My County: Local Voter Guide Training

Watch:  “What’s It Like to Bring Church Voter Guides to Your City/County?”

interview with Rick Toner, County Coordinator of Chattanooga/Hamilton County, Tennessee

Register Now for My County Online Training Webinar:  “The Basics” (101)

Training Description:   Chaim Goldman, founder and director of Church Voter Guides, introduces the basics of what it takes to produce a voter guide for your region.

Topics include: Brief history of Church Voter Guides and its mission and vision, the essential components of a successful voter guide organization, creating the necessary “ecosystem” in your region to produce and promote a local voter guide, crucial timelines/deadlines and checklists, necessary human and technical resources, costs/budgeting and fundraising, and how we will train and support your team.

Approx. 1 hour of instruction, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A with attendees.

Note: More advanced webinars and personal support will be provided to those who attend a 101 course and then commit to produce a Church Voter Guide for their city/county.  🙂

Want to Produce a Local Voter Guide?  Awesome, We’ll Help You!

We get asked all the time, “When is Church Voter Guides going to make a Voter Guide for MY county?”  Simple answer:  “We’re not!”  (Well, unless you live in our home town of El Paso County, Colorado.)

There are many reasons for this, including the sizable resources it would take to do it for “everyone”.  But the most important reason is that “local voter guides NEED to be produced locally.”  When national organizations try to produce local guides, it hasn’t proven very successful.


BUT, here’s the great news:  We’ll show YOU how to produce and promote a voter guide for your city/county/region, and even your state for statewide candidates, and it’s much easier than you probably think…

Now, we’re not saying that it doesn’t take a bunch of work.  It does.  But if you follow our plan that we’ve been figuring out and refining over almost two years and six different election periods, it can be done with a handful of volunteers and a relatively shoestring budget.  Yes, literally “a few people” can produce a Voter Guide and activate an entire community to educate the electorate and impact the elections across your region.  (It’s very very cool!)

In fact, once we determined how to do it ourselves, the model for our organization transitioned into TRAINING and SUPPORTING small groups of patriots around the U.S.  Our Big Holy Audacious Goal is to be working with teams in all of Colorado’s 64 counties counties by the 2024 General election.

We’re psyched that there’s even a group right now in Chattanooga/Hamilton County, Tennessee that we’ve helped with producing a voter guide for their 2022 county-wide primaries with great success, and they’ve been producing their own guides ever since!  (if you haven’t already watched the video interview at the top of this page with Hamilton County Coordinator Rick Toner, please do so now and see what it’s like to bring Church Voter Guides to your city/county)


Does all this sound interesting?  If so, here are the next steps…

Register for and attend one of the two “The Basics” webinars we’re conducting, which is our 101 course intro to Church Voter Guides.

Make a commitment to do a voter guide in your next city and/or county election, and we’ll provide you training and support to make it happen.  

Together, we win!


For such a time as this,


Chaim Goldman, Director of Church Voter Guides

Church Voters Guides, as an organization, is something each county needs.  I am so honored and thankful that God has put Chaim Goldman, Church Voter Guides’ Founder and Director, in my path.   He helped us understand the vision and how Church Voter Guides empowers the church body to make wise choices based on the candidates’ own words. Chaim empowered us to make it our own, while keeping our focus on the original vision for Church Voter Guides.  By placing our focus on County-by-County, the church body can affect the leadership of each local region.  I believe that Church Voter Guides is vital to every county’s nonpartisan election information packet.

Rick Toner
County Coordinator
Church Voter Guides – Hamilton Co., TN

We used Church Voter Guides for our May Primary and August Hamilton County elections.  Countless folks contacted me asking for my assistance with their decisions.  It was so much easier just to give them the website so they could read for themselves the responses from the candidates and make their voting decision.  For the first year of doing this, and with 84% candidate participation, I was very excited to be a part of helping with the setup.  Our folks at Tennessee Neighbors for Liberty were extremely excited to have this tool available, so much so that our neighboring county decided to do a voter guide using ours as a template, and theirs also was successful.  Thank you so much for helping us put this together.  Can’t wait to get started on our next Hamilton County Church Voter Guide!

Glenda Pappu
Tennessee Neighbors for Liberty
Chattanooga, TN

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Stay informed on the election and other news.

Christian voting

Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12:48)

Biblical worldview

By diligently learning, applying, and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas.

Vote your values

The issues of the day change. Political parties and platforms change. God’s Word never changes. The vote of every Christian should be based on the principles of Scripture and not persuasive personalities.

Electing righteous leaders

Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the church’s failure to disciple. When the citizenry do not seek to be obedient to God’s Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot the God-given liberties of the people.