNESTY and VOTING RIGHTS for said criminals.


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

The courts in Colorado have held that electronic communications are UNACCEPTABLE as EVIDENTIARY MATERIALS unless accompanied by EYEWITNESS Testimony. Further, the Colorado Courts have held that First Class Mail is NOT A GUARANTEE OF DELIVERY. If we cannot guarantee how, when, and to whom a ballot was received, why is there a MAIL-IN BALLOTING SYSTEM? Canada ceased using a MAIL-IN BALLOTING SYSTEM in 1960.

Numerous European Nations have abandoned the Mail -In Ballot Process entirely. In 2022, there were 23,000 registered Democrats, 29,000 Registered republicans, and 42,000 registered Unaffiliated voters. Of those, there were 20,151 ballots that were mailed out ($8.00 each) that were NEVER RETURNED. Were they received, or were voter merely disinterested? NO ONE KNOWS.



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Candidate Information

Senate District:  10

Campaign Website URL:  www.FriendsOfLarryListon.com

Email Address:  Larry.Liston.Senate@coleg.gov

Occupation/Vocation:  Retired Investment Professional

Years Resident of El Paso County/District Represented:  57 years


Your Experience, Priorities, and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other), priorities, and vision do you have for the elected office that you seek that will benefit your constituency?

I bring 31 years of business experience in business and finance here in Colorado. I have been in the State House for 12 years and the Senate for 4 years. I have a wealth of experience in the CO. Legislature as the ranking member of the business committee and sit on the appropriations committee as well as the Veterans Committee.


Ethics and Accountability

What are your beliefs on ethics, accountability, and transparency in government as they relate to the position that you are seeking? Also, what is your position on accountability measures voted into law by Colorado’s electorate, such as the Colorado Sunshine Law and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)?

I am a strong supporter of TABOR and have voted consistently to uphold its principles. People in my Senate district know me well as I have been very accessible and open to their views and opinions. We may not agree on everything, but people KNOW me, they TRUST me and consistently have voted for me SEVEN times over the years.


1st Amendment

If elected, what will you do to protect your constituents’ rights to freedom of religion, speech, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

Being an elected official in the legislature, I have always encouraged my constituents to call me anytime on my personal phone or email me as well. I have an open door policy an have always advocated for my constituents.


2nd Amendment

What is your position on gun legislation regarding topics such as mandatory gun insurance, an increased minimum age to purchase a gun, so-called “assault weapons” bans, and creating various new “sensitive spaces” (additional “gun-free zones”)?

As a LIFE member of the NRA and an active member of the PPFC here in Colorado Springs, I am very proud of my strong support for our 2nd amendment rights. Since 2006, I have always bee endorsed by the NRA and this year, I was endorsed again with an A+ rating by the NRA. My support for our rights is unmatched by anyone.!!!!!!


Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism

Over the past year there has been a sharp rise in the expression of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism both across our nation and in Colorado, especially among youth. What do you view as the cause(s) of these sociopolitical issues, and what if anything should be done to address them?

There is no doubt that younger people have lost confidence in our country and some actually greatly dislike America, which deeply saddens me. I think much of this can be attributed to our public school system and the lack of education about our country and the principles that we were founded on: Life, Liberty and personal responsibility. I strongly support home schooling, Charter schools and school choice.


The Economy and Resources

As an elected official, what initiatives would you champion to improve the local economy, and what are your priorities for addressing policies on water, energy, and other resources?

1: support TABOR 2: work to keep taxes low 3: revamp our property tax system 4: as to water, increase our reservoir capacity 5: continue my longstanding support for the O&G industry 6: I am actively working to introduce nuclear energy to Colorado



If elected, what would you do to help improve the educational outcomes for students in our area? What is your position on parental authority in K-12 education, including school choice, parental notifications, etc.?

I strongly support parental involvement in our educational system. Parental notification is essential and I have always voted for it in my tenure. As I mentioned earlier, I am a strong advocate for school choice, home schooling and Charter schools.


Protecting the Vulnerable

If elected, how will you seek to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, including the unborn, victims of trafficking and abuse, senior citizens, and those experiencing mental illness?

I am a pro-Life legislator and my record proves it. I also have a proven voting record of dealing harshly with human trafficking . As a senior myself, I have voted to improve and modernize the Senior/Veterans Homestead exemption program. In fact, I lead the effort in 2022 and 2023.



What are your thoughts about crime in Colorado and our community? If elected, how will you work to reduce the impact of crime on your constituents?

I am a tough on crime legislator!!! I believe in giving certain offenders a second chance, but hardened and habitual criminals should be dealt with severely. My record on crime speaks for itself as I have bee endorsed in 2016, 18, 2020 and again this year by the Fraternal Order of Police for my support of the men and women in Blue!!!!



Do you believe that illegal entries into the U.S. have led to problems for our region? If so, what would you do if elected to improve the situation? Also, what is your view of sanctuary cities/counties?

Yes, I do believe that some of our crime is due to our lax border policy. I strongly believe that we need to protect our borders and build a wall along our southern border. I strongly oppose “catch and release “ policies and illegal entry into our country is wrong! It is illegal and NO other country in the world would tolerate what we allow in this country. I do not and have never favored so called sanctuary cities, just look at what it has done to Denver!!!


Election Security and Confidence

Do you believe that elections in Colorado should be conducted differently? (For example, should people be required to show proof of citizenship and residency for registering to vote in Colorado, and should Government-issued identification be required to vote?) If elected, what specifically will you do to help improve Coloradans’ confidence in our elections?

`Yes, we should go back to voting on Election Day with certain provisions for some early voting, such health reasons or being out of town. I do not like mail in ballots; I want voting to be a matter of conviction, not a matter of convenience. I also support voter Identification; you can’t do much of anything these days without legitimate ID. You shouldn’t be able to vote without an ID.



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Stay informed on the election and other news.

Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.