2023 Pikes Peak Region

Woodland Park RE2

School Board Candidates

Candidates presented in Alphabetical Order

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click each box to read answer

Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL: 

Email Address: 


Military Background (if any):

Resident of Colorado Springs: 

Political Leanings

As a candidate in a nonpartisan School Board election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party.  How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.KeeganBarkley4WPSD.com

Email Address:       KeeganBarkley4WPSD@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Talent Acquisition Specialist

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       10.5 years and 9.5 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

I believe I am a moderate leaning right in some instances and more left on others. Fiscally I am conservative, I do not believe in spending more than you have, but I will help those in need as much as I can. I believe in a more hands off government, but that the government has the obligation to put the needs of the people ahead of the desires of large corporations. I believe that people have the right to their religious beliefs, and should live by the guidance it provides, but that one person’s beliefs should not be used to dictate how everyone lives.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

What I see in Woodland Park is a desperate need for strong Human Resource guidance. I will bring my background in HR to help the district recruit and retain qualified teachers and staff. I will look for creative ways to bring value to our benefits packages on a tight budget. I will help craft policy that meets the needs of our community and deliver it in a way that gets buy in from stakeholders. I will work with parents to understand where they feel the district is falling short and then work with teachers and staff to find solutions to these issues.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

The biggest strength in our school district is community involvement. Most of our teachers live here and their children attend these schools. Many parents volunteer and attend school functions.

Our biggest weakness is a disconnect of leadership and the community. Concerns go unaddressed, teachers feel unheard and underappreciated, and so are leaving. Our classes do not have the resources required to provide a successful learning environment.

Woodland Park School District needs a school board that will stay out of the headlines and focus on bringing in more programs and resources to the traditional public school to allow our students to shine.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

As a BOE Director, it would be my responsibility to ensure that all curricula prepare our students to succeed after graduation. I believe that curriculum should be adopted using evidence-based decisions and analyzed annually to ensure it is meeting this requirement. At this time, I have no reason to want to remove any materials from our libraries.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

As a BOE Director I would want to nave a needs assessment completed prior to discussion of the annual budget. Using the information gathered, I would vote to put financial resources in places that have the greatest return on investment for the largest number of students. The success of our students will be at the heart of all my decision making.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

Freedom of speech is our most precious liberty. I would remove the current policy that prohibits our teachers from exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

Parents are a child’s first teacher. It is vitally important the success of every student that their parents be involved in their education. Parents should attend school board meetings, work with the teachers to address any concerns and help create a safe and secure environment for their student to thrive.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

I believe it is vital to the success of our children and to our community that students have a base knowledge on the human body and the consequences of poor decision making. Health class covers topics such as puberty, the consequences of sexual activity, and the consequences of drug use.

Some parents wish to cover these topics at home, and they should have the right to opt their child out. Parents must have the freedom to choose the method and language they use to cover the topics. Studies have consistently shown that communities that do not have robust health classes have higher rates of teen pregnancy and drug use. These classes are essential to helping our students avoid risky behaviors.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

Colorado state anti-discrimination laws and tilt IX have already made many of these decisions for school districts. As a BOE Director, I feel it would be irresponsible to open the district up to possible litigation over gender issues. Teachers should feel comfortable reaching out to leadership for assistance in these sensitive situations. I would encourage anyone disapproving of these laws to pursue this in the appropriate state venue.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

School should be a safe and positive environment for all students. To me this is a two-part answer. First, we must create an environment in our schools that does not breed hate and violence. Providing our students with ample opportunity to receive the help they need before they turn violent. Second, we need to protect our children from outside threats. I would partner with local lay enforcement agencies to secure our buildings.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?

All discussions around decision making must happen in a public setting. It is vital to the trust and success of our community that everyone understand how and why decisions are being made. Any community member with comments or concerns should have the ability to voice them and know that they were heard. 


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.MickBates.com

Email Address:       Mick@MickBates.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Retired

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       26 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

I am a Conservative both Socially and fiscally. I have always been a conservative, I learned this from my Father and have instilled these same values in my family.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

I operated my own business in Teller County for 29 years. I have a solid background in management, budgeting and finance.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

We offer school choice which allows for different families needs and preferences. Provide a premier education, focusing on academic excellence for all students


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

We have Created an age appropriate section in the library, where students are required to have parental permission to view and check out books which contain adult content.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

I want to continue to attract and retain the best and brightest teachers, to accomplish this, we must ensure that teachers pay and benefits remain competitive. I want to focus our spending on our students and their academic achievement. I want to appropriately fund the various extra curricular activities that are school associated, whether it be athletics, band, theatre, etc. Children that are engaged in these kinds of activities show better balance when graduating from High School.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

By following our state and nations constitutions! Our constitution is very inclusive and well written. All students will be treated EQUALLY and be provided a first class education!

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

Parents are first and foremost responsible for the education of their children. We need to reinfranchise parents, work collaboratively with these parents and our teachers to provide a premier education for our kids, it takes both!

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

I think children are being introduced to sexual issues far to early. When age appropriate, sex education should be provided and include an opt-out policy.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

There are biologically only two genders, Male & Female!  I don’t think this issue should come up or be discussed in school. We need to focus on academics, these issues are a distraction to our boys and girls education.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

Appropriately staffed armed security in our schools. There has not been an firearm related incident in any school with armed security going clear back to Columbine, 20+ years ago!

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?

The public has every right to attend and present their views at school board meeting. School board meetings are also live streamed for all to witness


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.SB4WPSD.com

Email Address:       Seth@sd4wpsd.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Cybersecurity Engineer

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       2.5 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

Traditional conservative. I believe in limited government and that free men and women best govern themselves. I am a vocal and active supporter of the 1st and 2nd Amendment.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

I have worked in an education environment for a number of years as a facilities engineer and technical coordinator for Catholic schools in Omaha, Nebraska. I understand many of the needs of schools and their staff. Professionally I have led large teams, projects, and budgets. I understand holistic planning, and root cause analysis. I also have experience serving on the boards of nonprofit organizations and financial trusts. I have personal experience with the challenges facing the school district, being a parent, member of a school accountability committee, and chairman of the district accountability committee. My vision is to create a school district focused on academic excellence, and where decisions are made with supporting evidence, and reflects our shared community values.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

Our district has an amazing community that supports our teachers and schools. Last year we had record testing achievement on the SAT and that is due in large part to the dedication of teachers and students programs that have been in the works for half a decade. By changing the boards focus from political agenda, back to student success, and addressing the reasons, families were leaving our district we can restore the reputation of our district. In addition to reputation, increasing the academic and trade opportunity for a students will make the district more attractive choice for families.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

I do not have a specific agenda around curriculum. My sole question around curriculum development in our schools is this, is there evidence, supporting this curriculum, providing better academic outcomes for our students and does it reflect the values of Woodland Park School District?

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

We have to make sure that we have the funds available to continue the level of services offered to our students. This means that evaluating how facilities are being used across-the-board, the increased legal fees that have happened over the last two years, and the full-time paychecks for half time employees. I would look to prioritize spending on programs that are going to increase academic outcomes.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

I would swear to uphold the Constitution of the State of Colorado and the United States of America. I would immediately remove the gag order that is currently in place for teachers. I would protect the religious rights of students.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

The parent is the ultimate authority in their child’s education. Concerning information should trigger conversations between the school officials and parents, not the opposite.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

I support traditional sex education in a program that reflects Woodland Park School District. Parents should be fully informed on program content and given ample opportunity to have a say in their students participation.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

Respect in the classroom is very important. Questions about or changes in the students identity should trigger a conversation with the student’s parent. The parent is the best person to guide the development of their child.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

I would restore the partnership with the Woodland Park Police Department. I would harden the entrance at Merit Academy. I would implement security suggestions from law-enforcement.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?

The public’s right to freely express grievances with their elected officials is a fine American tradition, and I would work to uphold it.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.HelpDaveSaveSchools.com

Email Address:       IllingworthWPSD@proton.me

Occupation/Vocation:       Prosecutors

Military Background:       Honorably Discharged U.S. Air Force

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       5 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

I’m a conservative because I believe parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

As a father, a former military officer, and as a prosecutor, I see my public service as a guardian for our kids, our families, and our community. If we keep parents closely involved in our schools, it benefits the schools and the children.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

In Woodland Park, we improving the school choices and services available to our families. By improving opportunity, we can attract more families to our schools. Parents choose whether to send their children to our schools, so parents are our ultimate customer. We must never lose sight of that.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

We need to teach children truth, not lies, and right, not wrong. If the children who mature into young adults are taught to follow those paths, and how to avoid the pitfalls, then they will be ready to be free and independent adults in the best country in the world. Curriculum must support the goal of educating independent adults and free-thinking citizens. If the educational material is harmful or undermines that goal, then it is harmful to our job of educating, and it must be discarded.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

I believe that our budget must reflect the important of quality education, so we must spend it in the classroom on the best curriculum materials, quality teacher pay, and security for the safety of students, staff, and visitors. I have passed budgets that spend more on curriculum, security, and teacher pay, while at the same time reducing administrative overhead.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

I believe the First Amendment guarantees each person’s right to follow his or her individual destiny, and the Second Amendment guarantees your ability to pursue that right. The first thing I did after getting elected in 2021 was act to permanently eliminate the mask mandate, and there will never be anything like that on my watch.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

Parents have a fundamental and constitutional right to raise their own children, and, like the Second Amendment until recently, I think that right has been somewhat ignored or dismissed by the legal system. I believe now is the time to develop and protect that right. Therefore, no school has the right to information about a child independent of the parent. Schools only have rights to children because they stand temporarily in the place of the parent. The parent is always the ultimate authority, and they must have full access to all information about their own child.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

I don’t support “comprehensive sex education” in schools. There are relatively narrow areas of biology that are appropriate in grades typically associated with high school, but anything more than that is outside the scope of what schools should be focused on teaching. I strongly support parental notification and involvement in every aspect of the educational approach, and that includes a meaningful ability to opt-out of certain classes, teachings, or curriculums.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

“Preferred pronouns” is an ultra-modern notion that is contrary to both truth and science. As such, it functions much like a secular religion, and therefore I believe it runs afoul of constitutional prohibitions on establishing religion in public education. Further, to compel speech among students or staff violates their First Amendment right to free speech and religious exercise.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

I strongly support the presence of trained law enforcement officers in schools. We must also train our staff and students to have an awareness of danger, and what to do should a deadly threat come to our schools. Killers using deadly weapons can unfortunately only be stopped by good people using deadly weapons in defense of innocent lives. No school should believe they alone are immune from this type of threat, and they must act accordingly.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.CassieKimbrell.com

Email Address:       ElectCassieKimbrell@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Homemaker

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       6 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

I have already been fiscally and socially conservative and am a registered Republican, but am open to listening to all political leanings and diversity. As a representative for the Board of Education, my main focus is on the academic success of our students.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

As a dedicated parent in our community, I understand the importance of a quality education and its impact on our children. We should provide unique paths for students to achieve their maximum potential in academia, trades, science, arts, and technology. Parents should have the right to choose the best path for their child.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

Our school district is focus on academic achievement, parental involvement, and teachers wages and benefits. I am committed on focusing on the academic goals for the district that will continue to attach new families and teachers to our community.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

We must always increase the transparency of our curricula and have introduced a new policy so parents can decide whether or not they want their children checking out “controversial subjects or topics”.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

We must priority the students, their academic success, as well as the trades and STEAM programs we offer. I am focused on continuing improving teacher’s wages and benefits to attract the best talent to our district. I want to continue to reduce overhead and put more money into the teachers and students classrooms. I am proud of a balance budget and remaining fiscally conservative.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

I support the American Constitution and the freedoms. I want to hear from all the constituents in the district.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

The parents should always be involved in a child’s educational journey from the time they start school until graduation. No information should ever be held from the parents. It is proven that when parents are active in their child’s education, the child is more successful in their school path.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

I find it important to learn about their health education (anatomy, physiology, etc), but the content must be age appropriate and must be handled carefully. Most of these conversations should be handled with the parents of the students. Curriculum transparency keeps parents informed on what their student(s) are learning.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

This is a parental issue, not a school district issue.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

As a current sitting director of the Board of Education, we have authorized and approved in the budget 1+ million dollars for school safety. This will help improve our security measures and ensure the updates we must take for the safety of our district. It is a top priority for all of our students, educators, and staff. Our school culture, district politics, and academic curriculum must also reflect this.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?

We host public meetings as the BOE Directors with public discussion and the community is always open to call or email me.


Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.ElectMikeKnottWPSD.com

Email Address:       ElectMikeKnott@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Executive Director

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       22 years

Candidate Information

Campaign Website URL:       www.ElectMikeKnottWPSD.com

Email Address:       ElectMikeKnott@gmail.com

Occupation/Vocation:       Executive Director

Resident of Pikes Peak Region & District:       22 years

Political Leanings

As a candidate in the Colorado Springs nonpartisan municipal election, you are not officially associated with any specific political party. How would you describe your political leanings (socially, fiscally, etc.) and why do you define yourself in this way?

I consider myself a moderate because a good idea is a good idea no matter which side of the political aisle it comes from. I tend towards fiscal conservatism and social libertarianism.

Your Experience and Vision

What experience (personal, professional, other) would you bring to your role as School Board Member that will benefit your district?  What is your vision to help ensure the highest quality education for your district’s students?

I have had children in our district for nearly two decades and have never seen decline on the level of the last two years. I’m a parent, coach, former business owner and current executive. My vision is to attract and retain top quality teachers, open communication up with parents and the community and turn the focus back to what is best for all children in the district rather than follow a pre-ordained political ideology.

Improving Schools

What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of your district’s schools?  How can your district make public school a more attractive choice for local families?

We need to focus on our teachers and students, stop making poor fiscal decisions and empower our incredible Principles to develop programs that will bring families back to our traditional public schools. We cannot move forward with the chaos, division and constant attacks we have experienced over the last two years.


What types of curricula, including library books and materials, do you believe should be added or removed from your district’s schools?  Why?

Curricula should be chosen by how well they train our students to critically think and synthesize ideas, and not focus on rote memorization, which is what the American Birthright Standards do. Library books and materials should be age appropriate and if a parent wants to opt their child out of access to certain materials that is their right.

Financial Stewardship

Depending on the size of their district, School Board Members decide how to spend $10s of millions of dollars, or even $100s of millions, in taxpayer money each year.  How would you seek to prioritize the funds being stewarded by your district’s School Board?

I will work to develop a strategic plan so that our stakeholders know where our focus lies. Some of the areas I would focus on are teacher salary, curriculum, new program development and facilities renovations and upgrades.

Securing Constitutional Liberties

In recent years, established freedoms, including that of speech, peaceable assembly, exercise of religion, and medical autonomy, have been impacted by various mandates adopted by schools across America.  As an elected representative of the citizens of your district, how would you seek to secure the Constitutional liberties of your schools’ students and staff?

Our Constitutional liberties already exist. We need to keep them at the top of our decision making process and make sure they are applied equally and fairly to every child, teacher and parent in our district.

Parental Role

What do you consider to be a parent’s role in a child’s education?  Do you believe that any information about a student should ever be withheld from a parent?

A parent’s role is primary in a child’s education and study after study show that children succeed best when parents are engaged in their child’s development.

Sex Ed

Why do you support or oppose comprehensive sexuality education, including LGBT health and relationship information, in public schools K to 12?  What are your positions regarding age appropriateness, curriculum transparency, and opt-out policies?

Our district already has a well established curriculum for sexuality education that allows for any parent to opt out their child if they are uncomfortable with any aspect of that effort. It is not for every family and that is perfectly fine. As long as this piece of education remains optional I am in full support of continuing it.

Gender Issues

Explain your positions regarding teaching and discussing gender issues in the classroom, including the use of “preferred pronouns”?

The reality is this issue will come up in classrooms whether educators want it to or not. Before this happens teachers should be informed as to district policy and have a clear understanding of how it should be handled age appropriately. Teachers should also be empowered to reach out to parents and tell them what was discussed in class so they can answer questions or concerns that may arise.

School Safety

As a School Board member, what will you do to help assure a safe and secure environment for both the students and staff of your district?

I would work with the local Chief of Police to try and revive the SRO program that was in place in our schools last year.

School Board Meetings

What do believe is the correct balance between the authority of School Boards and the rights of the public to present their views during School Board meetings?

School Board Directors are in a position of servant leadership for the entire community and as such should be open to any all public comment.


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Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.